
Cabin sleepover

Y/n pov:

Me, Ymir and Krista have been sent to collect information on an infamous black market seller. According to the reaserch from the higher ups, he collects 3DM gear from soldiers whilst they are sleeping.

We set could set out our tents around the recalled area. We should be able to find him if we use the requested strategy.

Unlucky enough for us, the weather wasn't on our side today. It had snowed deeply so there was no chance of putting a tent up.

The head commander asked a local villager if we could stay the night at his cabin. He agreed because it was the people to like us who help everyone. Yep. That's what he said.

Once we had arrived at the location, Ymir knocked on the old wooden door. No answer.

"Sir, we are from the cadet corp would you mind letting us in. We were told to come here from the commander." I shouted inside as politely as I could.

I heard footsteps from inside and then a rattle. The old man apologized for not hearing us and kindly lead us to the spare bed room.

Our day just got worse. There was only two beds. That means either one of us has to share or one of is on the floor. Not happening ladies.

"I call dibs on this one." I land face first into the soft blanket on the bed. "Either you two are sharing or Ymir goes on the floor."

I point to the two of them and feel a grin appear on my face.

"I won't let Krista sleep on the cold floor. We're sharing." Ymir puts her arm over Krista's shoulder and picks her up bridal style. She lightly sets her back down on the bed.

"Honestly, get a room you two." That sentence wasn't supposed to slip from my lips.

"What do you think is happening right now y/n? Me and Krista are sharing a bed." Ymir gleamed with happiness.

"If I wake up in the night and you guys are making out I'm going to sleep on the couch. I'm serious."

"Y/n I promise we won't do anything like that." Krista says towards me.

I give kirista a head pat and say "I trust you Krista."

(A few hours later)

The old man had told us his name was zeno.

"Thank you zeno, that beef was really nice." Krista thanked the old man.

"Not a problem young lady."

"Thanks old man." I calmly said to him.

He smiled at me and washed up the plates. "It's the least I can do, the survey corps has saved my life countless times so I repay by letting you people stay in my home."

He is really caring. Kinda reminds me of that guy who took us in when we first arrived here. RIP.

We head back to our temporary beds and I jump onto it, then lay on my back.

I turn around to have a conversation with my friends and find Krista almost asleep. Wow. She sure falls asleep fast. I wish I could do that.

I sit up and find Ymir sat backwards on a chair, facing us.


"Yeah" her expression was serious. I had a feeling she was about to tell me something interesting.

"If anything happens to me, take care of Krista alright." She looks sad but smiles anyways

"What's the matter Ymir, your not gonna do something stupid are you?" I was generally worried.

In my three years here I've realised that the marleyans were lying to us about the island 'demons'. They are just like all of us, fighting for survival.

"Can I tell you a secret. If anyone finds out I may be killed."

"Go ahead. I will keep quiet."

"Tomorrow, I may need to use a certain something to accomplish our goal. If it comes to that, make sure Krista doesn't see me using it." Could Ymir be- "I don't want her to think about me in a negative way."

"I will keep whatever it is a secret." She looked relieved.

"Thanks y/n"

I try to keep a smile and eventually fall asleep.

I think paradis island should stay isolated. It's better this way.