
The fall of shiganshina

Marcel was now in the grasp of the wild titan. We all stood there. Doing nothing. "Marcel!" I was crying now. I can't loose him. We only started the mission.

We aren't even 3 days in yet and already one of us is going to die.

Annie grabbed my hand and we ran towards the wall. It was in eyesight and I could just about see it through my teary eyes.

"Survive y/n. Whether it be on Paradis or Marley. Complete the mission. I love you!" His lasts words before the titan ate him.

No. This isn't real. No way. I will wake up and brother will be there. He will.

"This is real life y/n" Annie looked down at me with sadness.

As we approched the walls we all stopped. Exhausted.

"Reiner" I said calmly.

I punched his face and he yelped in pain. I then kicked his shin. Which then he grabbed it. "You let him die" he looked up to me with regret and sorrow.

" If only it was Porco who was picked instead of you. If he was picked then maybe-" I couldn't finish as I kept crying.

"Come on y/n. We can always look for the titan. Or maybe the human now. Once we retrieve it then we will go back and report the mission failed." Annie was calm but in shock, I could tell.

"We can't" reiner butted in. "Marcel told y/n to complete the mission so that's what we'll do. Retrieve the attack titan and go back."

"Reiner is right but is it the right option. I mean we have already lost someone." Bertholt decided to give his thoughts for once.

Annie looked like she was going to scream at them. "Or is it that your afraid if we go back then they will choose someone else for the amoured titan."

I could tell she was correct from the look on reiner's face.

"Let's just keep going, for my sake. Please." I tried to calm everyone.

"Fine" Annie gave Reiner a glare. If death glares could kill then he would've been long gone by now.

Me and Annie began sprinting to the wall with reiner and Bertholt behind us. "Bertholt go!"

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a Marleyan knife that was given to him by the commander.

He stabbed his hand with it and silently winced in pain. Although you could barely see the reaction as yellow lightning surrounded us.

Bertholt had transformed but it wasn't a perfect titan. It's bottom half wasn't complete.

He brought his arm up from behind and smashed the wall down. Sending flying rocks all-over the houses inside the safety of the wall.

I could hear other people's screams echo throughout the wall.

Looking up, I saw Bertholt emerge from the Titan's nape. As he did, the titan that had almost killed me walked past him and towards the wall. Why was it's smile so creepy? It's blonde hair and green eyes stared at Bertholt for a good few seconds but carried on walking.

Reiner then transformed into his titan too. He began to run down the streets of wall Maria towards the inner gate, not caring if he stepped in people or decked their houses.

He broke down the wall. With one swift arm movement. Honestly I was impressed, but I couldn't help but feel bad for the 'island demons' as we had Been told to call them.

Reiner pulled himself our of the titan as the steam hid him from the bystanders.

Me, Annie and Bertholt ran through the streets of Wall Maria as to make it seem like we lived there. No one will notice.

Us 4 made our way into the rescue area that was covered by a huge tent. Some guy with massive swords on his side and and a jacket with roses on it came over to us.

"Are you kids alright? You weren't caught in the explosion were you." He was worried about us. Why? We had been told the people of paradis were evil demons who were selfish.

"Yes we are fine." He nodded and walked towards the other people.

"Hey Annie." She turned to face me. "He was worried about us."

"I know" was all she responded.