
Chapter 3

It's wasn't long before she got to her mom's house. All she wanted to do was get into her room and lie down on the bed. She rang the doorbell and her mom opened it immediately like she was waiting for her.

"Woah, careful,mom. Good evening."

"Evening, sweetie. Come in."

"Thanks Mom." She smiled.

Mrs Daniels could see something. A sudden lighteness. Something that wasn't there before.

"How's Andrei doing?"

Simone giggled even more.

"He's fine, mom."

"Have you both started with your mischiefs again?"

"No. I'm really tired. I'm off to bed."

"Seems like someone doesn't want to tell me a secret."

"No, mom. No secrets. Swears."

"If you say so. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Mom. Won't you go to bed?"

"It's just 7:30 sweetie."

"Sorry. My bad."

She went upstairs to her room. The room she slept when she was a teenager.. The bed was well made.

'Not clumsy at all. Seems like someone spends some time here.' Simone thought.

It was still painted in white and black; her favourite colors. And it still use the designs she put there. LOVE, DREAMS, SECRETS. She was really creative then. An open minded soul. What she still is.

Simone had her bath, brushed her teeth and was about to sleep when she saw the pictures she and Andrei took at 'Camp in the Woods.' It was still there on her reading table. Sweet of her mom to keep it there. She took the frame and looked at it for a minute. Like who would say they wouldn't look good together? She put the picture on her bed side, switched off the lights and closed her eyes. She was sure to have a goodnight rest.


The aroma of bacon and beef stew woke Simone up. She really needed that rest and it did her good. She hadn't slept that long in months.

"Mom, what are you cooking?" She asked from her bed. Too lazy to get up.

"Sweetie, breakfast's ready." Her mom said back.

She was too lazy to stand up, but too hungry to snooze for a few more minutes.

"I'm coming."

Simone got up, got ready and went downstairs. Her mom thought she would see her daughter in her normal black clothes. But this time, Simone was wearing a burnt sienna crop top and with matching knickers. Then, she let her hair down and styled it in the prettiest way. She was looking cute, pretty and sexy at the same time. The crop top did most of the work cos it really brought out her feminine shape

"You look cute." Mrs. Daniels said, amazed.

Simone blushed.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Really reminds me of your college days."

"I know, right? I'll be going out with the girls later today."

"Come, have your food before it gets cold."

Simone walked majestically to the dining table. Just reminded her of her college and high school days. Even people at her school didn't call her Simone Daniels. They called her 'Hot Stuff' and she liked it. She was a wild cat. She really needed Kiara with her.

Later that afternoon, Simone changed he slippers to sneakers. Then she went out. Her mother was thinking how life would be for her after the divorce She would no longer be Mrs. Daniels, she would be Miss Andrews. Some people already started calling her that. The divorce will do her good. She'll finally be free from her husband's clutches. Because of him, she had no friends and she was always indoors. Only seen at Grand parties like anniversaries and launching of companies. Fund raisers inclusive. Just then, her phone rang.

"Hello." She said.

"Hey you. It's Denise."

"Hi dear. What's wrong? You called."

"Yeah. I wanna talk about our kids."

"What's up with them?"

"Simone came yesterday and told Andrei that she was in love with him."

Mrs Daniels giggled to herself. Typical Simone. She always got what she wanted.

"So what was his response?"

"He said it was too late. But they would be a good match. Won't they?"

"Yes. But I don't wanna force her in him."

"I request and I have insist. They will get married." Denise hung up.

Mrs Daniels waited for Simone to get back.

Immediately Simone entered the sitting room with smiles, she saw her mom with hands on her hips and one eyebrow, raised.

"What's wrong, mom?" Simone asked.


"Andrie, come here right now." Denise called out.

"Andrei, come here right now."

"Coming mom." He answered.

When he got downstairs he saw her sitting comfortably on the arm chair.

"Yeah? What's up?" He asked.

"Siddown. It's about Simone."

"What's up with her?" He asked, less concerned.

"It's about what happened yesterday?"

"Mom, I don't wanna talk about it."

"I want you both to get married."

Andrei glared at her angrily.

"I can't mom."


"Mom, she's a floozy."

Andrei was shocked that he said such things about Simone.

"And so what? You both look good together."

"But mom, I don't wanna marry her. Don't force her on me."

