
The Genius of White

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2 Chs

Chapter 1

The day I'm waiting for is finally come. Today I going to become a student of the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School. This is a special high school that promises a hundred percent placement rate for students advancing into higher education or entering the workforce which I don't care about. The reason I decided to take admission into this school was that after entering the school no outside contact is allowed. Since this is a government-sponsored school it's very unlikely that "that man" was able to find me here.


Currently, I'm riding a bus to my school. I idly looked out of my window, watching the city's scenery. It was so refreshing that I nearly fell asleep and then suddenly an argument broke out on the bus. I turn my eyes toward the front where the argument was taking place and I saw a person which I didn't expect to be here of all places.

"What's he doing here? And he's wearing the same uniform as me" I thought.

He had a well-built body and blond hair. He was sitting down in one of the priority seats and an elderly woman standing right next to him. A girl who also wearing my school's uniform stood in front of him and asked him to give up his seat for the elderly woman which he refused.

"He's still a self-centred person." I thought.

The blond person did not give up his seat, no matter what the girl said. Giving up on him, the girl turns toward the rest of the passengers.

"Everyone, Can someone give up their seat for this elderly woman. Please." The girl asked the other passengers in her earnest voice.

If I give up my seat, then the matter would be resolved but then that blond person would notice me and I didn't want that, so I can not give up my seat. I turned my eyes away from them and noticed that the girl seating next to me didn't even bother to look at the argument and continue to read her book. While I was staring at her, our eyes met for few seconds.

"Excuse me, You can have my seat." A working woman said and offered the elderly woman her seat. It looks like some finally respond to the girl's appeal.


Soon, we arrived at our destination and all the high school students got off the bus. As I was about to enter the school gate I was interrupted by the same girl who was sitting next to me.

"Why we're you starring at me?" She asked. Her eyes were sharp.

"Sorry, I was wondering why didn't you give up your seat," I replied.

"Is that so, I didn't give up my seat because I thought it was unnecessary and also a waste of my energy and time." She said. With that she took her leave.

"Doesn't this make you worse than me," I muttered. I didn't give up my seat because that would get me into trouble and she thought that it was unnecessary.

"Interesting." I thought.

"Well well, I didn't expect you to be here, Ayanokoji boy. Did your father know, that you here?" A voice came from behind which I know very well. I sighed because I planned to avoid any interaction with this person. I turned around to saw the same blond person from the bus.

"What did you want, Koenji Rokusuke," I asked.

Koenji Rokusuke, the sole heir to the Kouenji conglomerate group. "That man" once tries to persuade their company to invest in the white room. He takes me with him to showcase my abilities as a student from the white room and there I meet Koenji. In the end, the company declined the offer but Koenji left a deep impression on my mind.

"Nothing. Just surprised to see you here. Aren't you supposed to be at the facility" Koenji asked. He had a mocking smile on his face.

"That's none of your business," I said without showing any kind of emotion.

"Hahaha, I see" Koenji chuckled as he walked past me.

I sighed heavily. I didn't even start my high school life and I was already in a trouble.

"Even God is against me," I thought.


After the entrance ceremony was completed every student went to their classrooms. Mine was class D. Upon entering the classroom I looked around the classroom and saw that few students are already there. I looked for my seat with my nameplate and sat down silently.

Soon the classroom was filled with students. I looked to my left and saw the same girl who argued with me at the school entrance. I tried to introduce myself but she shot me down with a glare. There was one more familiar face that I didn't want to see, Koenji. He was sitting in his seat and his feet were on the table. A rather rube way to sit in the classroom.

"It looks like God really has grudge against me," I thought while sighing.

Sometime later a teacher came into the classroom and introduced herself as Chiyabashira Sae. She explained the rules of this school and regulations. She also told us about the school's unique feature which is called the S-system.

The S-system uses points as a digital currency that can be used to buy anything inside the school campus. These points are going to be automatically deposited on the first of every month. One point is equal to one yen and the students have already received 100,000 points for this month. This was very suspicious but no one asked questions about this. Everyone was excited to receive this much money.

After that, we were all dismissed. Regular classes are going to start tomorrow so we are free to do whatever we want to do. Some of my classmates already made plans to go to the mall with their friends. Before anyone could leave a student stood on the teacher's podium

"Everyone, from today onwards we going to classmates. Therefore I think we should introduce ourselves to each other," He announced with a confident voice.

The majority of the students agree with him but some students didn't think that way. A student with fiery red hair glared at him. He looked like a delinquent.

"I don't care. I didn't come here make friends," The red-haired guy got up and leave the class. Several other students also follow the suit including my neighbour. The students who remained continue the introduction. The guy who stood on the teacher's podium, his name is Hirata Yousuke and the girl who helped the elderly woman, her name is Kushida Kikyou. One after one students introduced themselves and now it's my turn.

"Well, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. And, I don't have any special skills or anything. I'll do my best to get along with all of you. It's, nice to meet you," I somehow introduced myself while stumbling upon my words. My classmates clapped out of pity.

I know that my intro was bad but at least able to introduce myself. I never learned communication skills. I never needed that before.

"This is so nerve-wracking," I thought.


After the introduction is over most of the students headed toward dormitories. Some students formed groups with their friends and made their way to cafes, karaoke etc. Since I didn't have any friends I also decided to go to the dorms. On my way, I made a quick stop by the convenience store where I unexpectedly ran into my neighbour once again.

"Hello, there," I said tries to make a conversation with her. She was the only one, other than Koenji, to who I was able to talk a bit after entering this school.

"You again. What did you want," She said.

"Is it too much to ask for a simple introduction? We're seatmates. It'll be bad for us if we didn't even know each other names, at least for me," I said.

She looked at me from the corner of her eyes and then sigh.

"My name is Horikita Suzune," Horikita said as she took a cheap shampoo from the shelf.

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you," I said

She took a cheap shampoo from the shelf which has a free tag on it. It's also said that students can buy necessary items for free three times per month. This got me curious but I didn't say anything and it looks like Horikita is also sceptical about the S system. I have some theories about it but let see if she can figure it out.

We roamed around the convenience store without looking at each other. I also purchased some items. After exiting the store, Horikita made her way in the direction of dorms without even saying goodbye.

"I guess, I was hoping for too much," I thought. It's a miracle that I was even able to get her name.


I took my room key card from the reception and then boarded the elevator. For a single person, my room was pretty big. It also had a kitchen. I put the items which I purchased from the store on the kitchen rack and dived into my already made bed. I was so excited about my new life.

"I'm finally free from that man," I thought.

To be continued.