
The game of gods

In a world with gods that live eternally, humans are viewed as amusement and gamble. throughout the history of man kind powers was bestowed upon fitting individuals, and with this God's Game slowly came into existence.

Darell_Barnes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

chapter 3: Random

Author: Darell Barnes 

In the bright morning, rays of light  descended between the leaves of the big tree Jojo was under, he was akin to prince charming waiting for his princess. His dazzling appearance aswell as his soap smooth skin, he could steal the heart of even the opposite sex. 

"Gods Game?" Jojo was in deep thought about the notification he just heard. He stared at the big, bold words on the semitransparent frame in front of him. 

Do you wish to use power?

                             Yes               No 

He stretched out his slender but wounded fingers to press the 'Yes' icon. 

ting ting ting ting ting….!!! 

This sound continuously resounded at the silent river bank. There was a palm sized raffle spinning in front of him when it stop a system notification appeared. 

System notification [ congratulations!! You have won a fishing rod] 

In the next moment a fishing rod appeared beside him, he was both surprised and speechless. 

With this I can get some food but what about them?    -  

Thinking about his clan and the silhouette looking man he was furious, enough to drop the temperature by a couple of degrees. However he brushed those thoughts to the side and focused on reading the semitransparent frame. 

Introduction: welcome to God's Game, prepare your self fore hard training. Watch out for fellow players, your first mission is to kill the fanthom beast generated within 48hrs if you fail the consequences will be dire. 

System notification[ you have aquoted the power of random, in different situations you will gain a random item that is related] 

"What's this? Random" Jojo was becoming more and more curious. a moment later he heard a robotic voice warning him. 

System Emergency[ Player close prepare for battle!!]