
The Game of Undeath

Death, a frightening concept to any mortal who has lived a long enough life. From those young to still not comprehend the nature of death, to those old enough who have been waiting for its inevitable embrace, death is a constant in species with finite lives. What the mortals didn’t know was that Death was alive. A concept, thought to be the end of all life, was actually one that has a life of its own, and it has grown bored for the first time in millennia of doing their job every single day without stopping in keeping the cycle of reincarnation busy. Said boredom gave them an idea to throw a still alive mortal into a different dimension… As a mortal that does not need to fear the concept of Death’s domain. They also gave said mortal a guide in the form of the mortal’s favorite hobby, gaming. With Death at his back (metaphorically of course), Sev, the mortal who Death has picked, must now navigate a world full of madness and insane habitats because there was no way a normal God actually shaped the world he was transmigrated to. Seriously, who in their right minds grabbed all the races ever conceived and placed them into a singular world? Hell, there was even steampunk, magitech, even some 21st century technology bullshit here. The less said about the futuristic weapons and inventions like laser guns, the better. And if that wasn’t enough, the System Death gave him was bare-bones as all hell! Stats that only grow if you allocate your points, some quests here and there, oh, and the best part, no HP and MP bar. So no min-max strategy will work, no matter how hard Sev tries. So yeah, Sev is in it for quite a ride. At least he can’t die, doesn’t mean he won’t feel the pain of having his body torn in half.

IAmGuavaFruit · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Starting Town (4)

"So, Ms. Francisca, or should I address you as Mrs.?" Sev inquired as the mother guided him further into the building. Upon closer inspection, Sev couldn't help but notice her attire—a striking dress reminiscent of the Gothic Lolita fashion.

Her cascading, platinum-blond hair flowed like a waterfall, gracefully reaching just above her tailbone. The delicate hue of her pale skin peeked through certain sections of her dress, an ethereal sight that might stir the hearts of the faint-hearted.

"Mrs. would be the most appropriate, Mr. Sev." Francisca replied while she reached for a switch on the wall. A flick later and the lights went on, the wooden hallway bathed in white light. "My husband is currently tending to… to… our dear Joy in the local healer's chapel."

Her voice cracked slightly at the mention of her daughter, who had been ravaged and assaulted by a goblin. She then turned to regard Sev with a grateful, yet tearful smile.

"Truly, I am grateful to you, Mr. Sev." Francisca expressed her gratitude, bowing her head towards the young man. He felt quite uncomfortable with the whole situation, as he was not accustomed to receiving such a heartfelt thanks.

"It's... It's no problem, Mrs. Francisca." Sev responded with a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his head. "I would have saved her regardless. Nobody deserves to be treated that way."

"Indeed, you are right, Mr. Sev. Indeed, you are." Francisca replied, relinquishing her bow and offering a warm smile to the young man. "However, I imagine you must be tired from all the walking and in dire need of a change."

A set of piercing, golden eyes stared directly into the bloody shirt Sev was wearing. Sev stared as well and sighed.

"Yeah, that was a miscalculation on my part." Sev admitted, his grin tinged with a minor hint of embarrassment.

"Do tell?" Francisca seemed intrigued, her fingertips at the edge of her lips.

"I kind of underestimated my strength when I grabbed the goblin's head, the monster that was assaulting your daughter." Sev frowned as the memory resurfaced.

"Yes, yes, I heard," Francisca growled, rage and frustration visible in her tone, and then sighed. "Those abhorrent creatures that have no right to live amongst the living. But I digress, please, continue, Mr. Sev."

"Yes, well, when I grabbed the goblin's head, it popped when I squeezed." And just like that, Francisca's demeanor shifted from that of an enraged mother to a dumbfounded woman.

"Excuse me?" Sev's deadpan delivery didn't make it any less awkward. "You squeezed a goblin's skull so hard, it popped?"

"… I don't know my own strength?" Even Sev's response was as weak as the time he tried to reason about why his mother caught him red-handed with his hands in her purse.

"… Are you part of the Wayfarer's Guild?" Francisca asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I am trying, but my funds aren't… aren't in a good position right now." Sev's shoulders slumped at the reminder of being broke. From almost rich to being flat broke because of a sudden, fiction-like scenario.

"Hm…" Francisca hummed, about to respond, but Jade popped out of the corner with a huge grin.

"The bath's done!" Her infectious smile lightened the mood between the two.

"Let's talk more later, Mr. Sev." Francisca gestured towards the open door leading to the bathroom. "For now, you deserve a bath after everything you've been through."

"… You have my thanks, Mrs. Francisca." Sev bowed slightly to the mother, who shook her head in response.

"It is I who should be thankful." Francisca bowed once more. "Go on. In the meantime, I'll prepare dinner."

"I wouldn't want to impose." Sev was clearly uncomfortable with the charity he was being given.

"Nonsense." Francisca's stern voice shook Sev out of his embarrassment. "Treat this as a reward if you must. No savior of my daughter will leave The Avian Couturiers hungry and unsatisfied."

With her words spoken, Sev was gently guided into the bathroom by both mother and daughter alike.


Sev indulged in a relaxing soak in the bath, pleasantly taken aback by the realization that it resembled a traditional Japanese bathhouse commonly found in modern-day Japan. As an avid enthusiast of Japanese culture, influenced by the abundance of anime and manga he had immersed himself in, Sev diligently ensured to thoroughly cleanse himself with soap and shampoo before submerging into the tranquil bathing area.

It felt nice. Like all the day's pains were slowly washed away in the gentle water. He breathed out a sigh of content, fully immersing himself deep within the warm embrace of the bath.

As he immersed himself into the soothing water, Sev couldn't help but notice the meticulous design of the bathing area. Smooth, polished stones lined the edges of the bath, offering a serene aesthetic and a pleasant resting place for tired limbs. Delicate cherry blossom petals floated on the water's surface, adding a touch of natural beauty to the scene, and soft, fluffy towels were neatly folded nearby, ready to provide comfort and warmth after the blissful soak.

All in all, it was an experience Sev could store in his memory as one of the best he had the fortune of making.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and now was the time. Getting up from the bath, Sev stepped out of the water and back onto the hard wood, water dripping from his skin and onto the ground.

He quickly wrapped himself with the nearby towel and wiped himself down. Once he was sure that he wasn't wet anymore, he headed back to the room next door where he left his clothes.

When he arrived, however, what awaited him wasn't his bloody clothes, but a fine, embroidered shirt and comfortable-looking leather pants. His dirty shoes were replaced with brand new, durable-looking leather boots that surprisingly fit the size of his feet. They came with comfy socks as well!

"Damn, they really went all out on thanking me." Sev murmured as he dressed up with the provided clothes, noticing how comfortable all of them were. "How much do these clothes cost, anyway?"

Shivering at the thought, Sev buried that thought deep within his mind. His current financial capacity striking at the forefront of his mind like a flaming ram.

Done with suiting himself up, Sev made his way to the door.

'Hopefully they won't give me too much. I feel like I'm already freeloading off of them.' Sev felt that he was taking advantage of the family too much. Sure, he saved their daughter's life, but even Sev had limits on the charity to accept.

It just felt like he was pushing his problems onto other people, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

'Well, if they do give me things, just accept, then go.' Sev resolved, steeling himself for whatever awaited him outside the door.