
The Ghost's Bride

In the quiet, scholarly life of Emma Carter, a young college student with a passion for the mystic and unexplained, reality and fantasy blur in a dream that refuses to fade with the morning light. One night, plunged into a dreamscape shrouded in mist and mystery, she finds herself in an ancient, moonlit ceremony, marrying a stranger with eyes like the void. His voice, a cold whisper tethering her to him, declares her his wife with an authority that brooks no argument, binding her to a fate she cannot understand. "Now that you have taken the vow, you are my wife! You can never escape in this life!" he proclaims, setting the stage for a story that weaves through the threads of dreams and reality. As days pass, the dream repeats, each night drawing her deeper into the enigmatic world of her nocturnal husband, Lance —a spirit ancient beyond measure, whose heart has long been closed to the world of the living. Emma's days become haunted by memories of their dreamt nuptials, the enigmatic words he spoke, and a compelling pull towards him she can neither explain nor resist. With each dream, the boundary between her waking life and the night’s embrace blurs, leaving her to question the nature of her reality. Lance bound by the chains of time and thirst, finds in Emma a light he thought lost to his world. Bound to him by a dream, she becomes an obsession, a beacon calling him to break the shackles of his own making. However, this union is not without its dangers. Caught in the storm of her own feelings and the darkness of a world she never imagined could be real, She must navigate her way through this labyrinth of love. As she delves deeper into Lance world, she discovers that her dreams may not be as ephemeral as they seem. The bond they share ties her to him in ways that are both a curse and a blessing, a source of strength and a perilous weakness. As she embraces her role in Lance's life, she faces the challenge of reconciling the life she knows with the dark, enthralling world into which she has been thrust. Her journey is one of self-discovery, love, and the fight to maintain her agency in a world where ancient rituals and unbreakable vows threaten to define her existence.

GothChick · Fantasi
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24 Chs

New Discovery!

"Your words, they echo in the hollows of my mind," I uttered, my voice laced with disbelief and burgeoning hope. "Pray, what did you say?" The question hung between us, a fragile thread of connection. But Shawn, enigmatic as ever, had already turned away, his attention claimed by the verdant mysteries at our feet.

With the grace of a creature born of shadow and light, he pushed through the thicket, crouching low, his fingers tenderly caressing the earth. He seemed to be seeking, deciphering the language of the land itself. His hand lifted, a silent, thoughtful gesture, examining his fingertips as if they whispered secrets only he could comprehend. My heart thrummed with curiosity and an unspoken yearning, for even in confusion, Shawn's presence wove an enchanting spell.

As I approached, drawn to him like a moth to the flame's dance, I found him rising, a silent silhouette against the dimming day. "What mysteries have you unearthed in your silent vigil?" I inquired, my voice a hesitant whisper, afraid to shatter the moment's fragile beauty.

Shawn's gaze, however, sought the skies, his silence a deep well of unspoken thoughts. My own eyes followed, finding a sun cloaked in shadow, a world dimming before my very eyes. The world seemed to hold its breath, and I felt myself fading, a ghost in the making, as darkness embraced us.

It was then, under a shrouded sun, that Shawn moved with sudden purpose. From the ether, he produced a metallic cross, its appearance as sudden as a night's storm. "Now," he commanded, voice cutting through the stillness.

Transfixed, I watched as the cross, guided by unseen forces, drew blood from Shawn's finger—a sacrifice to the earth, a circle of power in the making. The darkness deepened, a cloak of night at dawn's edge, and an icy shiver traced my spine. Shadows whispered of unseen watchers, of eyes in the dark.

My thoughts turned to Zoya, her specter haunting the edges of my consciousness—her pale visage, her blood-red smile, a portrait of sorrow and longing. Her laughter, a sound both mournful and mocking, filled the silence.

Panic took root, a desire to flee the enveloping darkness. But the night was absolute, a void where light once danced. The familiar world was lost to me, every direction a path to unknown terrors. I tried to speak, to call out, but my voice was a prisoner to the silence.

Zoya's plea echoed in the depths, a desperate cry across the chasm of despair: "Help me...save me..." The night held its breath, and in the heart of darkness, Shawn and I stood at the crossroads of fate and fear, bound by mysteries untold and a destiny unwritten.

