
The Full Moon Creature

This story is about a boy who is 18 years old.While his life was going wonderful a terrible thing happened! He turns into A werewolf! But Only on the full moon. Every girl of city knew that except one. Yes! Here comes our heroine she is: Beautiful,kind and respected. One day while she was going a very terrible thing happened!.... But at the end Our Hero And Heroine Get closer and here's a happy ending.

Seema_sutar · Fantasi
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A Creature of Full Moon 1

History says all the creatures that we imagine today were in real. Today we are going to explore a story a a boy who's life was a terrible dream but At the end it all worked out.

This takes place in Usa in 1940.

There was a Boy Who was 18 years old.Everyone loved him for his kindness.He was a handsome boy.

This was his free time,in his free time he liked to discover various insects,animals and many things that were still unseen.But his this interests turned into his Most Dangerous Killing Dream Ever!

He was walking in the forest to discover nature but,he lost their in the dense forest he found a part where all trees were dried and were black with thrones on them. He was scared but somehow he managed to go there.

He found that there was a man sitting,he asked him what he is doing there,but he didn't answer when he touched the man he turned to him.as quick as lightning he bite him.The man ran out of the scene,the boy was helpless it hurt him but he somehow kept walking.

After sometime he found another man he asked him if he knows how to get out of this forest.The man said yes and politely took him out of the forest.

He was now home thinking of the pain that was coming from the shoulder where that threatening man bitten.He slept in the evening.When he woke up he saw it was THE FULL MOON. Now the thing happened that the boy didn't knew,he transformed into a Giant,Black,Huge horrible looking WEREWOLF!

He was screaming as someone could when dropped in lava!He started to smash thing everywhere.He gone out Destroyed cars,He destroyed Houses He killed people.Cops tried to catch him, shoot him but it didn't affect him.

After when The Fool Moon was covered with clouds he turned into his original form he gone home because he didn't wanted to see the full moon.

Scared he slept on his bed. Now on every Full moon this would happen,20days past like this.

One day when he gone to a dress shop every people started to stare at him and where whispering about him. He was scared.At one corner three girls were standing From whom One Girl asked what happened why are all angry at this boy,after hearing she didn't believed it,she gone to the boy and spoke to all that he hasn't done anything and don't tease him as he is a innocent boy. Everyone Gone to do their work,the boy thanked her.

But after this thank The Real Threat And the real story starts! Be tuned to get to know about what happened to this two innocent teenagers.

To be continued...