
The Gifteds: Bloodlines of Eldora.

In the world of Eldora, a prophecy foretelling humanity's downfall looms as a haunting shadow. As time passes, the prophecy fades into the realm of rumour and myth, dismissed as the product of an overactive imagination, But Eldora holds secrets far more profound than anyone can imagine. Decades later, when the first "gifteds" emerge, their extraordinary abilities sent shockwaves through the entirety of humanity. The long-forgotten prophecy, once dismissed as mere fantasy, began to take on a chilling new relevance. Slowly, realization dawned upon the populace that the prophecy may indeed hold a glimmer of truth, and a resolute determination began to take root—a determination to confront what may come. But the dawn of gifteds also awakened darker forces. Humans driven by insatiable greed sort power for their own selfish ends, plunging Eldora into chaos. Factions emerged, each vying for supremacy and control over the land of Eldora. War ravages the land, leaving scars that run deep. Decades after the dust settles, Seven Clans rise to power, each founded by one of the seven most exceptional combatants of the war. Eldora is reborn, its power structure rebuilt, but its scars remain. Enter the life of Roderick, a young man fleeing for his life, pursued relentlessly by his own clansmen, the Valeria Clan—one of the Seven. As he gasps for breath, blood oozing from his wounds, Roderick surrenders to his fate and accepts dies....or so he thought. In a moment of desperation, power surges through him, but his awakening is bittersweet as his surroundings morph into a nightmarish realm akin to hell itself. Now endowed with otherworldly powers, Roderick is thrust into a perilous and complex world hidden beneath the surface of Eldora. He discovers the existence of ancient beings, governing entities, and secrets that defy human comprehension. Amidst a landscape of blood and gore, he is tested like never before, fighting to retain the last shreds of his humanity. "Cursed" with newfound abilities, Roderick embarks on a treacherous journey to uncover the truth behind Eldora's dark past and the prophecy that has haunted its people for generations. In a world where power is both a blessing and a curse, Roderick must navigate through deception, betrayal, and the insatiable thirst for dominance.

THE_ACE_ · Fantasi
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4 Chs

The Academy

As they arrived at the academy gate, a man approached the carriage. His face was entirely devoid of hair except for his eyebrows. A prominent scar traced its path from just above his left eye to just below his right.

"Captain, your late." The man's voice carried a gruff, almost grating tone.

Professor Flynn responded with a weary sigh,

"First of all shay, it's Professor now, and" He cast a fleeting, assessing look over the group of recruits and continued. "yes, I am aware, but I couldn't help it." He turned slightly towards shay and asked "Anyway is the Academy head in?"

Shay nodded and responded, "Yeah, he's in his office. He's been waiting for some time now. Your the last to arrive, the other groups have already departed."

"I see," Flynn replied, nodding his head in acknowledgment, while Shay signaled for the gate to be opened.

As they passed through the gate, Professor Flynn skillfully guided the carriage to a designated parking area. He dismounted from the horse and turned to address the occupants of the carriage. "The journey is over. Follow me," he said, gesturing for them to disembark and follow him.

The interior of the Valerian Academy's headquarters exuded an air of grandeur and scholarly sophistication. The walls were adorned with intricate, gilded moldings, and majestic chandeliers hung from the lofty ceilings, casting a warm, golden glow across the expansive foyer. Plush, regal carpets stretched underfoot, muffling footsteps and adding to the opulent ambiance.

As they entered, the first floor greeted them with a spacious layout bustling with activity. To the right of the entrance, a comfortable waiting room beckoned visitors. Directly ahead, a polished counter was manned by two clerks, ready to assist. To the right of the entrance were thirteen ornate doors graced the walls. Each door had a number on it starting from number two and ending at fourteen. These doors served as portals to the different floors within the towering structure, each floor holding it's own secrets.

On the wall just above the row of doors, a magnificent drawing dominated the space. This masterpiece, titled the "Map of Eldora," was a visual testament to the vast world beyond the academy's walls. The map was a meticulous work of art that showcased the intricate geography of Eldora, a realm filled with wonder and mystery.

The focal point of the map was the depiction of the seven human cities in Eldora, each marked with precision and care. Intricate lines and symbols crisscrossed the map, indicating the vast network of roads, rivers, and mountain ranges that connected these cities. Each city was represented by a miniature icon, showcasing its unique architectural style and cultural identity.

Beneath the map, a legend provided context, explaining the significance of various symbols and colors used in the artwork. It was a captivating and educational centerpiece, reminding all who passed by of the diverse and sprawling world beyond the academy's walls, waiting to be explored and understood.

With a determined stride, Roderick followed Professor Flynn towards the array of 13 doors. They gathered before these enigmatic thresholds, each one marked with a number from 2 to 14. Professor Flynn acknowledged their readiness with a subtle nod and, without hesitation, pushed open the door labeled '14'.

Immediately, a mesmerizing purple light emanated from the door, casting intricate patterns in the air. It swirled with an almost hypnotic grace, holding the entranced gazes of the newcomers.

Breaking the trance, Professor Flynn's voice snapped them back to reality. His words bore a sense of urgency as he instructed them to enter in an orderly fashion. The students, their nervousness mingling with excitement, followed suit, moving one by one towards the portal.

