
The Gamer Novel

Jihan Han is your typical high school student -- minus the fact that he’s acquired the special ability to view the world around him as a video-game. Not long after this discovery, he stumbles upon a hidden world filled with others just like him. Now, amidst juggling homework and completing quests, Jihan must learn how to navigate his newfound power in order to level up in life. Based on Original Work - The Gamer - Webtoon by Sangyoung Seong and Sang-A

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14 Chs

Cheon Bu Guild

As the sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets, Jihan walked with purpose, his thoughts swirling in his mind like leaves caught in a gentle breeze. School had ended for the day, but a sense of unease lingered within him.

"Eh? Seonil was absent today?" Jihan mused to himself, his brow furrowed in confusion. His homeroom teacher's words echoed in his mind, a puzzle waiting to be solved. "He said he caught a bad cold."

A bad cold? The thought seemed absurd. Seonil, the Successor of the Cheon Bu Guild, with superpowers beyond imagination, succumbing to something as mundane as a cold? It didn't add up.

"He said he'd take care of the Dark Summoner..." Jihan muttered under his breath, skepticism tugging at the corners of his mind. He knew Seonil's strength paled in comparison to the likes of Seongon, but as the Successor of the Cheon Bu Guild, surely he possessed formidable abilities.

"I should visit him now," Jihan resolved, determination flashing in his eyes as he quickened his pace.

Deciding to check on his friend, Jihan retrieved his mobile phone and dialed home. His mother's voice echoed through the line, filled with concern. "Hello? Jihan, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just..." Jihan hesitated, knowing his explanation might not suffice. "I'll be late for tutoring today."

His mother's reaction was immediate and incredulous. "What are you talking about? Do you have any idea how important it is?"

"But, Mom..." Jihan tried to explain, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Seonil. "Seonil caught a bad cold and didn't come to school."

"...Really?" His mother's tone softened, infused with a hint of skepticism.

"Yes. So I'm going to his house," Jihan continued, determined to see his friend. "I'll still try not to be late."

"Okay, then. See you soon," his mother replied, her voice tinged with concern.

"Okay. Bye," Jihan said before ending the call.

"....", Jihan recalled there was Question marks over his Mom's head.

"Maybe she's hiding something..."

Everything that I believed to be the Truth...

Could it all be a Pack of Lies?

The Cheon Bu Guild building stood tall amidst the bustling cityscape, a relic of ancient times preserved amid the modern architecture that surrounded it. Its weathered stone façade bore the marks of centuries, each crack and groove a testament to the passage of time. Moss clung to its walls, adding a touch of greenery to the aged structure, while intricate carvings adorned its grand entrance, telling tales of bygone eras.

Despite its antiquated appearance, the entrance of Seonil's home boasted a surprising modern touch—a sleek, silver doorbell mounted beside the massive wooden door. With a press of the button, a soft chime echoed through the air.

Ding dong.

Standing in front of Seonil's house, Jihan gazed up at the imposing structure with a mixture of curiosity and patience. The building exuded an aura of antiquity, its aged walls bearing the scars of time etched in every crack and weathered stone. Despite its old-fashioned appearance, the addition of a modern doorbell hinted at a subtle integration of past and present, reflecting Seonil's unique blend of tradition and modernity.

As he waited, Jihan's thoughts wandered back to his middle school days, reminiscing about the times he had spent with Seonil. He remembered the absence of electronic gadgets in Seonil's life, a peculiarity that had once puzzled him but now made sense in the context of the Cheon Bu Guild. The guild, he surmised, must be a place dedicated to the training of individuals with supernatural abilities—a notion supported by Seonil's family involvement in traditional martial arts.

Reflecting on the impressive lineage of martial artists that hailed from Seonil's family, Jihan couldn't help but marvel at the formidable legacy they carried. With a gym renowned for producing gold medalists and a family steeped in martial arts tradition, the formidable aura surrounding Seonil's household seemed to serve as an implicit deterrent to any would-be intruders. As Jihan contemplated the formidable defense such a family background would provide, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for any potential thieves foolish enough to attempt a break-in.

"Hello?" A familiar voice greeted Jihan from the doorbell's speaker. "Seyoung? Long time no see!" Jihan exclaimed, recognizing the voice. "It's Jihan. Is Seonil there?"

"Hi, Jihan." Seyoung's voice replied through the intercom. "I'm sorry, but Seonil caught a bad cold..."

"Is he okay?! Let me in!" Jihan's concern manifested in his urgent tone. "I know he went to fight with Seongon Hwan!"

There was a moment of silence before Seyoung responded, "Come in."

With a clacking sound, the massive door swung open, allowing Jihan entry into the building. Inside, he was greeted by the sight of numerous students engaged in martial arts practice. As he ventured further, he encountered Seyoung, a striking figure clad in a trunkless T-shirt and shorts that accentuated her slender legs. Floating above her head were familiar letters denoting her affiliation with the Cheon Bu Guild and her impressive level.

Cheon Bu Guild

Spirit of Cloud

LV 32 Seyoung P.

She's Seonil's cousin, a Female Taekwondo Olympic Gold Medalist.

"Hey, how have you been?" Jihan greeted Seyoung warmly, his gaze briefly lingering on the letters indicating her formidable level.

