
The General’s Genius Daughter

In her previous life, the woman that her husband cheated on dug out her beautiful eyes, told her that her child was not her husband’s and then tortured her to death. Her six year old son, Tiantian, was harmed by the adulterer while her parents were brutally murdered… Hua Qiyue woke up again and found out that she was now in the body of a famous general’s daughter, who shared the same first name as her. However, she discovered that the body was a useless one as her Qi veins were blocked! Since the heaven did give her another chance of life, she promised herself to destroy the life of her cheating husband, torture the home wrecker, seek revenge and save her son! By accident, she discovered a handsome devil inside her jade gourd and was forced to acknowledge him as her master. What troubled her more was that her first appearance in the public caused her to be surrounded by numerous handsome men such as the cool and mysterious Prince Nan, her cruel but strong master Tianpi, and the kind and graceful Medical Saint… Tianyuan continent was the continent of Qi Art and Spirit Summoning Art… Watch how Hua Qiyue master the two Arts, defeat her rivals and solve one mystery after another…

Fenice_anonym · Sejarah
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127 Chs

Chapter 41: Mystery

Ji Jing looked at Yun Shimo with interest. Hua Qiyue's footwork was indeed unique and impressive, but she didn't know as much about fighting as her brother or Yun Shimo.

Yun Shimo turned solemn. "I don't know what to think. I've never seen anything like it. Have you?"

Ji Feng shook his head. "No, and neither has my father. He agreed to let Jing invite Qiyue for lunch but didn't never brought it up."

"That's because Dad knows that there must be a supreme master behind Hua Qiyue and that she's smart enough not to reveal who they are," Ji Jing said, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "I told you the rumors couldn't be true! Everyone else is just too stupid not to see Hua Qiyue for the smart woman that she is!"

She turned a sly grin toward Ji Feng.

"But you weren't fooled, brother. I saw how you walked so closely to her today."

Ji Feng's face reddened. "Jing, don't say such nonsense!"

His sister's grin broadened. "I knew it! You do like Hua Qiyue!"

Yun Shimo's eyes dimmed as he took a sip of wine. What was sweet and delicious moments ago now tasted flat and bitter.

"What are you afraid of?" Jing asked as he reached for some food. "I'm sure that Sister Qiyue likes you!"

Ji Feng stared at the table as his face reddened further.

Yun Shimo called over a servant. "I want to know everything you can find out about Master Xuanji."

After the servant left, Ji Feng turned back to Yun Shimo.

"You think Xuanji might be Qiyue's master?"

Yun Shimo nodded. "Perhaps. Or he may know who her master is. But there are still so many questions. Why did Master Xuanji teach her? Why is she called a stupid and lustful woman, when we can plainly see it's not the case? If she has such a powerful master, what is she pretending to be an idiot?"

Ji Jing nodded his agreement. "Good questions. Could it be that she is hiding something she doesn't want her enemies to find? It would be easy to overlook a simpleton."

"Perhaps you're right, Jing. Perhaps Qiyue wanted to hide something. But then…why participate in such a public competition? And why make such a spectacle of herself?"

He drummed his fingers on the table. "It could be because of her adopted son, Tianci. He was poisoned and rendered mute. She brought Tianci to me for treatment. But in order to fully cure him, I told her I'd need Purple Lotus Phoenix Ice."

Ji Jing's eye shone with understanding. "So, she entered the tournament to save her son. Wow."

Yun Shimo nodded.

Ji Feng sat forward. " Qiyue is risking her life for her adopted son. Even with her mysterious master, that's a real risk with her Qi veins blocked. Very brave, indeed."

Ji Jing waggled her eyebrows. "Brave enough for you to start courting her?"

Ji Feng ignored her, toasting Yun Shimo cleverness, instead.

After that, they got down to business. The main purpose of the tournament was gathering disciples. It was Ji Zhong's idea, because he thought it would be a lot of pressure on Ji Feng to manage the whole family business by himself.

He was also worried that his uncle might attempt to take over the business against his will, causing a split between the uncle and Ji Feng. If this occurred, the support of disciples would be needed.

They'd announced that there would only be two disciples selected, but they were planning on recruiting ten. The two tournament winners would be trained publicly, while the other eight would be cultivated in secret.

Yun Shimo sympathized with Ji Feng's situation and recommended eight young men and women who might fulfill Ji Feng's needs.

After his guests departed, Yun Shimo returned to the dining room and sat on the wooden chair by the pond. The fragrance of the lotus carried on the wind, surrounding him.

The moon and stars shone brightly in the sky while Yun Shimo sat there silently.

Around midnight, there was a knock on the door.