"I already spoke to her mom 'bout it."

"Mom, I don't wanna marry her."

"You must."

"You haven't been in a classroom with her, I've been her classmate for about ten years and I don't like her, mom."

"You better start preparing for your wedding."

Just then, Mr. Fesser got in.

"What's all the noise about?"

Andrie quickly answered.

"Dad, mom wants me to get married to Simone. And I don't wanna marry her." He said and flounced out of the room.

"Can you see how your son is talking to me?"

"You caused it, Denise. By the way, we're in a modern world. Kids get married to whoever they like."

"And I'm not gonna let Andrei make a mistake that he'll regret in the future.

"That's your business." Mr. Fesser said and walked away.

Denise could hear Andrei slam the door shut. Andrei's face was dark with rage. How could his mom say she (Simone) of all people should get married to him? She's just a friend and nothing else. If he finally got married to her, what would happen to his doxy? The weather was getting dark again. Maybe she'll be back from school.

I should give her a call; he thought.

He quickly dialed her number

"Hey you." She answered in her sweetest voice.

"Hey Doxy.'

"How're you, handsome?"

"I'm good. I just miss you."

"Miss you too. What're you doing?"

"Thinking about you."

"Same here. How's your day?"

"Hectic. Yours?"


"I can't wait to see that killer smile of yours."

"I can't wait to look into your eyes either.

"When will you come back, Doxy."

"I'll be back soon, my love."

She paused for a minute and continued. "I'll have to go now. Talk to you later."

"Yeah. Goodbye."

"Bye. I love you."

"I love you too. Sweet dreams." She hung up already.

Doxy was becoming unpredictable and irritable. She no longer had time for him. It now seemed like he was the jobless one.

She wasn't seeing someone, was she?; Andrei thought. She still called him sweet names but sounded like she didn't want to speak to him. But maybe she was really busy. Or did she hang up because her boyfriend got into the house?

Andrei was busy thinking but little did he know that his mother was outside smiling to herself. She thought he just finished speaking to Simone on the phone.

"Maybe he's just pretending. Why can't he just tell me that he went back to tell her that he liked her?" Denise smiled more.


"What's wrong, mom?" Simone asked again.

"You? And Andrei?" Mrs. Daniels asked.

"What's wrong with Andrei?"

"I know what you went to do yesterday."

Simone's mouth dropped open.

"Who told you?"

"I and Mrs. Fesser are friends."

The only thing Simone could say was;


"Oh? Why didn't you tell me that you liked him?"

"If I had told you, what would you do?"

"We would have arranged the wedding much earlier." Her voice softened a little earlier."

"Wedding? We? Much earlier? I don't understand, mom.' Simone asked curiously.

"Yes. You and Andrei's wedding. Denise already planned all that."

"Mom, I don't wanna marry Andrei if he doesn't love me. I don't wanna marry him anymore."

"You must." Mrs. Daniels started to raise her voice a little.

"Mom, you're screaming."

"And so? The marriage between childhood friends are the best."

"Just like you and Dad. Right?"

Mrs. Daniels looked at Simone and saw that she was crying. She realized that maybe she was too hard on Simone. She tried to hug her daughter. While she was trying to drag her closer, Simone shouted.

"Leave me alone." She said and half ran upstairs.

Mrs. Daniels herself crouched beside the chair and cried her eyes out. Simone on her own part was crying too. Fine, they wanted her to marry Andrei but what if he treated her just like her dad treated her mom. She laid down on her bed 2 more hours before having her bath. She wore her clothes and went downstairs. She saw that her mom was still on the floor. She wasn't really proud of herself. She softly tapped her mom on the hand.

"Mom, you need to rest. I think you should go upstairs."

"No... I'm fine here."

"You're upset aren't you?"

There was no response so Simone knew she was. She continued.

"Okay. Sorry for walking out on you and talking to you like that. Can you forgive me?"

Mrs Daniels nodded her head like a little child and then Simone hugged her. They both went upstairs to sleep for a little while. Yes, it was sure that Simone wanted Andrei and she always got what she wants but she'll have to learn the hard way. And also, it was kind of sure that she was getting married to Andrei but he doesn't love her and it really wouldn't do her good...

Do you think it was right of Denise to force Andrei to marry Simone? Let me know in the comment section.