
The Girl who was Cursed

After having a dark past, Maria goes to school to try and live a normal life, but not everything is as easy as it seems. After going to a school full of packs, her hatred for them increases. When she meets a girl called Riley, her perspective on everything changes. She begins to trust, but soon everything will come crashing down. Running out of time, Maria must decide whether to put everything she has worked for on the line or to fight her battle alone. As a war is getting closer, Maria must work harder to defeat the enemy she has always hated. However, after having a special connection to her enemy, will she be able to defeat them or will she crumble to the ground? Loyalties will be tested and love will be broken throughout the great war. Will they be able to defeat their enemy or will their power be too strong? A twist that no one expected changes everything.

Sophie_Betts · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 9

A few days had passed since Christmas and the snow kept on falling, but the sun started to shine down upon the people. Maria hadn't talked to Riley or Enzo since Christmas and was barely in her cave. She was always out with Freya and Chris trying to find anything about Salice and where she is hiding. Slowly, Maria started to go mad with knowing nothing about it and became angrier every day. Soon, it was 29th December and Riley was changing into dark clothes. She tip toed out of her room and across the hallway, trying not to make a sound. Just as she got outside, Riley heard someone sneak up behind her. She turned around and threw her arm (trying to punch the person), but had no luck since Enzo grabbed her arm before her fist could hit him. "Good try." Enzo laughed while releasing her arm. Although, Riley didn't find it funny and instead was quite annoyed. "What were you doing?" asked Riley. Enzo scanned his eyes over what she was wearing and crunched his nose in confusion. "I should be asking you that. Why are you sneaking out of the house at 11 o'clock?" "Fine, I'll tell you," Riley sighed and looked at the floor before talking again, "I was going to go to Maria: she can finally... transform into her wolf! I can't wait to see it." For a while, Enzo didn't say anything. It looked like he was thinking about what to do and what to say. "Fine, I'll come too." Riley opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it as she knew there was no point in arguing. Thoughts erupted into her mind like why he would want to see Maria and how Maria's wolf would look. She had been told things about how her wolf looked, but she never believed them as they sounded too stupid and silly. Riley nodded her head and they both started to walk into the dark forest. Everything was silent apart from the trees whispering and the twigs snapping as they were walked on. "What do you think about the alpha situation with Salice?" asked Riley. Enzo looked at her and then turned his head back to where he was looking. "Dad obviously doesn't believe me. He thinks it's too risky for something Salice would do."         "What! Why doesn't he believe you? What we said was true." "I know, but when he has mind his mind up about something, there's no way of changing it. That's why I have been planning something behind his back," Riley looked startled and shocked as Enzo carried on talking, "I've told people that are good fighters and the people I trust most. They have been keeping a close eye on things near the territory and about other packs. While the people that I and my dad trust the most have been keeping an eye on him." Riley smiled to herself and grabbed Enzo's arm to make him face her. "You'll become a great alpha one day. I just hope your ready o fight and step up when it comes." Riley walks off and Enzo follows closely behind. It was nice for Enzo to hear that coming from his sister, but there was always a doubt in the back of his mind that made him think he would never be ready when it came, which just made him work harder.

