
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

The Hunt

POV: Vlad

Vlad wanted to savior this moment in his true glory. His body was transformed the moment he reached the front gate.

Blackened scales covered his body. A long pointed tail, crystal like onyx claws. A lizard body and head, all on two legs. A pair of extra sharp fangs reached below his jaw. Blood red swirling pattern, like fire trailed down his back and sides. A large pair of leather wings attached to his arms stretched out all down to the ground.

A hiss in excitement, a long forked tongue, slithered in and out of his mouth. His reptilian eyes, gazing down at the pair of guards. A solid black with a red slit in the center of each eye.

The guards shook, trembling in terror, pointing their spears at him. Vlad towered over them, nearly twelve feet in height. He opened his mouth at them, exposing his countless sharpened canines. A bone chilling roar, sounding like a high pitched screeching beast.

The whole manor and most of the forest heard this terrible sound. Land creatures and birds fled, their instincts screaming at them. Humans were unfortunate in that their 'logic' overcame those instincts.

A guard tried to stab his stomach, assuming it a weak point. The spear tip split off, flicking onto the ground. He realized his mistake too late. The lizard chomped down onto his head. A cracking sound popped out, blood dripping down. The body flopped over.

Vlad swallowed, licking his jaws. A satisfied purr out his emotionless face. The second guard fell, pissing his pants. Vlad snorted in disgust. He nearly slapped the man's head off. A head butt at the gate and it opened wide for him.

His tail flicked side to side, low at the ground. A happy hum, feeling satisfied in his hunt. He could hear servants attempted to sneak their way into the forest. A toothy grin, showing how amusing it was.

"Fools." He growled out.

His bloodline was one of the oldest and purest of the vampires. One thing in particular set them apart from the other bloodlines. The ability to control the mind, not just influence it, but puppet a soul directly. Granted, it only worked on the weak minded.

Vlad sniffed the air above him. He still had a connection to everyone in this manor. To each little band of escapees, he called out. 'Kill each other, make sure to have fun with it'. Only one or two in each group was affected, but it was enough. The night was filled with laughter, and screams of pain.

Vlad swished his tail in happiness. He reached the front doors, they were shorter than him. Still he only had to lean over. He pushed the doors in, entering the foyer. He came face to face with the ones he wanted most tonight. August Anore and his brat Alex Anore.

"I told you I would punish you." A deep inhuman growl slipped out of the giant lizard. The pair shivered, but stood their ground. Nobels, prideful to the end.

"Any last words?" Vlad puffed up as high as he could stand.

"Yes." The viscount spoke nervously. "Fire!"

Archers made of loyal servants and the last guards, shot out at the beast. They did not do as the humans wished. Vlad laughed, mouth agape, the arrows pounced off his stomach.

"Seriously?! You humans never change!" A smirk on his scaley features. Smoke puffs out of his nose. "You know what I think I'll return the favor for what you did to Blue's mother. I'll burn you just like you burned her."

His eyes narrowed dangerously, he opened his maw. A red flame flared out, turning its target to a crisp. Vlad let out a victorious screech. Only to find just one body. He growls, turning his head at the brat.

"So you are a rat too?"

Alex runs, rushing to the halls. Vlad follows, lowering himself on all fours, the ceiling much lower in here. He lets out another flame, only for Alex to dodge into a room. Getting frustrated, Vlad hisses out at his prey. He reaches out to Alex's mind.


POV: Alex

My only chance at survival was to escape through the basement. I used the kitchen as a way to access the stairs. I feel to my knees, memories flashing through me, at the top of the stairs.

These were not my memories, a little beaten up girl, crying by a gate, all alone with no love. My brother. As the life of the abused child ram through my eyes, tears fell down my cheeks. In my anger, my grief, I chased him away. Regret, I could feel the happiness Blue felt, being accepting by me.

A sad smile crosses my face. The memories fade. I look up, large drops of drool fall down my body. A monster with an enraged face looks down at me.

"I'm sorry, brother." My last words are ended by the burning of my flesh.

I turn to ash, at peace, knowing that Blue has found a real family.


POV: Vlad

I hunted down the last of the servants. They hid in rooms, closets, a bath. Davidson was the last. He was gazing lovingly at the viscount's desk chair. I ripped him in two, just for the fun of it.

I made my way out of the manor, lighting it on fire as I went. I stood by the front gate, watching it burn. Satisfied, my bloodlust waning, I shifted back into my human form. I ran back to my man, content.


POV: ???

I had rushed to don my armor. The meeting of the priests was in session. I entered the council room, the dead center of the holy land. It's stain glass windows, towering dome, and gold detailing, testified to its authority. I took my place behind one of the priests.

The priests shared worried looks. The head priest spoke first. "My fellows, the last vampire, the blood beast, has escaped his prison." Gasps filled the room from priest and Templar alike. "We have had reports from the saintess, that he has already killed countless civilians. We must act."

"How?" A young priest spoke out. "We can not kill him. He was only imprisoned, tricked by a blood mage."

Another spoke. "That was one of the last blood mages. That bloodline has died out due to the witch hunts."

"Calm yourselves. Things have changed. We have the knights as our allies, and the saintess as well." He nods reassuringly. "Do not forgot our hero paladin." He turns, holding a hand out to me.

I approach, kneeling to the priests.

"Toto? The one who wiped out the dragon nest? The golden cat?"

"Yes. The child chosen by the goddess of light herself." The head priest spoke proudly. "Worry not fellows, the church is stronger than ever. We shall slay the last vampire with our unity." He adds, raising his hands up to the dome. "May the heavenly gods watch over us! Lead us to the light!"

They chant together, praising the gods, readying for war.