

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

S1eepless · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 20

"So… That's really the Commander's plan?" Eren questioned.

Currently, the entirety of Levi Squad sat at a table. Directly below them was a basement where the sounds of screams had just ended. The enemy that they had been questioning budged after a ploy played by Hange. With it, they learned the truth. After the truth had been revealed to Erwin, he gave his final orders.

They were to find the remnants of the First Interior Squad and eliminate them. While Levi Squad was doing that, Erwin would enact the plan on his side that would ensure that they overthrow the current monarchy.

It was something Eren had originally planned, but the Commander's plan seemed more beneficial. Eren's called for rebellion. In his mind for the coup, there would be bloodshed. Justifiably so, but it was just an excuse to get rid of those who were in his way.

However, if the Commander's plan went off without any problems, there may be no need for any way within the walls.

The only bloodshed would be those of the Interior Squad. And perhaps any among their own group, if they were unfortunate enough.

"Precisely." Hange spoke up. "We'll employ the help of the Reeves Company. With them, we should be able to draw out the First Interior Squad."

"And eliminate them." Levi finished with his own speech. "I know all you've guys ever have done is slain Titans. But now, it's flesh and blood humans. Be prepared to kill them. It's you or them."

"Hold on." It was Historia that spoke up. She seemed oddly shaken. It was then everyone recalled the bit of information that had been drowned out by the thought of killing their humans.

"I'm suppose to become The Queen?"

"Yes." Levi gave a nod. "If what we found out to be the truth, your father, Rod Riess, is the true king of the walls. So, it only seems fitting you would inherit that role."

"Hah," She gave an uncharismatic chuckle. "So I'm just suppose to take on a role I don't want."

At that statement, everyone realized Historia's predicament. It must have been painful reliving memories of her hurtful past. But Ymir had been lost to her as well. Take into the fact that she never once acted like her true self, finally been given the chance, only for it to be ripped out of her hands to play the role of queen, it was quite the pitiful experience.

One that Levi seemed to not care about.

Picking her up and slamming her down, he gave her a piece of his mind. Rattling on about how we all had roles to play, it seemed to drill a sense of awareness into Historia.

Where did she get off acting like that? She was a soldier that had signed up for this. If this was the role the Commander had ordered her to take, then it was impossible to disobey.

So, after Levi having to pound some sense into her, she agreed to become the Queen walls.

After all, it was just another role she had to play.

Eren and Historia sat in a cave, bound and restricted. But there was nothing really to fear. In places that they decided ahead of time were placed tiny knife-like objects on their persons. These could easily be used to cut the binding around them if an unwanted variable happened.

More were placed on Eren as he could easily cut himself and transform if the need arrived. Although he doubted that. He hoped that the men they were dealing with were incompetent, leading them to the Riess that would ensure the plan be completed.

However, as everything seems to happen, the plan never goes as planned.

Eren never truly learned of the man known as Kenny the Ripper. He had heard rumor of him in passing as even some of his subordinates within the Military Police had fallen to his trademark kill style of a slit throat.

He never cared to learn of some rouge that was discontent with the Military Police. But it seems he should have paid closer attention. He had thought the killings were random, and they were. Some of the MPs he killed were as corrupt as ever, and others actually excelled at their job.

That's why he was written down as some thug that had a tooth to pick with the soldiers that served the king.

But it appears he was more than that. For the man himself stood above them, the tiny knives that had previously been on their body in his hands. Along with blood that appeared to be recent on the long carving knife that he held loosely in the other hand.

It appears the plan has gone awry. And blood had already been shed.

They were being loaded up into coffins, oddly enough. Levi observed from on top of the roof he was currently situation on. It had taken some time, but some of Reeves' men had finally begun to load up Eren and Historia. Although, that was obviously a lie. It appears they had already handed them off in that cave where they agreed to meet.

The men below were obvious First Interior MPs. Although only three of them, none of them seemed familiar to Levi as one of Dimo's men. With that conclusion, it would be only child's play to follow them and track down precisely where they went.

But something in the back of Levi's mind tickled him. This whole scenario seemed oddly familiar to him. Almost like a textbook example that had been read to him. It was at that moment he realized just what this reeked of.

It was long ago, but he recalled who raised him. The experience that he gave Levi, the lessons he taught. And the way to do things a certain way. So, as he heard the sound of a trigger being pulled, he reacted out of pure instinct and quickly dodged to the right.

However, it seemed he was the only one that was able to react with inhumane speed, as he saw the young Scout that had been supplied to him by Hange have her entire head blown off. He heard similar bangs around the area, no doubt the same thing happening to the other Scouts that were around the area.

