

Darkness may fall out in the presence of light but light will always reveal the darkest secrete of the dark. Elena was traumatized after a pathetic experience with her uncle, she became a devil in human form her mission was to kill her uncle and any guy with who she had sex. A witch cast a ring spell on her finger in which she became unconscious, aggressive, and callous. She vowed never to fall in love with any guy which she resist for many years. But the story change when she met Clark. Clark became an antidote to her spell due to the love coexistence between them. Ever since then, Elena understands the true nature of love and its power she rather chooses love to hate.

David_Godwin_5404 · Fantasi
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11 Chs


In the morning, Elena ran out of the house as she went to school. She wasn't herself, She slept all through the class.

The bell Jingles, it was time for assembly. Elena was still in her sleep when her three friends approached her.

Rose, Carolina, and Jane are friends with Elena, they became timid when they saw Elena's sad appearance.

"Elena!, Elena!!," Caroline yelled at her from a distance

"I think she is deeply asleep, let's wake her up". Jane said.

They walked close to her as they called on her, and she woke up with tears in her eyes.

"Oh!!! Elena, what's the problem? Why are you crying?". Rose asked.

"Nothing!, I just felt like crying!!

"Felt like crying!!". The three girls conceded.

"For crying out loud, at least we are your friends if anything troubles you tell us, so we can put our hands together on how to solve them". Caroline said.

"A problem shared is half solved, don't hide anything from us, we can't fold our hands seeing you in tears". Jane said as she tried to console her.

" Please! Can you girls do me a favor?" Elena asked

"Why not?" They all replied.


"I need my privacy, I want to be left alone!!!. She screamed.

They all left her, and Elena became dreadful, she cried bitterly while she keeps having flashbacks about her rape scene.

The Assembly was over, and the students went back to their various classes. They stood up to greet when Mr. Charles entered the class.

Mr. Charles glimpsed Elena but she sat down as if no one entered the class.

"Elena!, are you not aware of my presence, you look worried and hope there is no problem?"

He curiously asked but Elena kept mute. Mr. Charles left her when she refused to talk, He focused on his lesson then he educate the class about "CHILD ABUSE" the more he was explaining the more tears twirled from Elena's eyes.

Elena could not forget memories, she kept remembering them after some timtimeena screamed aloud and went out of the class.

Everyone was confused while others contemplated the scenario. Mr. Charles, who was smart enough, ended his lesson and he called for Elena in his office but Elena refused. Her friends were pleading on her behalf when he later summoned them.

"Could you Imagine I sent it to her and she refused? She even told me she doesn't want to see anyone, that she needed privacy, I guess something is wrong with her"? Mr. Charles explained.

"Yes she did the same to us," Caroline said.

"I guess she is traumatized or battling with something. Maybe she doesn't know how to explain it to us. Ever since I knew Elena. I have never seen her like this before. I believe something is wrong. We have to visit her guardians." Jane replied as the other girls concur with her suggestions.


Elena left for school to her house to refresh her thoughts, Her friends came home to check on her.

Meanwhile, they met Mrs. Clara when they bang the door she summoned them in while she climbed the stairs to Elena's room to call for her.

"Elena!, your friends are downstairs waiting for you," Mrs.Clara said.

"Please Ma, I don't want to see them at least we met in school today, I want to be left alone" She calmly said.

"Hmmm!!...you have been acting strange this day. I don't get to understand you anymore, tell me is anything the matter?". Clara asked.

But Elena kept mute while Mrs. Clara was waiting for an answer, After some minutes she left in order not to keep Elena's friends waiting.

"Ohh!! Sorry for taking your time, hope you are not upset?".

Clara asked as they all gave a chorused answer.

" No, we are not".

Mrs. Clara served them wine, while they had their conversations. They discussed Elena's strange behaviors with Mrs. Clara.

"Ma! I believe Elena is battling with silent pain, that she won't want to reveal to anyone and this is affecting her health. She barely talks to anyone today. We know her very well, she is not a gentle type". Caroline explained.

"I wonder what could have been her major challenge or is she still having memories of her parent's death?" Jane asked.

"I don't think that should be the problem because she promised to forget such memories after her uncle took her shopping, but I wonder why she keeps feeling sad".

Clara Explained further about the death of Elena's parents. It was a tragedy. I guess this should be the reason why she is traumatized, both friends were sympathetic as they tried wiping out their tears.

They could not wait as they took their leave, and extended greetings to Elena. Mrs. Clara went back to Elena to discuss it with her.

" Elena, your friends extended their greetings to you and they will be expecting you in school tomorrow," Clara said.

Elena kept mute for a moment, while she took a deep breath saying:

"It is better not to exist than to be alive and still look dead".

Mrs. Clara was startled when she heard such words from Elena, she reluctantly asked.

"What do you mean? Can you please explain further?"

"All my life I have come to realize that life is painful when it is full of pain. My heart bleeds when I discover where such pain is coming from". She said,

"Elena I will be pleased if you stop speaking in parables so I can clarify your words". Clara mumbled.

"I guess I need a rest".....

Elena faces the window as she lay on her bed Mrs.Clara leaves the room as she awaits her husband's return.

This time, her husband barely slept at home, Clara was worried as she kept having various thoughts.


Things are strange under my roof, And I knew nothing about it why would Elena decide to snub our conversations. She is not like this. I believe there is something she is not telling me.

I better act fast before it's too late!.