
The Game of Undeath

Death, a frightening concept to any mortal who has lived a long enough life. From those young to still not comprehend the nature of death, to those old enough who have been waiting for its inevitable embrace, death is a constant in species with finite lives. What the mortals didn’t know was that Death was alive. A concept, thought to be the end of all life, was actually one that has a life of its own, and it has grown bored for the first time in millennia of doing their job every single day without stopping in keeping the cycle of reincarnation busy. Said boredom gave them an idea to throw a still alive mortal into a different dimension… As a mortal that does not need to fear the concept of Death’s domain. They also gave said mortal a guide in the form of the mortal’s favorite hobby, gaming. With Death at his back (metaphorically of course), Sev, the mortal who Death has picked, must now navigate a world full of madness and insane habitats because there was no way a normal God actually shaped the world he was transmigrated to. Seriously, who in their right minds grabbed all the races ever conceived and placed them into a singular world? Hell, there was even steampunk, magitech, even some 21st century technology bullshit here. The less said about the futuristic weapons and inventions like laser guns, the better. And if that wasn’t enough, the System Death gave him was bare-bones as all hell! Stats that only grow if you allocate your points, some quests here and there, oh, and the best part, no HP and MP bar. So no min-max strategy will work, no matter how hard Sev tries. So yeah, Sev is in it for quite a ride. At least he can’t die, doesn’t mean he won’t feel the pain of having his body torn in half.

IAmGuavaFruit · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Starting Town (3)

"So, any chance you would help me find a job, Jeff?" Sev paced back and forth in the quiet, stinky alleyway, seeking assistance from the System.


"I thought so." Sev sighed, disappointment evident in his voice, and headed for the exit. "Fuck you, Jeff."

Exiting the alleyway, Sev glanced upward to see the sun nearing the edge of the horizon. The town's lamp posts began automatically lighting up, responding to the sunset.

"Huh, didn't know they had those. Must be magic." Sev hummed as he continued his brisk pace, the common populace still avoiding him due to his bloodied clothes and the lingering scent of iron. He grimaced, the bloodied fabric feeling even stickier than earlier. "...Need to find some clothes before job-hunting. Are there any tailors near here, Jeff?"

[Affirmative. UnMortal user Sev must continue for two more blocks and take a left. The first building is the tailor.]

"Gotcha." Sev replied, acknowledging Jeff's directions. After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at the tailor's shop, Sev's mind grinding to a halt at the grandiose display. "Huh, I... Did not expect this kind of tailor."

Before him stood a long pane of transparent glass, showcasing mannequins adorned with various clothing for both men and women, predominantly women's fashion.

The men's clothing mostly consisted of fancy suits, reminiscent of modern-period attire such as tuxedos. As for the women's collection, it featured elegant gowns, dresses of exquisite quality that Sev presumed to be quite expensive, and even some risqué lingerie.

Beside the glass pane, Sev noticed a rustic door adorned with intricate carvings resembling an eagle, or so it appeared to him, surrounded by opaque, colored glass. Positioned above the door, a somewhat grandiose sign proudly displayed the name of the tailor shop.

The Avian Couturiers.

"Jeff, did you not see my current savings?" Sev growled in frustration, directing his anger at the System for leading him to an upscale tailor shop.

[This unit has taken into consideration UnMortal user Sev's current financial disposition. This tailor is a viable shop to purchase clothes from with UnMortal user Sev's funds.]

"…You better not be lying about this." Sev sighed, skeptical but willing to trust the System, and pushed open the door.

[This unit cannot lie.]

The holographic display inside the shop tempted Sev to unleash a stream of profanities, but he managed to restrain himself.

With an audible chime, the door opened, its melodious tune calming the somewhat frayed nerves of the frustrated Sev. Inside the tailor, Sev's gaze immediately homed into the visible chandelier hanging above the center of the room.

"Welcome! What can I ge- What happened to you!?" A cheery voice turned horrified as it took in Sev's bloodstained attire.

Sev momentarily ignored the voice, absorbing the surroundings: shelves lined with an abundance of fabric in different materials, clothes hanging from wooden clotheslines, mannequins modeling a wide range of fancy and casual attire, and a wooden desk where the shocked tailor/receptionist stood.

"Good evening, I've been told you could help me with... a bit of a wardrobe malfunction, as you can see." Sev smiled sheepishly, extending the bloody fabric clinging to his body.

"I can see that!" The receptionist, a young girl in her teens, glared at Sev in disbelief before her expression slowly transformed into recognition. "Wait a minute, you're the one who brought my sister back!"

"…Excuse me?" Sev stood baffled, then leaned closer to whisper to the System. "Did you know this was going to happen?"


"…Then tell me sooner!" Sev growled silently, making sure the teenage girl couldn't hear him, and turned back to meet her gaze. "When you say sister, do you mean Joy?"

"Yes! Her!" The girl's lips curved into a smile so radiant it could blind the weak-hearted with its sheer cuteness. "Thank you! Thank you so much for bringing her back!"

The girl seemed ready to lunge at Sev but suddenly halted, her excitement shifting to another thought. "Wait, I need to tell Mom!"

With a burst of energy, the girl sprinted further into the building, her voice echoing through the walls.

"…Well, at least I won't be pressed for clothes at the moment." Sev sighed, the tension in his shoulders dissipating. 'I'll do some window shopping while I wait for them to come back.'

Sev observed the various clothes displayed on the clothesline. There were all kinds of clothes here, from fancy to casual, and even risqué. What was even more mind-boggling was the fact that the town looked to be some kind of town in the middle-ages, but this tailor had clothes of the same quality from the modern era.

"What is up with this place?" Sev half-wondered, half-asked the System.

[The world of Dys has differing technological levels depending on area, region, or continent. In Uthrut, the abundant technological level is on par with the medieval period, but some shops and objects, such as the lamp posts outside, utilize a different form of technology, ranging from electricity-based to magic-based.]

"… What kind of world did you send me to, Death?" When Sev didn't receive any kind of response from both the System and Death, he proceeded to curse like a sailor once more. 'Okay, okay. Be calm. There are different stages of technological advancements in Dys. Uthrut is somewhere in the medieval period but has access to a power source. Maybe electricity or something that resembles electricity.'

While Sev was busy pondering things about the world Dys, the teenage girl finally arrived with her mother in tow.

"There he is, Mom!" Sev's thoughts came to a halt when he heard the voice of the girl reach his ears. He turned back to look at the girl, as well as the newcomer who was most likely her mother.

"Oh dear." The mother gasped when she got a good look at Sev's bloody clothes. "Please come here, sir. That is no way for a man who saved one of my daughters to look."

Sev obliged and slowly approached the two females. When he was just a meter away from them, the mother and daughter duo cringed at the dominating scent of iron.

"Jade, could you be a dear and get the bath ready." The mother gently asked the girl, Jade, Sev noted.

"Yes, Mom!" Jade quickly left the two alone and headed towards the bathroom, wherever it was.

"Can I have your name, please?" The mother suddenly asked Sev once Jade was out of sight.

"… Sev, ma'am." Sev introduced himself, his casual speak regressing back into that of his formal tone. "A pleasure to meet you, but my current attire could use a bit of a… Change."

"My, a gentleman." The mother chuckled with her gloved hands covering her mouth. "Call me Francisca, Mr. Sev."