After a while of walking, Riley and Enzo reach the cave and sees Maria stood near the edge of the cliff, looking out at the view. She turned her head and saw that Riley and Enzo were standing around the fire. "This is where you live. I was imagining something more ... well something like a house." Maria didn't say anything and just looked at them both as she walked closer towards them. "What are you doing here?"                                  "We are here to see your wolf. I've heard storied about your wolf from you and from what my parents have told me." Maria titled her head a little and asked, "What did they tell you?" "They said that the daughter of the Black River pack had a wolf like nothing anyone had seen or heard before. They didn't say a lot, but they did say your eyes were strange, but unique." Maria sat down and the others did the same. For a while, they all just sat there in silence, looking out at the night sky and wondering what would happen when the clock hit midnight. Riley looked at her leather watch that was around her wrist. It was 11:47. There was only 13 minutes left and she was starting to get excited. However, when she looked at Maria, she didn't look happy or excited. Instead, she looked confused and focused about something. Enzo also noticed and pointed it out, "What's on your mind?" Maria turned to look at him and said, "Nothing." "I don't believe you. Are you worried about what's going to happen when you transform?"         "Something like that." Maria mumbled, but in fact, she couldn't stop thinking about her coughing up blood. She couldn't stop thinking about it ever since it happened and it started to worry her. "Can we run with you until we get to the pack border?" Riley asked in a quiet voice and waited for a reply from Maria. She nodded her head and a smile spread across her face. Suddenly, Maria's stood up and looked at Riley and Enzo. They looked at her in confusion until she said, "It's time."

Maria walked from the fire and closed her eyes. A gust of black smoke circled around Maria until you couldn't see her anymore. Enzo and Riley quickly stood up and watched as something different happened in front of them. Then, there was a loud growl coming from the smoke. Soon it disappeared and beyond the smoke, was Maria's wolf! She was bigger than any wolf to ever walk the earth and was bigger than what people were told. She was about 35.4 inches (90cm) in height and her eyes were different from other wolves. Normally, wolves have the eyes colour of yellow, green or blue, but Maria was different. She had red eyes that looked like the colour of fresh blood and had a fierce look inside them. They were eyes that could send shivers down the spines of the bravest men and woman. Her longs sharp claws dug into the soil beneath her paws and she stood proudly. Her chest was puffed out and her head was raised, showing her confidence and that she wasn't afraid of anything. Her tail brushed against the ground, making a cloud of dust around her feet. Her fur was thick and long which was pitch black like the night sky. The fierce red eyes stood out against her black fur and shone brightly. She let out another loud growl and opened her mouth slightly. Spit dripped from her mouth and you could see her teeth. They were bigger than a normal wolf and her teeth were shiny and sharp. One thing that stood out on her body was the scar that you could see between the fur that some were deep and some looked like they were new. They were all over her body, but one that stood out was a scar from her nose up to the top of her head in the middle of her face. As she stopped growling, she closed her mouth and looked at Enzo and Riley. Their mouths were wide open and their eyes grew wide in shock and amazement. Maria growled at them again and they both snapped out of the trance they were in. Soon, they both transformed into their wolf. Riley was still small and her yellow eyes glowed brightly. On the other hand, Enzo had black fur and stood tall, but still smaller than Maria. His deep green eyes were dark and he stood proudly. Enzo gestured his head to below the mountain and the three of them began running. Maria was the fastest out of them all. Enzo wasn't far behind, but Riley was very far behind. Eventually, they all reached the border of the territory just as the sun began to rise. Maria walked forward as the other two stopped. She looked behind to see them looking at her and she barked, "Howl if you need me." They both nodded their heads and Maria ran off and away from them. Enzo and Riley walked back to the pack house and when they got back, they could see their father and mother waiting for them and they didn't look happy. They were both in robes and had the arms crossed across their faces with an angry expression. As they both transformed, they both said, "Where have you two been?" Enzo and Riley lloked at each other and Enzo explained, "We wanted to go for a run so we did. Didn't know we had to ask for your permission alpha." Enzo walked up the stairs and barged through them both. Mark looked shocked at how his son behaved and decided to follow after him. "What's wrong with Enzo?" Riley shrugged her shoulders and walked away from Yasmin and back into the pack house. After a while of running, Maria came into a clearing with lots of snow. All she could see was snow everywhere. The sun began to shine and Maria closed her eyes as she felt the heat radiating off the sun and onto her body. A feeling happiness and feeling free spread throughout out her body, but only lasted for a short time. She then began to run again and felt the snow between her claws as she gripped the ground. Then, Maria came to a building that was destroyed. There were bricks on the floor and glass smashed on the ground. Maria walked around it and saw an opening. She walked through and inside the building. She looked above her and saw that the roof had been destroyed and she could see the snow falling on her black fur. Suddenly, everything around her turned back and she fell to the ground with a loud thud! Then, something strange happened. Maria was in her human form and was fighting Salice. She started to look around and saw Enzo, his pack and Chris fighting other witches and vampires while the others were fighting them back with a few witches on their side. There were bodies all over the land and blood spilled on the floor. Maria turned back to look at Salice and she looked down at her hand to see she was carrying the weapon. She looked back at Salice and saw fear in her eyes. Salice started to say something, but once again, everything went black and she fell to the ground once again. Over at the Red Moon pack, Enzo was training in the gym and hitting a punching bag. He did this over and over again until his knuckles turned purple and bruised. He turned around to get a drink and saw that his dad was watching his every move. "What do you want?" Enzo grumbled in annoyance. Mark didn't say anything. He just looked at Enzo and studied everything he was doing. "If you are just going to stand there and look at me, then get out." Enzo put his drink back down and carried on punching the punching bag. "What have I done to make you so angry at me?" Enzo stopped and turned to face his dad. He asked, "Do you really not know?" Mark stayed silent. Enzo rolled his eyes and said, "How about the fact that everything that comes out of my mouth you ignore. Even when I tell you that you are in danger, which puts this pack in danger you don't –" Before Enzo could finish his sentence, Brian runs in and shouts, "We're under attack. Get ready to fight.

