
Chapter 35

"Did you have to leave like that !" Madison pulled me and said.

"Were you expecting me to beg her to stay!" I replied angrily

"You don't need to beg but you could have at least ignored her"

"Seriously Madi , I now get why they've always looked down on you … there is no way I can tolerate someone being mean "

"What about the college event , did you not want to take part !"

"I don't care about that stupid event besides I'm not the only one who won't be going!" I rolled my eyes.

"But you can't stay in school without joining a club"

"I will join the school band! " I replied

"Seriously! The school band is lame and all those people are nerds, you don't want to be called that right!"

"Are you really the Madison I know!" I said looking at her in disbelief

"Come on Amara … you can't leave the cheer "

"I'm sorry Madi and I promise I will make you love the school band !" I replied and left .

The school band practice in a small room closer to the auditorium. I've never had the chance to visit them since I set foot into my school and doing it the first time , I really felt nervous. I started to wonder how they were going to treat me , will they be mean like Stella or will they see me as one of their own. I entered the room and they all turned to look at me . I counted them and they sum up to 5 .

"Hi !" I smiled sheepishly and they waved at me . One girl walked towards me and asked if I was here to join them. I replied and she gave me a form to fill.

"So what can you do ?" One guy named Patrick asked.

"I sing " I replied and he clapped excitedly.

"You've saved us !" They said and I wondered what they meant by that .

"Don't be surprise Amara… our lead singer left two weeks ago and we were desperately in need of a singer" Phoebe, the only girl amidst them said. She was in glasses and one could tell she was pretty.

"I guess I'm lucky then!" I smiled, rubbing my palms together.

"We are the lucky ones !" Hero replied.

"We shouldn't be all excited.. we haven't heard her voice yet " Jude said. He was the unfriendly one and he was kinda good looking.

"Do you think I will be hear if I had a terrible voice!" I replied him, trying not to be rude even though his actions annoyed me a little.

"Jude is right though Amara , can you please sing this line…" Phoebe said handing me a sheet.

"Is it lines from an existing song or I should just compose a song from it " I asked

"Compose !" Phoebe giggled excitedly and they all stared at me curiously, anxious to hear my voice .

I took in a deep breath, cleared my throat and sang .

"If words could flow like a river

I would stream my heart to you in words of inspiration … cause you being in despair makes me wonder if I'm good enough " I sang out the lyrics and their jaw dropped. They clapped excitedly and Phoebe rushed towards me and hugged me . I looked at Jude as I hugged Phoebe and he was nodding his head with a little grin on his face.

"You have the voice of an Angel Amara!" Phoebe said, holding my hands.

"Thanks " I smiled at her . We rehearsed for an hour before we closed for the day . Phoebe was a singer as well but couldn't sing high pitch songs. Jude was the drummer and Patrick played the keyboard. Hero and Seth were all guitarist. Phoebe walked out of our practice room with me and she wouldn't stop going on about how excited she was to have me . She claimed she sees me often at the cafeteria during lunch and always thought I was mean.

"Really!" I laughed when I saw Madi heading towards us .

"Yeah but I always had my doubts too cause you weren't among them "


"Stella and her squad " she whispered as if she was afraid to be heard talking about them

"I can be a little mean a times though you know " I replied giving Madi a scowl.

"I've been looking for you Amara !" Madi said, ignoring Phoebe.

"You could have at least said hi " I said, referring to Phoebe.

"I'm sorry Phoebe.. was so focused on Amara " she replied

"Do you know each other already!" I asked, not too surprised though .

"Yeah… Madison and I used to be friends " Phoebe smiled.

"And you never told me about her ?"

"Is it really important?" Madi replied.

"See you on Monday Phoeb !" I waved at her as Madi pulled me along .

"Why are you pulling me … what's the matter with you!"

"I'm really pissed Amara but that's not what is important… you have someone waiting for you at the car park!" She smiled

"Waiting for me?" I asked thinking who this anonymous person might be but all she did was smile .

"Wait Madi ! Don't tell me Ivan is here !" I stopped in my tracks .

"How did you guess so correctly!" She laughed

"Are you really for real?" I asked and she nodded.

"How come he didn't text me or anything!" I thought and followed Madi to the school's car park. I couldn't make out Ivan when we got there, all I saw was a group of ladies gathered and whispering.

