
The Genius Prince

In a realm where kingdoms rise and fall like the ebb and flow of the tide, one young prince embarks on a journey that will shape the destiny of his people and his land. James Vi Heisenberg, the third prince of his kingdom, finds himself thrust into the forefront of leadership as he sets out to govern the coastal region of Heisenport.

Daoist8g69MA · Fantasi
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27 Chs

The Red Crystals II

As the Vice-captain and Count retreated to the camp to prepare the necessary equipment, Bahrian and the 3rd prince arrived at the border of the territory.

A week later, with extensive preparations and efforts, the Vice-captain and Count successfully acquired a sizable sample of the red crystal from the mine.

The triumphant achievement marked a significant milestone in their exploration and understanding of the mysterious substance.

With the precious sample secured, Count Frederick wasted no time and brought it with him to the city, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 3rd prince.

With meticulous calculation, Count Frederick anticipated the precise moment of the 3rd prince and Bahrian's arrival, aligning it with the setting of the sun.

As the golden orb dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, the Count positioned himself at the imposing gates, his anticipation palpable in the air.

Dressed in his finest attire, the Count stood with an air of anticipation, his gaze fixed on the horizon, where he knew the royal entourage would soon appear.

Every passing moment seemed to stretch as he waited, the weight of his news pressing upon him like an eager secret longing to be shared.

Finally, as the first stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, the sound of approaching hoofbeats echoed through the streets.

The Count's heart quickened with excitement as he caught sight of the familiar figures of the 3rd prince and Bahrian, their silhouettes outlined against the fading light.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, the 3rd prince and Bahrian finally arrived at the city gates, greeted by the eager Count Frederick.

His smile spoke volumes of the excitement brewing within him as he awaited the chance to report to the prince.

Upon their arrival, Count Frederick wasted no time leading James and Bahrian to the grandeur of the Lord's castle.

Within the opulent dining hall, amidst the flickering candlelight, they sat down to a meal fit for royalty.

In the midst of their conversation, the Count casually mentioned the remarkable discovery made by the knights of the Heisenport Military Reserve Regiment Academy during their patrol—the finding of a vein of red crystals.

With a glint of intrigue in his eyes, the 3rd prince leaned forward, captivated by the Count's words.

The mention of the red crystal vein piqued his curiosity, and he listened intently as the Count revealed the piece of the red crystal they had unearthed.

Your Highness" can you examine this red crystal? said by count expecting that the 3rd prince know of this material as he read a lot of books in the Royal Library..

The prince looked at the Red crystal Frederick was showing and fell silent for a moment, his mind whirling with thoughts.

Suddenly, as if summoned by the intensity of the moment, the system materialized before him.

"Blink* I felt a large amount of Mana" the system exclaimed cheerfully.

James was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the system once again. "!??" he exclaimed, his surprise evident.

"I thought you were only a dream!?" James thought to himself, his confusion mounting.

The system responded with a reassuring tone,

"Master^_^ We met in your consciousness realm, but there was no Mana to use for me to appear in the real world."

James nodded slowly, and asked... what is this mana you speak of?

Master, Mana is a special energy that can crystalize if there is a dense amount of mana in a certain area... and Mana is also the energy used by mages and healers to perform their skills...

James nodded slowly, absorbing the system's explanation.

"So, mana is a special energy that can crystallize in certain areas, forming mana veins," he summarized, trying to grasp the concept.

The system chimed in eagerly,

"Exactly, Master! And the red crystal that the bearded man is showing you is called a Mana Crystal, and it's 99.9% pure."

James examined the crystal with newfound interest, marveling at its purity and the potential implications of such a discovery.

James then asked the count how they got this...

How did you get this sir count? asked the prince...

Ah well... we tried various ways to extract that and... we gave up trying to extract the large ones and sought other smaller ones instead... said the count while scratching his cheeks as if hiding something from the prince...

Hmm hmm...

Let me hold that one and I'll examine it in my room said by the prince,

the count then gave it to him and left the room going back to rest leaving behind Bahrian and James on the dining room..

Meanwhile, Bahrian and James continued their conversation, their voices filling the room with warmth and nostalgia.

Hmm... I can't believe time flew so fast... 3 years has already passed and a lot changed since then

Bahrian's reminiscence prompted James to reflect on the journey they had undertaken together. "Yes, it's been quite the journey," he agreed, his tone tinged with fondness.

Bahrian nodded in agreement, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "We've faced many challenges, but we've also achieved so much," she remarked, her eyes reflecting the memories they had shared.

James returned her smile, a sense of gratitude evident in his expression. "I'm grateful for everything, especially for having people like you by my side," he confessed sincerely, his gaze meeting Bahrian's.

Bahrian's eyes softened with appreciation as she returned his smile. "And we're grateful to have you as our leader, your highness," she replied warmly, her voice filled with respect and admiration.