
So how many kids I know

The waiting was crazy. It took like 30 minutes for everyone to gather around. Kids were running around, parents who were looking for them.

When everything calmed down the principal started to talk.

"Please welcome to our school. From this day thi is your school too and I hope you will enjoy it as much as you can. Now let continue. We will dived you to 2 classes. First is led by Miss Blanka and second by Miss Jana. "

When he finished he took out paper and started to divided us. I ended in Miss Jana class. I was pretty glad she looked more friendly then Miss Blanka.

Luckily Kate was in my class. The year could start.

When the dividing finished the teacher took us to our new classroom and we could choose our table. The table was always for two people and I finished with a girl name Viera. She looked like a nice person and Kate already new her.

Miss Jana let us to choose our signature object. It was like a stamp until we will learn how to write correctly. I choose a cup. Looked easy to be drawn so I should manage.

After we had our firs official lesson. It was fun. Miss Jana showed us wath she will teach us this year and played with us some introduction games. Look Like I will have an amazing year.