
The Ghost Queen

She was the child of destiny . But, maybe even god has different plans for her. Follow her in her journey from god's arms , to satan's hands, to ghost kingdom and finally to earth.

Lover3 · Fantasi
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12 Chs

The fresh hurt

She walked closer to the willow tree and placed her hand on the bark of the tree.A great tremor overtook her.Tears raced down her cheeks. She could hold the heartbreak no longer and she fell to the ground in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.Gut-wrenching sobs that tore through her chest. Her body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears. Tears spilling out of her eyes. Her breathing turned raspy intaking uneven breaths. She buried her face in her hands. Her chin, lips and eyelids were quivering. Her heart ached. All she yearned for was a normal life with her loved ones. Was that wrong of her to want something she could never attain? She could not help her tears falling out. She took out her diary and decide to write it all out maybe it would hurt less because the elders say that keeping things that hurt you is akin to keeping trash inside of you which would later turn into something that hurts one inside and out. Bottling up one's emotions is never good for their mental health. Letting it out is way better than keeping something similar to a poison inside of you. She wrote "Love hurts" is the biggest lie out there. Love heals, love makes people whole again and love fills them with the goodness they need to be as kind and loving as their Creator intended. What hurts is betrayal, thoughtlessness, uncaring attitudes and careless gossip. What hurts is people being unfriendly, not welcoming a new person to neighborhood or making "exclusive" cliques that are defined by who is "not welcome." What hurts is bullying, harassment, selfishness and greed.

Love on the other hand is the greatest gift mankind ever received, a gift that lives on within us all. Love is a gift that needs nurturing - it is the truth within us that knows life cannot be given a price tag. Love knows to be kind and never to hurt or kill. Love is what we crave from birth, a craving that must be met by our new and lovingly bound family. Love knows that a life is worth more than a pair or new shoes or designer makeup. Love is what can save us, make us fully human again and raise us up in the eyes of the Lord. Love may appear in different forms for different people under the most unpredictable guises. It builds you up just as much as it may hurt. I don't know what i feel right now. I don't know if i cried because of the betrayal or the loneliness or that of a heartbreak or just a shattered ego. Crying is a cleaning of the soul, a rebounding with the vulnerable self, a chance to realize what suffering and pain are for you... for others...They say sadness is behind anger, yet anger never comes unless in direct self defense, and so perhaps I can credit this natural passivity with my willingness to cry and feel pain, to let the sorrow teach me more about my true nature and how fragile I really am. I wish to know what i did to have deserved this. Since they don't intend to tell me I shall find it out no matter what. I have to find who this Shirley was and how she sneaked in the two and how they knew when I was to come back. If they think they can beat me with this lousy plan of theirs then I won't let them get what they want. A servant came running towards Krystal panting heavily . The servant didn't seem familiar . The servant greeted her and said that she was a new maid at the king's chambers and came here to report that Aaron had disappeared into thin air. The person delivering the food had found him missing during lunchtime when he was delivering the food! "Damn it" screamed Krystal and ran as fast as she could. Behind her the maid gave a creepy smile and went in a direction opposite to the palace. Unknown to the maid Krystal had only pretended to go back to the palace . Leaning against the tree Krystal smirked...