As Roderick stepped over the threshold, a sudden darkness enveloped him. It was as if he was plunged into the abyss of nothingness. In this void, he sensed an irresistible force, like a cosmic whirlwind, pulling him onwards. With a mixture of awe and trepidation, he surrendered to this enigmatic journey, knowing resistance was futile. Moments later, the pulling force relinquished its hold, and his vision slowly returned.

As his vision returned, he discovered himself within an office of austere design. At the far end of the room, a solitary desk with two chairs positioned at either end occupied the space. A grey fur carpet covered the floor, giving the room a sense of warmth. The walls, mostly unadorned, featured only a mounted bear head to the left of the desk. On the opposite wall, a foreboding poster with words foretelling the doom of Eldora caught his attention.

The poster read ;

In Eldora's land, where legends stir,

This prophecy speaks, of things that were, Gods and beings, in myth enshrined, Shall walk the earth, in a world entwined.

A battlefield forged, 'neath heavens' gaze,

As deities clash, in a fiery blaze,

But hope remains, in darkest night,

For humans gifted, with celestial might.

When time is nigh, and shadows loom,

The heavens shall sing, and stars shall bloom, Worthy souls, with gifts bestowed,

Shall rise as heroes, in destiny's code.

To challenge gods, they shall aspire,

With hearts of courage, ever higher,

Through trials they'll tread, their spirits unswayed,

In the epic clash, of gods and mortal crusade.

The future of Eldora, hanging in the air,

In the cosmic battle, where none would spare,

Salvation or doom, in their hands it lies,

As prophecy unfolds, under starlit skies.

As Roderick read through the prophecy, his expression remained unmoved, his mind steadfastly anchored to his singular goal: a life of comfort. The words, no matter how foreboding, didn't stir any emotions within him. His life had been tough enough; he had little room for fear of mythical battles or gods.

Tearing his eyes from the cryptic verse, he continued to scan the room, the scroll's ominous message already fading into the background noise of his life's concerns.

As his eyes scanned the room, his gaze suddenly froze, and a shiver ran down his spine. "What in the..." he began, his voice trailing off in disbelief.

One by one, his fellow recruits followed his gaze, their expressions shifting from curiosity to shock, mirroring Roderick's own reaction.

There, perched nonchalantly on the office desk, sat a man of enigmatic presence. He had short grey hair, a testament to his old age, and deep blue ageless eyes. He sat as if carved from marble, motionless and poised, every movement deliberate. His piercing gaze seemed to dissect each of them, studying them with a calm expression that held secrets as old as time itself. He was dressed in a long, flowing black robe that trailed down to his ankles, which provided a stark contrast to his flowing grey hair.

As his gaze traversed each of their faces, a stifling silence engulfed the room. After a poignant moment of stillness, he nodded his head and finally spoke. "Welcome," he said, his voice carrying a weight of authority. He rose from the desk, his long, grey hair cascading with the movement, and walked gracefully to take his seat.

"I, Caldwell, personally congratulate you on passing the first stage of your awakening process." His eyes scanned each of them with an appraising gaze. "However, you are only halfway there. The next stage of the process involves activating your dormant potential." "The activation process is unique to each individual and unfolds naturally," he explained, pausing for emphasis. "Your mental state plays a pivotal role in this process. It is highly advisable to maintain a calm and focused mind, as it significantly enhances your chances of success. An agitated or distracted mind can lead to failure, or at best, result in a weaker gift."

Gazing upon the determined expressions of the young hopefuls before him, he offered a solemn nod before continuing. "You will be transported to the academy grounds, where you will reside and continue your awakening journey. Those who successfully awaken will be granted admission, while those who do not will be returned to their homes." As these words hung in the air, Roderick couldn't help but wear a grim expression. His determination to escape the slums burned fiercely, and the thought of returning was simply unbearable.

As he concluded his statement, there was a sudden, almost imperceptible shift in the energy of the room, and in that very instant, Professor Flynn materialized before them.

"Ah, Professor, right on time," Caldwell remarked, nodding in approval. "I need you to accompany these young talents to the academy and introduce them to the dean. He will guide them from there."

"By the gods! This wasn't part of our agreement!" Flynn exclaimed, his face contorting with a mix of surprise and frustration.

Caldwell, wearing a sly, almost mocking smile, inquired, "What agreement? you lost our bet, and now you have to face the consequences!"

Flynn's face flushed with anger as he retorted, "That's because you cheated!" His words were laced with frustration, but Caldwell simply ignored his protests.

Without wasting any more time, Caldwell conjured a swirling portal out of thin air. He continued speaking, his tone unwavering, leaving Flynn fuming in his indignation. "This portal will lead you to the academy grounds. There, you'll meet my assistant, who will guide you through the next steps. Professor Flynn hee will accompany you. Good luck."

Resigned to the situation, Flynn let out a heavy sigh, realizing there was no use arguing with Caldwell. He turned to the group of new initiates with a stern yet determined expression. "Alright, everyone, let's not waste any more time. Gather around and let's get going."

With that, Flynn led the way, guiding the apprehensive recruits towards the swirling portal that would transport them to the mysterious Valerian Academy.