
The Gifted Princess & The Cursed One

Since centuries ago, dark magicians have always been considered taboo and cursed. That's why, if Arina doesn't want to be executed, she has to hide her real identity from everyone, even from her own family. But as if someone doesn't want her life to go on easily, her identity slowly starts to be found out by some very troublesome people, with very troublesome power too!

ThreeBites · Fantasi
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11 Chs

The Garden Party

The first thing everyone felt as soon as they saw the incarnation of the high priestess was one, she was very shy. Even before everybody talked to her, she already panicked by herself and immediately looked for other priestesses so she could hide behind their backs. Not only did she look young, she almost looked like a kitty that had never been taken outside.

But it's not noble if they don't chat well. So no matter how agitated the girl looked when she was surrounded by people, they had no intention of letting her go and just kept bombarding her with questions.

"We heard you're from a small town, huh. Which family are you from? When exactly did that mark appear on your neck? What is… When is… Who is… Bla bla bla." Everyone kept asking those same questions.

The clumsy Effiria was about to run to the other priestesses again. But since everyone was off to chat with the others too, in the end she could only fake a chuckle while pretending to be munching on an apple.

Arina actually also thought about bothering her. But she had small worries… She was sure that it was impossible for the priestess to see her face last night. But what if?!

But while she was still thinking about it, someone else already approached her again. A man with one arm. And suddenly, people that surrounded Effiria earlier turned pale and walked away just like that as if they were told to. 

"..." Seeing him, Effiria who was already shy also stiffened her body. She didn't know him. But she remembered that the man was standing next to the king and queen during the ceremony earlier. So he must be the prince.

She wasn't sure if he was actually approaching her or just there to eat some fruits. But just in case… "I-I greet my respects to the prince. I am Effiria, the new priestess." She said with a deep bow.

Unlike prince Alex who was more friendly, the first prince has such an intimidating and scary aura. Not just because his missing arm, his muscular stature and sharp eyes always looked terrifying as if he could kill anyone with it.

"I guess people here haven't changed at all." He suddenly said. "Still disgusting."

"..." Effiria had no idea how to reply to that. So she just tried to munch her last apple so she could walk away too like the others.

Bus as she was just successfully putting her plate quietly on the table, the prince talked again. "But are you okay?" He asked. Effiria was still trembling, so he continued, "I hear you got attacked several times on the way here." He added.

"A-Ah, I'm fine." Effiria finally answered. She was a little confused how he knew about it. But it wasn't really a secret after all, so maybe it wasn't that weird. "The other priests and priestess always protect me, so…"

"Good then."

"...T-Then I'll excuse myself--" But as she was saying it, she suddenly saw someone's figure on the other side of the garden. And she… Kind of recognize her.

And prince Alex noticed her gaze. "Why? Is there someone you know?"

"Ah, mm…" Effiria wasn't sure if she could ask the prince, but what harm could have happened? "The lady over there…"

"You mean, Mrs. Almira?"

"...Mrs. Almira?" She repeated with a confused face.


"Pfft." On the other hand, Arina, who saw the prince and the priestess from afar, snorted to herself. If only she wasn't forcing herself to chew the cake she was eating, she really almost laughed out loud. Even though she already knew, seeing it in person was rather funny.

Even Olivia, Arina's friend who was also at the table seemed to notice the same thing as her. Wearing a flowing yellow dress, she hurriedly moved her feet closer to Arina. "Arina, Arina, look." She called while nudging her friend's arm. "Prince Felix and that priestess!"

"Wow, you're right." Said Sierra, another woman who was also there. "I've heard the gossip, but it seems like Prince Felix is really planning to get that priestess, huh." She commented too.

Arina usually doesn't really like listening to their useless chatter. But since the topic happened to be fun, she decided to let them brag as much as they wanted. "There are rumours like that? I don't know." Arina replied with a fake surprised face.

"Yes!" Olivia answered again while bringing her head closer to Arina. "Some say that Prince Felix plans to make the high priestess his partner. You know, for the position of the crown prince!"

"That's right, Arina. You also have to be careful with that priestess." Sierra added too. "She could threaten your position too."

And again Olivia drew herself closer to Arina to whisper. "You know, if you want, I actually have a priestess friend in the palace too. So, I could maybe ask her to… You know… Get her clothes dirty a little maybe." She said, offering.

"Hm, I don't know." Arina replied, who didn't seem very interested in the idea. She needs her dead, not just dirty. "That priestess seems like a good girl. So maybe I don't need to go that far--"

"You don't know that!" Sierra argued loudly. "Girls with such innocent faces are usually the most dangerous!" She added--which then reminded Arina about the gossip that Sierra had recently got cheated by her fiancé. Maybe the girl has an innocent face too?

'Well, but I do need to do something with her.' Arina thought to herself. "Fine. But maybe next time." Arina finally said. "If they're really planning to mess with me." She added, and Olivia nodded enthusiastically.

But while they were busy badmouthing them, suddenly they noticed that Prince Felix and Effiria started walking closer to another table, where Mrs. Anastasia was.

And they seemed to be chatting enthusiastically.