
The Genius Hunter Can’t Die!

[Please support the work by adding to your library, and donating power stones, golden tickets, and gifts!] The gods decree and the mortals obey. So what happens when the devil decrees? After watching his last family member, his little sister get devoured by monsters along with his friends. John loses all hope and falls to his vices. his future bleak and destined to be pathetic. until one day, his only friend takes him to get his awakening and receive a blessing from the universe, a [Gift]. all goes well and he awakens successfully, gaining a high-rank gift [Transcendent]. still feeling hopeless he turns to leave. "You need power, don’t you? you wish to bring back your friends, and your sister, don’t you?" enticed by a strange voice he returns to the alter. "Take my [Curse] and I will guide you to the the tower and then to the [Stygian Crypt], there you will receive the power to revive those who you hold dear!" "curse?" "Humans are so foolish, so quick to trust the gods that play them as pawns, but when pitiful ol’ me offers my grace, they call it a curse! fear not, no harm will come to you." "why me?" John asks. "why didn’t you ask the gods why they granted you such a [Gift]? quickly now, take my hand or those you love will suffer forevermore." "I…accept!" "good! You are the final one and the 12th of those I have granted boons, go forth and break this chessboard!" A deal with the devil once made, can never be broken. John, did not realise that day that he had stepped on the road to heights unseen. the gods? the devils?mortals?the cursed? none will stand in his way. but first, he would need to see his own limit. [On Hiatus until May 12th 2024]

DrunkImmortalCat · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

The Solo Dungeon Experience

Soon I arrived at the Hunter's Bureau once again, I made my way to the registration desk.

"Welcome, sir. Would you like to renew your license or register for a new one?" asked the receptionist.

"I'd like to register."

"Alright, scan your ID here and walk into the door on the left."

"Thank you," I said as I scanned my wrist.

As my information appeared to her, her expression changed.

"Heavy Rain? They let your kind outside these days?" she said with a disdainful expression.

"If they've got you here I guess we're welcome," I replied as I left towards the door.

"You!" she shouted.

However, I was already in the room for the physical check-up, I was led into a small examination room and greeted by a weary-eyed doctor.

"Welcome, please undress down to your undergarments and stand on that platform."

"Ah, yes," I answered slightly confused.

Soon I stood on the platform, with only my underwear to cover me. Her gaze lingered on the scars that crisscrossed my back like the remnants of a forgotten battle, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern. As for the spine implant's small exterior parts, she didn't seem to find spine cyberware surprising.

"These scars," she observed, her voice measured and neutral. "What's their origin?"

"Rough life," I replied evenly, offering no further explanation.

But the doctor was not so easily deterred. She pressed for answers, delving into wounds I had long buried. "And your sister mentioned in your files?" she inquired, her tone softening ever so slightly. "Did she share in your hardships?"

A flicker of emotion threatened to breach the effects of [Cold Heart] but an S-rank skill was not so easily broken. "She was killed by monsters a few years back," I stated flatly, my voice devoid of sentiment. "But she was never scratched nor hungry. That was my job."

The doctor's nod was one of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the burdens of the new human world. "I see," she murmured, her expression unreadable. "You've endured more than most."

I offered her a nod of acknowledgment, my gaze unwavering as I turned to leave. "It's the way of this world," I replied, my words a reminder for myself.

Next was the mana check-up, I was led into another small room where a large machine resembling a tube was waiting.

"Please undress and enter the machine." said the worker.

"*Sigh* you should at least have heating if every test needs me to undress," I murmured as I entered the machine.

"This might hurt a little." The worker said as he tapped a button and multiple needles stabbed into my body. Soon the needles pulled out automatically and the crimson energy healed their wounds.

"That hurt more than just a little."

"Yeah yeah, get over it." The worker said nonchalantly. "Take this healing potion, it'll take care of the wounds for you-"

He suddenly noticed that my skin was as flawless as when I went in.

"How did you..? Healing [Gifts] that fast exist?"

"Who knows maybe they do. Or maybe I'm just immortal." I said in a joking manner.

"Yeah sure, take the potion anyway, it's yours right." He said as he tossed me the potion.

"Yeah, thanks." I caught it and left, and soon I was back at the receptionist.

"You're a back street rat? Come on then, pay 500 credits and your card'll be out in seconds. Or is that too much for you?" She taunted.

"What a child," I said as I scanned my wrist and the payment instantly went through. From a slot in front of her, a card was released. I took it and left as she was still attempting to put me down.

"Did you get that money by stealing? Or did you kill someone for I-"

I was already outside soon. I looked down at the card as a small feeling of pride manifested.

NAME: John Crane

RANK: D-Rank





"They included some unrelated information such as the Heavy Rain part, but I guess a card is a card either way. Now, let's go hunt some monsters!"


I parked my bike and approached the entrance to the dungeon, two armed guards came forward towards me.

"Hunter card please."


I handed them the card.

"You're good to go."

"Thank you," I replied

I touched the gate and a panel flickered to life before me, displaying the details of the dungeon I was about to enter.

[D-rank Orc Dungeon]

The guards stationed at the entrance regarded me with a mixture of concern and disbelief as I approached. "You shouldn't do this solo," one of them cautioned, his voice tinged with genuine concern. "Orcs are no joke, even in a D-rank dungeon."

But I brushed off their warnings with a wave of my hand, "I'll be fine," I replied with confidence.

The guards exchanged a skeptical glance, but ultimately stepped aside, allowing me to enter. Soon the scene around me changed.

The air was thick with the scent of earth and plants, a tangible reminder of the dangers that awaited me in the shadows. I found myself standing on the edge of a small forest, its twisted trees casting shadows in the dim light. In the heart of the clearing lay an orc camp, its crude structures, and flickering torches a stark contrast to the natural beauty of the surrounding forest.

"Let's check a few things first, this is my first solo hunt after all." I thought.

Instead of charging headlong into battle, I silently climbed up into the branches of a nearby tree, I settled in to observe the orc camp from a safe distance.

From my vantage point, I could see the orcs moving about their camp, their movements rough and brutish. Some tended to the cooking fires, while others sharpened their weapons or sparred with one another in mock combat.

"They look fairly regular, just as described they've got a sort of civilized structure going on."

I held [Wolf's Ravaging Edge] in my hands and jumped into the middle of the camp.

"It's time to hunt pups!"