Enzo runs outside to see his pack already fighting the intruders. Some of the intruders are witches while the others are vampires. Enzo quickly runs and transforms into his wolf. He walks in front of the other wolves that are holding their ground and starts to growl loudly. His father then joins him. They both have similar wolves apart from Mark is taller and has yellow eyes. Mark barked and growled loudly before pouncing on one of the intruders. Soon everyone else does the same thing and starts to rip out people's throats or scratch and bite them. Riley runs outside and to see what is happening. She is left in shock as everyone is fighting and hurting each other. Then, a few witches emerge from the shadows beyond the trees and raises there hand. Something is oddly familiar about them to Riley until she notices why. The leader of the Rose coven was attacking her pack. Riley watches as they start to say words in a different language and all the wolves stop moving and fighting. They wince in pain and rub their head against the ground. Without thinking, Riley shouts "STOP!" The leader of the coven turns his focus onto Riley and smiles as he says, "I recognise you. I can't wait to kill you." He starts to laugh and her dad snaps out of the spell and leaps onto the leader. He falls to the ground, but waves his hand which makes Mark fly backwards and into the trees. No one can see him and for a while, they were silence apart from the wincing of pain from wolves. As a tear rolls down her face, she transform's into her wolf and walks forward. She then howls loudly. Their leader (whose name is Callum) looks at her in confusion and said, "No one can help you now little girl. Your pack is here." Riley then transform's back into her human form and clutched her eyes in pain and slowly said, "Believe me, when this person comes for you, you'll all be trembling." Over at the destroyed building, Maria awakes and finds herself at the building. She looked around her to find that no one is there. Maria thought for a while and figures out that it was a vision. Does that mean she saw some of the battle between her and Salice? This question kept going around and around in her mind. Suddenly, Maria hears a howl that seems all too familiar. It was Riley! Without giving it a second thought, Maria races away from the building and runs to the pack house. Maria then let out a loud growl that shook the ground.