"Good. It's been 2 months?" Seyoung responded, her demeanor calm and composed.

"Yeah, I think so. Where's Seonil?" Jihan inquired.

"This way..." Seyoung led the way up the stairs, her figure drawing Jihan's attention, despite his attempt to focus on their conversation. "She hasn't changed her style. It's too short!" Jihan couldn't help but think to himself as he admired Seyoung's striking curvy figure from behind.

Suddenly, a series of messages popped up in front of him, interrupting his train of thought.


{~ You've entered an Instant Dungeon. ~}


{~ You've entered 'Cheon Bu Guild Wind, Rain, and Cloud Dungeon'. ~}


{~ Your ability has decreased by 10%.

As you haven't learned to control Wind. ~}


{~ Your ability has decreased by 10%.

As you haven't learned to control Cloud. ~}


{~ Your ability has decreased by 10%.

As you haven't learned to control Rain. ~}

"W...What's this?" Jihan muttered, bewildered, as the surroundings darkened around him.

"Am I in a Protected Space again? But it's a totally different one! Cheon Bu Guild Wind, Rain, and Cloud Dungeon?"

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Suddenly, massive pillars materialized before him, jolting him back as it started to rain.

"The Jihan I know is ordinary and likes to play games," Seyoung remarked, her tone tinged with suspicion. "But suddenly, you come here and mention Seongon Hwan... Isn't that strange?"

"Oh no! I know she has a hot temper..." Jihan thought to himself, feeling a surge of panic. "I have to explain myself before she kills me!"

"Hey, Seyoung..." Jihan began, but before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by Seyoung's abrupt interruption.

"Shut up," Seyoung snapped, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "I'll find out who you are."

"Don't smile..." Jihan thought to himself, feeling a shiver run down his spine. "It's creepier."

"Gather, Clouds!" Seyoung commanded suddenly, her voice echoing through the room.

"Help!" Jihan cried internally, realizing he was in for a challenging encounter.

The rain ceased, and clouds began to gather around Seyoung, enveloping her in a swirling mist. With a low rumble, she seemed to vanish into thin air, blending seamlessly with her surroundings.


{~ Your Movemont has decreased by 50% ~}


{~ You have [SLOWDOWN] which is a Attribute Negating condition. ~}

"Slowdown? Should I have brought a Slowdown Recovery Drink?" Jihan muttered to himself, closing the pop-up screen with a frustrated sigh. "Well, I don't know how to make it."

Mist enveloped the surroundings, obscuring Jihan's vision entirely. Panic began to gnaw at him as he frantically searched for an escape route. Suddenly, a realization struck him, and he thrust his hand into the air, shouting, "[ESCAPE FROM INSTANT DUNGEON]"


{~ Impossible to Escape ~}

"What?!" Jihan exclaimed in disbelief, his heart pounding in his chest. Before he could react, something slammed into his back, sending him hurtling through the air until he crashed to the ground with a heavy thud.


{~ You have lost 150 HP. ~}


{~ [PHYSICAL ENDURANCE] SKILL experience increased. ~}

Pain shot through Jihan's body as he groaned, realizing he had lost a significant portion of his precious HP in the encounter.

"I knew it. You're not Jihan!" Seyoung's voice echoed through the mist, her words carrying an icy edge.

"I... I'm Jihan..." Jihan stammered, desperately trying to explain himself.

"I hit you hard, but you look just fine!" Seyoung's tone was accusatory, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I can explain..." Jihan's words trailed off as Seyoung cut him off with a sharp command.

"Shut up. Where is Jihan?" Seyoung's voice brooked no argument, her gaze piercing through the darkness.

"I can't die like this!" Jihan's thoughts raced, panic rising within him. With a desperate cry, he shouted, "INVENTORY!"

A screen materialized before him, displaying a selection of items: bread and milk nestled within a box.

"I can recover 10 HP with this bread..." Jihan mused inwardly, hastily grabbing a piece and devouring it. "And 50 HP with milk..."

As Seyoung watched from the shadows, Jihan quickly consumed the milk, hoping to regain his strength.

"I'll prove that I'm really Jihan," Jihan declared, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He drew in a deep breath, preparing to reveal a secret known only to the true Jihan.

"You've been wearing black silk underwear since..." Jihan's sentence was abruptly cut short as Seyoung delivered a powerful blow to his chin, sending him reeling.

Gasping for air, Jihan looked up at Seyoung, who loomed over him with a fierce, angry expression. "Hey, I told you to never bring that up again!" Seyoung's voice dripped with menace as she glared down at Jihan, her eyes flashing with intensity.

"You jerk..." Seyoung's voice dripped with malice, her lips curling into an evil grin. "You peeped on me in my room..."

"C...Calm down," Jihan pleaded, his hands raised in surrender. "I was just proving myself. Now, do you believe me?"

"Yes. It's you," Seyoung conceded, her grip tightening on his shoulder. "And we have a problem." "Hey..." Jihan attempted to interject, but Seyoung cut him off with a sharp command. "Shut. Up," she ordered, her tone laced with authority. "You walked yourself in, but you can't leave until I say you can."

An ominous smirk played across her features. "Oh, no..." Jihan's voice trailed off in dread as he realized the predicament he was in. "AAARGH!"