As Zoya's spectral presence drew nearer, the cold dampness of her being seeped into my bones, an unwelcome caress that left me shivering with revulsion. The air thickened with the iron tang of blood, a scent so overpowering it set my stomach to roiling in distress.

Desperation clawed at me, my strength deserting me as fear took root. My legs, traitorous in their fear, buckled beneath me, and I crumbled to the earth, a heap of dread and despair.

Clutching my head, I sought to shield myself from the specter I feared loomed close behind. Words of apology spilled from my lips in a litany of regret, "I'm sorry, so very sorry. I never should have beckoned to the shadows... I'm sorry..." The realization that terror could silence the heart's steady beat, leaving only the pounding echo in one's temples, was a horror all its own.

In that abyss of fear, there was but one beacon of hope: Lance, if only you were here to save me...

As the grip of terror threatened to claim me whole, an unexpected touch sent me spiraling into panic, a scream tearing from my throat as I braced for the end.

Then, a voice pierced the veil of my despair, familiar and bewilderingly concerned, "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Frozen, I felt a gentle force coax my arm away from my head, unveiling a world returned to its rightful state from the shadows that had besieged it. Beside me, squatting with a look of perplexed concern, was none other than Shawn.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you..." His voice held a tinge of guilt, perhaps stirred by the pallor of my face. His words, a soothing balm, gradually convinced me that the horrors I had faced were but illusions of my mind.

With Shawn's support, I found my feet again, noticing a ring of black liquid on the gravel—a stark reminder of the ordeal. My gaze must have betrayed my confusion, for Shawn, with a sheepish scratch of his head, sought to explain, "It's from when I... This is my blood."

Yet, the logic eluded me. I had seen Shawn's blood, as red as life itself, not this unnatural black. "Blood, even dried or oxidized, doesn't turn such a stark black," I protested, my mind a whirl of questions.

Shawn's gaze met mine, heavy with a truth yet to be shared. "The spell I cast, it was a test of the energies that linger here. The presence of malevolent spirits turned my blood to this dark hue," he confessed, his voice a mixture of mystery and an unexpected tenderness that stirred something deep within me, igniting a flicker of warmth in the chilling aftermath of our shared ordeal.

As the last vestiges of fear ebbed away from my soul, Shawn gently released my arm, lighting a cigarette with a contemplative sigh. "You know," he began, the smoke curling like mist around him, "I've been thinking... Jessie's fate wasn't solely in Zoya's hands. It seems Zoya didn't intend to harm her."

No sooner had the words left his lips than a spark of realization ignited in his eyes. He dashed towards the car with a newfound urgency, and I hastened after him. The car roared to life, the burning cigarette discarded through the window as we sped away.

During our drive, Shawn unraveled the mysteries behind my haunting visions. The ritual he performed, designed to unveil malevolent spirits, inadvertently stirred the darkest fears within those nearby. "Such ceremonies can invoke terrifying images from the depths of the human psyche," he explained, a note of regret in his voice. Yet, he hadn't anticipated the storm of illusions that had besieged me. "Ordinarily, the effects are far milder," he mused, "The spirits are the true quarry, not the living."

Guilt gnawed at me, hiding a secret that could change everything between us. Yet, fear of revealing my condition—a bearer of a nascent shadow—forced my silence. "And here I was, nearly scared witless by Zoya's ghost, thanks to your lack of warning!" I retorted, veiling my inner turmoil with light-hearted reproach.

Shawn's response was a roguish grin, his laughter soft and teasing. "I never pegged you for one so easily startled, especially given your courage in joining me on this mission. How unexpected," he chuckled, his amusement a balm to the lingering shadows of my fright.

I merely rolled my eyes, my heart secretly yearning for the simplicity of ignorance, for the days before dark truths and darker realities intertwined with our fate.

Upon our return to the police station, Shawn's first act was to dive back into the digital abyss, pulling up the haunting footage once more. Zoya's image, frozen in time, beckoned from the screen—her gaze piercing, her tangled hair a dark veil, and her lips a stark, twisted crimson.

As I watched, drawn into the eerie tableau, a disquieting sense of wrongness took hold. Beside me, Shawn's focus was unwavering until, with a suddenness that startled me, he slammed his hand down, a triumphant declaration shattering the silence: "I understand!"