After a while, everyone is still in pain and wincing and howling. Riley keeps looking around for Maria, but she is nowhere to be seen. "I guess your little friend isn't coming." Laughed Callum. Riley keeps on looking around and see's a pair a red eyes in the shadows sneaking up behind one of the witches. Riley smiled and said, "Are you sure about that?" Callum opens his mouth, but closes it as she hears a high pitched scream from one of the witches. All of the witches stop chanting and turn to look at the shadows. The witch had her head ripped from her body and blood was poured over the floor. Out of the shadows, Chris and Freya run out and say to the wolves and Riley, "Get away from the witches." They all decided to listen and they back away and get closer to the house. The girls run outside and look in horror at what is happening. Callum turns to look and saw that his daughter was protecting the pack house. "Freya. Is that really you?" Before he says anything else, a wolf jumps out of the shadows on him. He hits the ground with a great force and got knocked out by the strength of the wolf. It was Maria! She slowly walks in front of the pack and growls loudly at the intruders. The witches and vampires stand frozen and still for a while. Then, a vampire runs at Maria in vamp speed, but luckily for Maria, she turns her head and grabs his throat and snapped his neck. Other vampires run at her, but they all fall to the ground... dead. Some of the witches start to chant, but nothing seems to take an effect on Maria. Instead, she strides towards them and sink her teeth into their throat. She did this over and over again, until no one was left alive apart from Callum. She starts to walk towards him, snarling at every step she makes. Enzo transforms back into his human form and runs towards her shouting, "You can't kill him. We might need him later on." Maria turns her body and pounces on him. Other people run near him to help their future alpha, but Chris, Freya and Riley told them it would only make things worse if they helped. This made them all stop and watch as the future alpha is pinned to the ground. Enzo didn't move or try to get her off, but just let Maria stood over him. Blood dripped from her mouth and onto his face. Her eyes were cold and showed no emotion. Maria closes her mouth and they both just stared at each other for a while. No one said anything or moved a muscle. After a few silent moments, Maria lifted her front legs up and let out a fierce growl at Enzo when her legs hit the ground. The branches moved and a gust of wind from the growl made everyone's hair blow in the wind. She then slowly backed away and let Enzo get back onto his feet. Maria looked at the pack in front of her and she turned in a circle. She then transformed back into her human form and everyone was in shock, especially Sara, Briana and Yasmine. "Where's your alpha? Where did he go?" Everyone looked around and some of the wolves ran into the forest to try and look for him. A worried look spread across Riley's face. After a while, a few wolves came back and said, "He's gone. We can't find him anywhere."

After everyone had calmed down, Enzo, Maria, Yasmin, Riley, Brian, Chris and Freya entered the dining room. Everyone sat at a different chair and waited for someone to say something. "Why didn't you tell us you were a wolf like us? Why can't smell your scent like we can with other wolves." Maria looked at Yasmine after she asked the question and she replied, "I don't trust you enough to tell you that. Anyway, we have more important matters to discuss. Enzo, what do you think?" Everyone shifts their gaze over to Enzo and waits for him to say something. "In the absent of my father, I will be the alpha and will have my mother and Maria to help me if needed. Before I say anything, does anyone have a plan on how we are going to get my father back and stop Salice?" Maria looks at Freya and Riley and they both nod their heads. Maria takes in a deep breath and said, "I do," everyone looks at Maria and she carry's on talking, "I have been creating a weapon to kill Salice. It is made up of all the special objects that coven's have to draw power from. I have everyone apart from the one at the Emerald Coven. They are having a ball in a few days. I will be sending aninvitation for a few people (including myself) and then we will talk about using their object and if they will help us in this war." "War!What war and how do you know that they will just hand it over?" asked Brian. Maria looked at him and explained, "They hate Salice as much as I do and thatis how I know they will help us. You were also involved in this war the moment you met me." Everyone was quite for a while, until Freya said, "I've been trying to find out where Salice is hiding, but I've had no luck, but now we have a pack to help us, you may be able to find out where their scent led to."                 "Not to be rude or anything,but who are you?" asked Yasmine. "My name is Freya and I'm a witch. The person next to me is Chris and he is a vampire. We're both friends of Maria's." Everyone talks about the plans some more. Then, someone comes through the door and says, "Callum is ready to talk, but he will only talk to Maria."