
The Game of Undeath

Death, a frightening concept to any mortal who has lived a long enough life. From those young to still not comprehend the nature of death, to those old enough who have been waiting for its inevitable embrace, death is a constant in species with finite lives. What the mortals didn’t know was that Death was alive. A concept, thought to be the end of all life, was actually one that has a life of its own, and it has grown bored for the first time in millennia of doing their job every single day without stopping in keeping the cycle of reincarnation busy. Said boredom gave them an idea to throw a still alive mortal into a different dimension… As a mortal that does not need to fear the concept of Death’s domain. They also gave said mortal a guide in the form of the mortal’s favorite hobby, gaming. With Death at his back (metaphorically of course), Sev, the mortal who Death has picked, must now navigate a world full of madness and insane habitats because there was no way a normal God actually shaped the world he was transmigrated to. Seriously, who in their right minds grabbed all the races ever conceived and placed them into a singular world? Hell, there was even steampunk, magitech, even some 21st century technology bullshit here. The less said about the futuristic weapons and inventions like laser guns, the better. And if that wasn’t enough, the System Death gave him was bare-bones as all hell! Stats that only grow if you allocate your points, some quests here and there, oh, and the best part, no HP and MP bar. So no min-max strategy will work, no matter how hard Sev tries. So yeah, Sev is in it for quite a ride. At least he can’t die, doesn’t mean he won’t feel the pain of having his body torn in half.

IAmGuavaFruit · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Starting Town (5)

"Over here, Mr. Sev." Francisca beckoned Sev over, a gentle smile gracing her lips. In her hands, she held a silver cloche that hid the prepared dinner the mother had made. "Come, sit."

Already seated at the table, Jade radiated with happiness, her infectious smile spreading joy like a contagious force that could uplift anyone in its presence. The table was adorned with a long, regal purple tablecloth, meticulously embroidered with golden designs that elegantly stretched across the entirety of its wooden surface. A table runner ran across its length, its rich, red color blending with the color of the tablecloth.

A candelabra sat in the middle, its golden hue captivating to the eyes of men, casting a warm and radiant glow that adorned the surroundings with an aura of enchantment.

"This is quite… a fine dining room, Mrs. Francisca." Sev absentmindedly praised, a bit put off at the blatant display of wealth in the room. He took a seat, making sure it wasn't the head where most of the time, the man of the house sat in, then glanced around the room.

A chandelier hung over the table, silver in color and golden in glow. Royal blue banners adorned the walls, cascading in even spacing, each proudly displaying the distinctive emblem of the tailor shop, and a grand carpet woven with soft fabric and embroidered with gold designs lay beneath the dining table.

All in all, this place alone was probably worth more than the wooden house just right beside the tailor.

"This might come off as a little silly, but I can't help but notice the… Decorations you put in place in this room and back in the baths." Sev cast his gaze over to Francisca, who was just setting down the silver cloche onto the table.

"Yes, a perfectly normal response from a man who has financial difficulties." Francisca happily chirped innocently, unknowingly stabbing an invisible arrow deep into Sev's heart. "We are, after all, a noble family."

"… I can see that." Sev chuckled nervously, now a bit thankful for the lessons in speaking formally back in college. "May I ask for your family name? I'm afraid I have… a bit of a problem with common knowledge due to my previous mishaps."

"Oh, you poor man." Francisca sniffs lightly as she stared pityingly at Sev. "Not to worry. For saving my dear daughter, I will make sure you have an easy time registering with the Wayfarer's Guild."

"… But the registration fee-"

"Will not be a problem." Francisca interrupted Sev with a stern glare, her pity vanishing into thin air. Suddenly, her lips curled into a gentle smile. "Allow me this, to reward the man who has saved my pride and joy from her…"

Francisca trailed off, clearly agonized by the fact that her daughter almost died alone, with nobody around to see her last moments. Even Jade lost her smile at the reminder, a downcast gaze evident on her face.

"… Okay, okay. You drive a hard bargain." Sev chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the mood with a joke. "I'll accept your offer to help me with my registration."

Francisca lost her frown, replaced with a soft smile. A chuckle escaped her lips as she beheld Jade looking at Sev with a grateful smile.

"Then, shall we feast?" Francisca's hands delicately lifted the silver cloche, revealing the culinary masterpiece hidden beneath. As the cover ascended, a tantalizing aroma of perfectly steamed lobster enveloped the room, beckoning with its mouthwatering fragrance.

"… That looks… Incredibly delightful." Even Sev felt his mouth water at the sight, fully knowing that if it smelled this good, then the taste would be the same, maybe even better!

As Francisca set down the cover, she took her seat and smiled at Sev.

"Thank you for the complement."

A few moments later, the three were partaking in the delicious dinner Francisca has meticulously crafted in the kitchen.


"You have my thanks for the magnificent dinner, Mrs. Francisca." Sev thanked the mother while patting his round belly. The lobster was tantalizingly delicious! Hell, Sev could probably even smell it in his dreams.

"It is of no problem, Mr. Sev." Francisca smiled, then it turned into a frown. "However, do you really not want to spend the night?"

"Yes. I've taken advantage of your hospitality enough." Sev sighed as he looked across the street, the lamp posts illuminating the streets with its silvery glow. Glancing up, Sev could spot the moon which looked quite bigger than the one near Earth. "You taking care of my registration fee to the Wayfarer's Guild is enough of a reward. That, and that steamed lobster."

Sev chuckled to himself. "I'm even beginning to think why you did not decide to pursue the culinary arts."

"A real charmer, you are." Francisca giggled softly, her right hand covering her lips. "Tailoring was always one of my dreams. To create fashion none have ever seen before."

"I can understand that kind of mindset." Sev nodded with a hum. He had faced numerous instances of judgment and belittlement from relatives who were not closely related to him, all because he dared to pursue his dreams.

And before all of this happened, the isekai bullshit that is, he was the one who was loaded while they were clamoring for his attention.

'Bastards, the lot of 'em.' Sev internally sneered at the audacity of those people, before shaking the thoughts of those assholes away. He then turned to regard Francisca with an encouraging smile. "Just seeing your shop was enough to show me your hard work to get where you are now."

"Why, thank you for your praise, Mr. Sev." Francisca smiled behind her hand as the rays of the moon shone down on her, a serene sight to behold. Even Sev had to do a double take at the perfect timing.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get going to find some proper lodgings." Sev turned around to face the somewhat empty streets, only to turn back to Francisca with a sheepish smile. "Before that, however, can you tell me where the nearest inn is?"

Sev's words got Francisca to laugh at the sheer lunacy of it all.

"Just follow this road for two blocks. The first building is a low-cost inn that you can afford with your current funds." Francisca pointed down the street west of them, to which Sev nodded with a smile.

"Then, good night, Mrs. Francisca, and thank you for the wonderful evening." Sev smiled and went on his way, his ears catching the farewell words of Francisca who entered the tailor shop once he was a good distance away.

Just one chappy today. Had shit to do.

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