"Are you sure Ivan is here ?" I asked Madi wondering what was causing the scene.

"There is something you don't know about Ivan Amara…" Madi said and I immediately became concerned.

"What are you talking about?"

"Ivan was the school body president in their time and also the hottest guy in school so all the ladies you see over there are actually talking to him …"

"Then I can't show my face ! No !" I retreated

"Come on its no big deal!" She said and pulled me , causing me to be in his sight . He smiled and walked towards me . All the ladies turn to look at who he was walking to then I realized Stella was among the crowd.

"What are you doing here!" I scolded him, feeling embarrassed .

"Cindy asked me to pick you up and who am I to refuse " he replied and held my hand. I said goodbye to Madi and followed Ivan to his car . I couldn't get rid of Stella's face after seeing me and Ivan out of my mind and that made me burst into laughter.

"What's funny ?" Ivan asked looking at me .

"Nothing serious " I replied and bite into the burger he got me.

Random POV

"Mr . Carl ! Mr. Carl!" His secretary had to raise her voice a little.

"Yeah !" He responded, totally unaware of what was happening.

"This is the file you asked for .." the secretary said looking at him worriedly. He took the file and instead of looking at it , placed it in his drawer.

"Are you okay ?" His secretary asked.

"Yeah… it's there anything else!" He replied

"I don't think you are sir , the file I gave you needs to be taken a look at !"

"Yeah sure … where did I even put it !" He said fumbling through the files on his table.

"In your drawer sir " she replied, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry Martha but can you please take care of it for me … I have to be somewhere urgently " he said, getting up from his seat .

"What about the meeting at 2 ?"

"Reschedule it for tomorrow please!" He said and left .

"Are you sure that was Carl you saw?" Beatrice's friend asked in disbelief.

"I'm sure Barbara… how can I misunderstand another man for him!"

"But it's almost twenty years since he left !"

"I know and I think he also recognized me…"

"So what do you think he was doing at your neighbors house?"

"I have no idea Barbara! I don't get why he had to show up in front of me after everything is going on well in my life !" Beatrice cried out.

"Calm down Bea … wait! What if that woman is his wife!" Barbara gasped!

"Who? Cindy ?"

"Yeah cause it only makes sense!" Barbara replied

"We can't just draw into conclusions… " she got up from her seat .

"Are you worried he might have moved on ?" Barbara said looking at her face closely.

"Why … why would I be worried!" Beatrice replied nervously.

"I just hope this secret you've managed to hide for almost twenty years doesn't come to light!"

"Don't jinx me okay!" Beatrice replied nervously.

Beatrice went to her room and brought out a dusty envelope. She blew off the dust , causing her to sneeze and gently wrapped it with some of her dirty clothes. She came downstairs ,took out the content of the envelope and handed it to Barbara.

"Why are you still keeping this !" Barbara scolded.

"I didn't have the courage to throw it away !" She replied

"Stop being reckless Bea … this thing can ruin everything!" She said and the doorbell rang at that instant.

"Must be the kids … please hide it !" Beatrice said and left to see who was at the gate.

Carl parked his car at a spot he was sure nobody he knew was going to find out and took a taxi. He was nervous and at the same time cautious when he stepped out of the taxi, making sure nobody from his house could see him. He took a big step and leaned on the gate after he rung the bell. Beatrice opened the gate and the force threw him inside the house .

"Carl!" Beatrice exclaimed, shocked and perplexed.

"Beatrice!" He replied, moving towards her . He held her hands and threw her in for a hug . Beatrice pulled away from the hug and landed a slap on his face , her heart racing.

"What are you doing here !" She said angrily.

"I'm really sorry Beatrice but please listen to me…" he replied

"Sorry? You ? Huh!" She laughed bitterly.

"Please Bea … I tried looking for you ! I swear "

"That's enough Carl ! Get out of my house now please!"she yelled.

"Is everything alright Beatrice?" Barbara came out asking, looking strangely at Carl.

"Yes ! I will be with you shortly!" She replied and pulled Carl outside with him.

"I'm begging you Carl please don't show your face in front of me again!" She said.

"I know you are upset and here isn't the right place to talk , take my business card … I would like us to talk" Carl said, placed the card in her hands and walked away, his back facing his house.