

Darkness may fall out in the presence of light but light will always reveal the darkest secrete of the dark. Elena was traumatized after a pathetic experience with her uncle, she became a devil in human form her mission was to kill her uncle and any guy with who she had sex. A witch cast a ring spell on her finger in which she became unconscious, aggressive, and callous. She vowed never to fall in love with any guy which she resist for many years. But the story change when she met Clark. Clark became an antidote to her spell due to the love coexistence between them. Ever since then, Elena understands the true nature of love and its power she rather chooses love to hate.

David_Godwin_5404 · Fantasi
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11 Chs


After some years my uncle was discharged from the hospital because he has gotten to his normal state of health.

His wife was very happy to welcome him home but to me, another battle has just begun.

Meanwhile, at home, Mrs. Clara prepared some breakfast for her husband as they sat at the dining table to have their meal.

"Thank God you're better now I'm so happy for you". She said,

" Yes dear everyone is happy, I'm very grateful for standing by me during these hard times".

"Never mind dear, it is my duty as a wife to do so".

They both smile at each other while they continue their meal.

" Among all days I'm so terrified of the dark, mostly at night". Mike said.

"Why?!". She reluctantly asked.

" Because I do have nightmares each time I sleep and it's related to her".

"Elena!!, right?". She asked.

"Ohh!! Stop, I don't want to hear those names because it hurts any time I hear such names".

"So dear, what do you think we can do concerning her case since she is the one terrifying your sleep?".

" I don't think she is still alive because she appears to me in the form of a ghost".

"Certainly, she is still alive. The last time I met her we sat together having a discussion. It was real, she doesn't look like a ghost to me".

" Oh!! Really?!".

"Yes of course".

"Then we need to get her arrested".

" Arrested!! Ahh!! I don't think that will be an easy task to do".

"And why do you say so?".

" The Elena I knew then is different now".

"She is a monster".

" Not a monster, I guess she is a witch". Mrs. Clara said.

"And what makes the difference? they are all the same in nature".

Meanwhile, the discussion continues as they hear a knock at the door.

It distracted their attention as they replied in unison.

" Who is that?".

"Is Jasper".

" Ohh!! Hold on I'm coming".

He ran to the door and screwed the key for him to gain entrance.

"Welcome, Jasper, it is good to see you again".

They both embrace themselves as they exchange pleasantries.

" So how is your health now? I heard the news, I was so busy that I didn't have a chance to visit". Jasper said.

"Well, it has never been easy. I still battle with a lot of physical challenges. My arms and back are loaded with pains".

" What if your niece?".


" Have you forgotten her so easily?".

"I don't know who you are talking about because I know I have no niece".

" Hmmmm....so Elena is never your niece?".

"Ohhh!!! Please, I don't want to hear such a name. She is even the course of my predicament".

" How, is there something you are not telling me?".

"Don't worry about that, let's save that for another day so how are work and family?".

" Well, everything is fine, we are getting bigger every day".

They both chuckled.

"Indeed I can see the evidence in you, your wife is taking care of you". He said.

After some time a heavy knock slammed on the door repeatedly they were all terrified as they ask one another a question

" Who could that be?".

"I guess it might be Elena". Jasper said.

" Ahh!!, Elena!!!". Both couples said in unison as they ran in to hide.

"What is going on, why are they afraid of Elena, I guess there is something they are hiding from me".

Jasper ponders on his thoughts as he goes to check who is at the door meanwhile the knock continues.

Unfortunately, he was surprised when he opened the door and nobody was there. He surprisingly closed the door thinking about what might go wrong.

While thinking the heavy knock continued again this time he was more terrified that couldn't walk close to the door to check.

He quickly ran to where Mike was as he began to explain with fears.

"Could you imagine I opened the door but I found no one at the entrance, immediately I shut the door and the knock continues so please ``what's going on here?".

" Never mind it's something we are used to, probably it might be the weather". Mike said.

"The weather!! This doesn't look like it c'mon I'm not a kid stop playing smart on me".

While the conversation continues heavy knock slams the door again it was so terrifying as they all hide themselves

A few minutes later the door opened but there was nobody at the entrance. All they can hear is a clap from an unknown person.

" Can't you hear that?" Jasper asked

"Yes!! Someone is clapping for you".

Me!!, What have I done? I guess I should start taking my leave".

He tried taking a step out of the house before he could come close to the door. Lightning struck him. He screamed at the top of his voice as he fell to his knees.

" Ohh! Let's try and help him. I guess he is dying" Mike said.

"No!! This could be a trap to get us down as well. Let's observe a little while to know what will happen next". Clara replied.

" Could it be what I'm thinking about, I guess Elena is here?". Mike said.

"Then let's hurry Jasper to the nearest hospital, he is dying, we can't just leave him this way".

The conversation eludes them as they try bringing jasper to their closet.

" He is still breathing, get him some water". Mike said.

Mrs. Clara hurried to get him some water, meanwhile, she brought the glass of water to him as he drank to his relief.

That wasn't enough as the great torment continued screaming and terrifying laughter was heard as the voice began to roar repeatedly.

"I'm here for a REVENGE and I must get back my revenge".

They were all scared pondering on what revenge it might be. They became frightened as they all ran out of the house to save their lives.