
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

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273 Chs

chapter xxx

the day of work

After they celebrate Grayson and Kingsley's reunion, by throwing them a wedding party on Cesar Chavez day, everyone ate hardy and had a great time, now it was time to get back to work, telegrams were coming in, and for the Governor to head out to Morgan town, for the Judges Chesterfield want to be put on their docket, " what you think? Asked, Hank. " think about Mr. Garrett, you have our youngest with you'll, plus it a crime way city, said. Jessie, " they don't have no law office, prison cells, gangs, and outlaws come there by their led. said, Jordan, " we not asking our families to go there again, what the others brothers?" thank you, they said to them, "this is new homestead wants to meet, said. Jessie, " the next is Franklin town want * The Lawn Brothers on the docket today 100 murders, 23 bank robberies, 10 train robberies, 0 rapes* said. Hank, " Franklin we are going Mrs. garret and family see you when we get home, they kissed their families, they hand them the baby Sancho, they take them, and pick up the bassinets, and left the homestead heading to Franklin town, which is eight miles away, ' will won't hurt to see what we can do for them, sis, leave the food wagon to let's move out queens and kings, said. Jordan, " grandkids on a ride with your parents, bring the medical wagon and prison wagon, they put their kids on their horses, and left the homestead heading South to one of the homesteads in the valley, what the day looking like the weather is about to come to Texas, the skies are turning grey, and the wind is starting to pick up, as Marco arrived at Morgan town to meet with the mayor, he got out of the carriage and walked inside of the office, he starts to tell him about the town, that even there is a marshal there is a brand new gang in green comes and thorn up the town, Marco ask do you know the name of the outlaw gang and if they are staying in town? the mayor said no and he doesn't know if they were still there, it be nice if the two women were here to clean this town up." the bounty of law queens of heart, to get them to look it is a telegram by hire, just a second, he walked out and to the carriage, he sends a wired telegram saying: my gals I need you to look into morgan town... we got new gang in Houston..... I know you are busy..... this is important I need you here gals. a message came through on the telegram receiver, " we half away from the Homestead, uncle Morgan wants at Morgan town, Jordan look at the message, " we come back to them before it starts to storm outside, said, Jordan. she resends it back saying they are on their way, and they turn around riding North to Morgan town, Thomas and Hank arrived in Franklin town, they walked out of the carriage and walked, in the court house, they put the bassinets on the chairs, Kendall, Joseph, Rayne, and Randolph is sleeping peacefully, Assistant 2# hand docket 234# on the case, finally, the patty wagon pulled up, the trail begins on *Lee Rims wanted bank robber and his partner France Slows a wanted murder, they are in the North and they arrived in Morgan town, Marco walked up to them, " thisstorm is going to bring thedeath smells across for sure, said. Marco, " will we can't do nothing about that uncle Marco, prey to god everyone stay indoors and lock down, said. Jordan, " that we can hope for, we got new gang gals, they are in green they have been hitting Morgan town a lot, said, Marco. " there's always going to be a new gang hitting a city, county, or town, they still here? asked, Jessie. " he doesn't know Jessie, " how many are we talking about, I think six, said. Jordan, " or seven Jordan lucky seven, these we ride out to see if there any tracks, Cameron you with me baby boy, " I am your baby boy's mom, protested, Jessup. " really now you saying you are come on you two, kings and queen let's track, if they left the town they could be heading up west, said. Jessie, they galloped out of the town to track them, " thank you about time she leading them, said. Marco, " she the leader of our tracking team, and I the leader of our outfit, if they still here so are their horses is check every stable, stall, and barn do it in twos, be careful we are not trying to bury a child, said. Jordan, " how many times are you going to say that? asked. Savannah, they spilled upstart to search the town for them, he walked back into the office and told him we got the bounty of law to come, and they tracking and searching for them, the mayor thanked him, few minutes passed, and the storm is getting stronger, it pushes the sick spells out the first dead town, and across Houston Tx, and it starts to rain hard, as they track and look for tracks, " great now mess up everything, said. Christopher, " there were some smudge horse tracks, said, Jayden. " there are, it raining now I not going to risk us in it, no Dayton mom is not paranoid, mom said to dangerous for us to track them, said. Jessie, and Franklin they sentenced them a month max, it is too dangerous to take him to Brick prison camp. so they put them back in the jails to wait until it is over, " lovely brother lookalike we here for the night, said. Hank, they didn't like Kendall, Joseph, Rayne, and Randolph start to cry for their mothers, *gah, gah, gah, gah* " we want them to guys, let's send them a telegram and get a room, they throw covers over the bassinets and ran out in the ran into to the telegram office, and send telegram wire to them, and got some food to go, and went into the inn got a room for the night, a boy give it to her, they ride back in town, up to them. " our husbands is rain in Franklin town, any luck? asked. Jordan, " what we can see smudge horse tracks head west, or foil track, we did that before, we rain in Morgan town for the night, said. Jessie, they regroup, and some food to go to they got a massive master suite for the night,