
The Ghost in the mirror

Don't judge the cover it's just the way I draw, I was also lazy and didn't put details

Leon_098 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Move in

The sound of raining can be heard from outside as a moving van parks in front of a mansion that looks in rough shape as a few people move boxes into the mansion.

?: can you guys hurry up and move!?

?: shut up Mason!

?: both of you need to stop... including you Zion!

The three men move the final boxes into the the mansion they close the door.

The three start looking at rooms to claim as their own while walking through the halls upstairs.

A few hours pass and the three men meet back in the main area of the mansion..

Mason: did you guys find a good room?

Zion: yeah, and mine has a huge space for all my things!, what kind of room did you pick Leo?

Leo: I picked a room at the end of the hall...

Mason sighs a little while looking at Zion with a blank look before picking up his boxes and bringing it to his room upstairs in the middle of the hall as Zion follows behind with his own boxes.

Leo is Left alone he looks around and notices how dirty the house looks and thinks of cleaning it after getting settled in his room and then begins to Walk back upstairs with a few boxes into his own room at the end of the hall.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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