
The Ghost Queen

She was the child of destiny . But, maybe even god has different plans for her. Follow her in her journey from god's arms , to satan's hands, to ghost kingdom and finally to earth.

Lover3 · Fantasi
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12 Chs


Krystal followed the maid. The maid glanced around to check if anybody was seeing her. When she was sure nobody was around she pressed a few rocks in a certain order. A symbol appeared, she touched it and disappeared. Krystal created a little talisman just in case things went wrong. After all, better safe than sorry. Krystal went near the spot and tested her luck and memory and Voila! The symbol appeared and Krystal carefully touched it just as the maid had. Krystal felt like she had been sucked into a void. It kind of made her breathless. She fell on a grass bed. The surroundings seemed familiar to the mortal world!

She stood up hurriedly and looked around. She hurried over and followed the only path that led to a mansion. She went to the back of the mansion on hearing the maid's voice. The maid was talking to somebody over her phone. She inched nearer to listen more clearly. The maid turned around abruptly. Krystal stepped back, her heart racing. "Nah, I think i overreacted, nobody's around .....Yeah I've been sensitive nowadays. Never mind I'll change and get back to being the rich heiress. Yeah yeah stop nagging like an old lady now will you? Yeah cool bye." After hearing this one –sided conversation between the maid and the mysterious caller Krystal was having some major assumptions but they just weren't possible. She has been gone for a good few years and dad had said it was impossible for her to even come back to our kingdom. Did she arrange this? Krystal's heart was pounding. Do I have to face her? She thought.

The maid entered a small shed and locked the door from inside. Krystal approached the shed. The energy flow from inside changed. This was impossible. One may change their appearances as they wish but, not their energy flow. How did they manage to do this? Krystal had thousands of questions in her mind. The maid's phone rang again from the inside of the shed. Krystal leaned in towards the door. "Hello? What? She didn't visit the confinement place yet? What talisman? Are you sure it's near the teleportation spell? This means somebody has found us out and maybe even informed her." Her voice trailed off. "They found my Talisman too quickly. They seem to be a bit too well informed about the things in our kingdom." Krystal thought. "Damn it whoever it may be find it out. We've planned this for years we can't let all our years of infiltration, planning and hard work will go down the drain. Find out the person. Send them to our torture house. I shall treat them well." The maid said with not even one ounce of well meant intentions. The inside of the shed went silent except for some shuffling of some light items. A few minutes later, the door opened. Out walked a girl. Krystal peeked at the face of the maid. Her eyes went wide with shock and still gaping at the maid's face. Krystal turned around to hide behind a tree just in time. The maid glanced over at Krystal's hiding spot and walked away. Krystal's body went numb. She went weak. She slumped onto the ground. The gait that was smooth only this morning was faltering and uneven. Her ponytail was ragged, loose hair falling over her features that contorted with effort. This wasn't possible. How could it be her…..