
The Ghost Queen

She was the child of destiny . But, maybe even god has different plans for her. Follow her in her journey from god's arms , to satan's hands, to ghost kingdom and finally to earth.

Lover3 · Fantasi
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12 Chs


Ever thought of being the second most powerful being in existence right after god? plus being god's daughter?plus being betrayed?plus going down to earth to find a reason as to why you were betrayed ? but then you realize you won't have an option to go back to your normal state and be transferred into the body of a human being with no powers or powerful background?

Krystal was created with the best of qualities along with the best of the powers by god out of curiosity just to know how it feels to be a parent. She lived the best days of her life. She would wake up , eat , play around with the angels and sometimes go around slaying demons. Above all she loved to read. She could read all day. And to be honest that's all she wanted to do.

One day in the dead of night Krystal smelt a funky smell while she was reading her manga's . Something was wrong! Her sight went blurry and it felt warm and fuzzy. All her senses went numb. She blacked out. Out of the shadows walked out none other than Satan! H looked at her . She was too adorable even while sleeping. Unknowingly he cupped her face slowly rubbing his thumb against her cheek. But, as soon as realization hit him he remembered he should not be swayed by something like emotions. He gently carried her she was shivering and shifted closer to him in her sleep. He covered her up in a blanket and disappeared bringing her along. At the edge of the styx river he put a basket big enough to hold her he put Krystal in the basket. Took one last look at her . And let go of the basket in the river. He really wanted to take her along but, he had is restraints too. He looked back at the basket that was flowing away with a cold smile.

God was overlooking the entire scenario with a sarcastic smirk. Did satan really think it was that easy to take my daughter away? nevermind i'll play along with you guys. God guided the basket towards a kingdom. The Ghost kingdom.....