
The games of death

James_Osburn · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The beginning

hi my name is Colt and I'm Just Your Average 17 year old high school student today I have a big test at school I stayed up all night to study but it didn't matter much because in 3 hours my life would change forever I woke up got dressed brush my teeth just like everyday then I ate said goodbye to my mom and loves her school I took the road I always did I turn left and headed up a small Alleyway it was a shortcut to school and that's when it happened I felt a sharp pain in my right arm I grabbed it and when I looked at it I saw a needle sticking out of it it looks like a tranquilizer dart and that's the last thing I remember I don't know how long I was out but when I awoke I was surrounded by trees where am I thought Colt as he sat up from where he was laying a forest cold looked around him feeling a bit dizzy he then saw his bag laying on the ground beside him you'd merely picked it up and look for his phone he took it out and turned it on no service said call in a quiet voice he then looked around once more how do I get here so I can look but then he remember the tranquilizer dart what someone put me here why are they going to kill me said colt as he grabbed his head with both hands no calm down I'm overreacting I need to think thought colt as he stood up then he noticed another bag laying a few feet ahead of him he slowly walk towards it and picked it up he then went back over sat down and open the bag up dumping the contents on the ground what he saw next stun him there were five grenades a handgun with three mags what the hell yelled Colt as he backed away from the weapons after a while he went back towards them he dumped the rest of the things out of the bag there were a bottle of water some energy bars and a note