
The Bite

I was 2 years old when it happened, I don't remember much from that day all I remember from that day was when I hugged that dog and all I could see was red on one side of my eye. I remember feeling pain then all of a sudden it went black.

I'm 12 years old now my name is charlie and I was bit by a dog I got a scar shaped like a moon right by my right eye. I never really thought about it that much but it did become a problem for me when I got older.

People started to say I was a demon, or that I was sent from the devil others say I am the devil's daughter. I never knew why people were getting so upset because I just had a scar on my face like who gets scared over a scar? Not me of course.

I always like my scar I thought it was cool, but nobody else did. If only I knew what was coming to my life