
The Genius Leader Of The Magical Country

Wagola, year 3025. A very happy family has three very handsome sons. Felix Walker and Emily's family, along with their three children, Edward, Edric, and Alan, live happily even in simplicity. They live their lives harmoniously on a farm owned by the family. They have everything because the land they own is vast. Felix and Emily manage a farm that is inherited from the Walker family, who was then bankrupt. The two of them had just gotten married when they came to the ranch, and they started to improve things little by little with their hard work, and of course, their efforts paid off. They both started to make money, and by the time their first son was born, they were in pretty good shape economically. Their happiness as a small family with a child and having a fairly good income made their first son, Edward, not lack nutrition and nutrition so that he grew up to be a very smart child. By the time he was in kindergarten, little Edward was already good at distinguishing colors and was also good at counting. His memory is quite strong, and he could read fluently before entering school. The happy family lived in peace until they had three sons who were very handsome and intelligent. The farms and plantations they manage are increasing, and the results are so abundant that they can then send their three sons, who are only two years apart each, to the city. All three are special children who have advantages in their respective fields of education. A few years later, all three have graduated from college, and Edward, the eldest son of the Felix Walker family, mysteriously disappears. Felix and Emily felt very sad and hopeless when they did not find their son's whereabouts. They can't even tell if their son's fate is alive or dead. Edward's two brothers, who then searched for the whereabouts of their eldest brother, also disappeared, and what happened to Edward was repeated. Now Emily and Felix live alone with very sad feelings until ten years later an event that they did not expect. The whole city of Wagola was shocked by the presence of a new country that was very sophisticated and modern. It all started with the appearance of magical items circulating among them. The whole city was in an uproar. Finally, the truth was revealed that there was a new country, a very magical country with various sophisticated and modern equipment and equipment. That country is led by a very genius young man. Felix and Emily, who heard the news, hoped that maybe his son was in that magical land. How did the two of them struggle to get to that magical land? Will the two of them meet their three sons? Who is the real leader of this magical land? What do they find in the land that many call a wonderland? There are many secrets and very mysterious events that occurred during those ten years, follow the full story in the book The Genius Leader Of The Magical Country by author Aveesa Huay

Aveesa_Huay · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Don't Believe

"Okay Mom, Dad, then we'll go to bed first. You two go to bed soon too, take care of your health so you don't get sick. Edward will be very sad if you get sick."

Edrick immediately asked Alan to sleep. Emily and Felix were also about to head into their room when suddenly Emily's cell phone vibrated and turned on. There was a call from an unknown number. Emily frowned and immediately looked at her husband. She then handed her cell phone to Felix.

"Felix, you just accept, for some reason my heart feels bad and I'm afraid to hear what the person calling will say. It's an unknown number."

Emily always did that when she got a call from someone she didn't know. Felix smiled and immediately took his wife's cell phone and took the call. When he received the ring, he heard a lot of sirens like the sound of police cars and ambulances. Felix immediately felt something uncomfortable in his heart.

"Hello, good evening, who is this with?"

Felix asked the person speaking from the other side. Felix heard a lot of people talking, and some were crying.

"Sorry sir if we disturb your rest time, we just want to convey the news that your family member suffered a plane crash from America to England with that flight number. The accident happened five hours ago and we apologize for only being able to provide information now ."

The person on the other side explained in detail the plane crash Edward and the passengers on the ill-fated plane. Felix immediately burst out laughing until Emily and her two sons, who were going to sleep and were already in the room, returned to the living room because they heard Felix's voice. They thought that Edward had finally called.

"Felix, give me the cell phone! I want to talk to Edward."

Emily asked Felix, who now just stared at his wife and two sons while the person behind the phone continued to talk about the chronology of the plane crash. Now Felix's laughter is no longer heard, replaced by a serious face when he listens to the person behind the phone continuing to talk.

"How could my son's name be on the passenger list on that plane? My son has arrived in England since yesterday afternoon, please check again. I'm sure you have the wrong person."

Felix also insisted that Edward could not be on the plane because yesterday he had received news from Edward himself, who said that he had arrived at the campus dormitory in England.

"I'm sorry sir, but your son is indeed a passenger on the plane that is currently having an accident. Tell you what, you please first confirm with the parties related to your son's departure to England, when we are ready we are ready to help you find your son. This plane crash site is at the North Pole and the plane hit an iceberg. Many passengers are still being searched. But we have found your son's belongings so you can contact us as soon as possible."

The person who called Felix ended the call because they still had to contact the other victims' families. Felix immediately sat limp at this time. He couldn't say anything, which confused Emily and their two sons.

"Father, what happened? why did you suddenly turn like this?"

Edrick tried to question his father, who looked at Emily sadly. Emily immediately guessed that there must be something going on with Edward right now.

"Felix, tell me! What happened to Edward?"

Asked Emily, sobbing. Felix didn't answer his wife's question, but he immediately pulled Emily's body into his arms. After he calmed down, Felix told Emily everything he had heard and Edrick and Alan. They were all very shocked when they listened to what Felix said.

"That's Emily, I was also very surprised and couldn't believe what they were saying, but they've found Edward's stuff. They've also sent his picture. You can see for yourself."

Felix immediately handed over her cellphone, and Emily immediately believed that Edward was one of the plane crash victims.

Emily was crying, and now she was unconscious. Felix immediately picked up his wife's body and carried her into the room. Felix asked Edrick and Alan to sleep and rest tomorrow. Felix asked both of them to seek information at Edward's school about Edward's real destination to America or England.

Felix's mind was really messed up right now. He still couldn't believe everything that had happened, but all the evidence had shown that Edward was indeed one of the victims of the plane crash. Felix is still confused as to why Edward lied to his father. What exactly was the reason Edward behaved like that when they all loved him so much.

"Edward, how are you doing now, son? Your mother and I and your siblings are very worried about you. Are you safe? Will we be able to see you again one day?"

Felix muttered to himself, and he wasn't sure there were survivors of the crash, seeing the condition of the destroyed plane, and related parties had also said that all passengers and crew were killed in the accident.