The servant, Bingyi, had returned and passed a pile of paper to Yun Shimo. "Prince, Xuanji caught the attention of our Golden Door when he first arrived in the city. However… his origins are well concealed, as if his past records were deliberately destroyed. We were unable to discover any information about Master Xuanji prior to his arrival in the capital."

Yun Shimo narrowed his eyes, focusing on the lotus flowers swaying in the wind.

"Prince, would you like us to use… special measures?

Yun Shimo waved his hand dismissively. "No. Xuanji is no ordinary man. Just observe him for now. Keep an eye out for anything unusual."

Bingyi remained silent, sensing her master had something else to say.

"Also... keep a lookout for Hua Qiyue. Report any news to me."

Bingyi agreed obediently, before departing to carry out her master's orders.

Yun Shimo had great faith in his guards. They were all extremely loyal, highly skilled in many fields, including Qi Art. He knew that some of the imperial family didn't like him, especially the princes, and having some of the best guards in the capital dissuaded them from any thoughts of assassination.

Of course, there was the argument that Yun Shimo didn't need guards. Rumors said that his Qi Art had reached the completion of Moon Erosion stage, which precious few Qi Artists ever achieved.

In the heart of the capital, and despite the late hour, the streets were still bustling.

Ji Feng and Ji Jing found their father at Dong Hai Restaurant, where they'd left him, and brought him up to date on the day's events.

Ji Zhong sat by his table, pondering the information he'd been given. "So, you're saying that Hua Qiyue came only for the medicine, and not to be a disciple of our family?"

Ji Feng felt the need to defend Hua Qiyue before his father judged her too harshly. "Dad, Hua Qiyue is an unmarried woman. It was difficult for her to even adopt a son. Now she is risking her life for that son, demonstrating both loyalty and kindness. If she won, I don't think she would reject us. And wouldn't you be happy to have such a brilliant apprentice?"

Ji Zhong sat silently for a moment, seeming to consider his sons words. Eventually, he nodded. "You're right. Besides, Hua Qiyue seems to be surrounded in secrets. I'd like to unravel them, if we can."

Ji Jing grinned mischievously. "Dad, Feng has a crush on Qiyue. Would you let him pursue her, despite her family's lower status?"

Ji Zhong chuckled, glancing at a blushing Ji Feng. "As long as your brother is happy. We are not a royal family. Status is not our primary concern."

Ji Feng exhaled. That was one obstacle out of the way, at least.

After returning to her residence, Hua Qiyue received a visit from Butler Wang to confirm he had received the bets from the tournament.

Hua Qiyue had been certain that they would pay up. Not doing so would mean far more damage to their reputations than a few hundred tales of silver was worth.

"Miss, there is a total of 15,000 taels in total. 11,000 taels from bets and 5,000 taels as gifts from the princes." Butler Wang smiled as he explained the finances to Qiyue, passing an accountancy book to her. "Here are the details. Feel free to confirm my numbers."

"No need, Butler Wang. I trust everything is in order." Hua Qiyue smiled as she took out a pile of coins. "Please accept these 500 taels for your excellent work."

Butler Wang was taken aback. "No, no... Miss, you've already been so generous! I couldn't possibly..."

" I know you have parents and children to feed, and that your son's marriage is coming soon. All these require money. Just take these as a little gift from me."

There was a slight edge to Hua Qiyue's voice, and Butler Wang nodded in agreement. "Yes, Miss. Thank you, Miss."

After Butler Wang retreated, Hua Qiyue also gave Lvxin and Youshui 500 pounds each. They'd never had so much money at once, and thank Hua Qiyue profusely.

"Right, where is Qiuyun?" Hua Qiyue looked around but did not see Qiuyun at all.

Youshui replied, "Qiuyun excused herself for being unwell."

"I will find her if you'd like!" Lvxin volunteered happily. Then she looked confused. "Miss, why did you drink the soup even when you knew there were laxatives in it? "

Hua Qiyue pursed her lips as she chewed on a piece of watermelon. "Lvxin, Qiuyun is only 12 years old. Would you have disobeyed your master at that age? Don't judge her too harshly. Besides, she failed to take into account that the Long Red in the soup would counteract anything else put into it."

Youshui leaned in and said in a low voice, "Miss, did you become powerful because Master Xuanji taught you?"

Hua Qiyue poked her forehead, "Don't say such nonsense!"

Tianci had already gone to bed, and Hua Qiyue went to check on him to assure herself he was okay.

After bathing, Hua Qiyue lay down on her bed. She knew she should train in the world of the gourd, but the guilt at not spending enough time with her son recently kept her from doing so.

It was time to get some rest.