With the man that almost killed him right in front of him, he realized just who it was.

"Oi, Levi." The man with a fedora and some unknown vertical maneuvering approached him with heavy stomps as he reloaded the weapon— a gun Levi reazlized— on his arms.

"Still a little chibi?"

"Kenny!" Levi seethed at the realization of his pseudo father had finally appeared after all these years, and had tried to kill him.

All Kenny did was give a smirk as he raised the weapons in his hand up towards Levi. Fingers twitching at the trigger, it barely took a breath before the next salvo of shots found themselves flying towards Levi.

Being quick on his feet and pure adrenaline was what kept him alive as he once again dodged the shots that would have blown his head and heart had he not moved.

Sliding down the roof, he used his vertical Maneuvering Gear to gain some distance. Only to find that there were other men and women who had identical gear to Kenny. It took no time at all to discern that these people were also enemies.

It also didn't help they were on the roof, armed, and shouting out his name once they saw him.

There were two men in front of him, three on a separate roof to the left, and one to the right directly below him on the path that led to an alleyway.

Levi realized that he couldn't win against all of them, not with the weapons they had and the range he himself was limited to. This fight was entirely to his disadvantage. Unfortunately for those of the First Interior Squad, when fighting Titans, you were always at a disadvantage.

This situation was not foreign to Levi.

With ease, he shot out his grabble used to help him propel forwards, only the perch it found was not an inanimate object, but the flesh of one of the men's in front of him throat. Reeling himself in, he sliced his sword in a vertical manner, bisecting the two men that impeded his path.

A shout of dismay came from their comrades as they realized that people that had lived their lives with were cut down in mere seconds. However, training kicked in and they soon reacted with fury towards the Scout Captian that had slain their brothers.

A full chase soon gave way, with Levi on the run and the First Interior Squad following close behind, firing off shots every so often, causing Levi to be more alert than ever.

When there was an opportunity, he would take it to dwindle the amount of enemies. An arm here, a head there, even jab that obliterated one's heart, he did all he could to keep himself alive.

He should have considered himself lucky. These men and women appeared to never have much combat experience with the Vertical Maneuvering gear. While their shots were on point, it was unfortunate that Levi was their opponent. The man had trained to be soar faster than an eagle, run swifter than a horse, and hit harder than a bear.

He killed foes then times larger and dangerous than the people in front of him. So, you could say Levi could win this confrontation. In a prolonged battle, he would have been able to pick them off one by one with his insane speed. The problem was actually the man who taught him everything he knew.

Opting for close range after realizing the futility of his gun, Kenny bared his carving knife towards Levi. Slashes and parries were made as both men dueled it out in the skies.

Soon, the fight came to the ground as Levi hastily entered a tavern nearby. Thinking fast he ducked behind the counter. It wasn't long before Kenny entered after him. Moving a bottle that contained alcohol, Levi was able to observe just where Kenny was. He recalled a law that was beneficial to bar owners, allowing them to deal with any thieves and rowdy customers. Looking to his right, he found just what he needed.

"C'mon, Levi!" Kenny boasted with a smirk. "Can't hide there forever!"

"I thought you hated the Military Police." Levi calmly responded, awaiting his chance strike. "Now you're in bed with them?"

"Heh, just the law of nature." Kenny steps indicated he was getting closer. "The strong live and band together."

Through the distorted bottle, Levi saw Kenny's position. Knowing where he was, he lifted up the shotgun the tavern owner had. Pulling the trigger, he gave Kenny a taste of his own medicine by throwing little lead pellets with a velocity that would tear the skin from the bone.

However, Levi didn't wait to confirm the kill. Rather, he immediately jumped out the window. Seeing that the First Interior Squad had surrounded the Tavern, he took the path of least resistance. The man tried to shout out for his allies but was met with a cold metal blade to his throat. He didn't even get a whimper out before his head went rolling on the ground.

With the path clear, he was able to lose the First Interior Squad and meet up with the rest of his Squad.

He relayed the events that had happen to him and they all came to the conclusion that he had already known.

The Reeves company had been found out. With it, Historia and Eren were no doubt already in the clutches of the true king of the Walls.

Oddly enough, he was in the same dark place he was when he had met the Demon so long ago. He recalled the two times the thing had appeared before him, both were unpleasant, to say the least.

However, where the first time he was simply floating around in the endless abyss and the second being at the base of a mountain of corpses, in this one he simply sat in a chair.

He realized that perhaps this abyss indicated his mood or the way his thoughts were directed.

Now, he sat with his back hunched over, arms upon his knees as he rested there.

"What ever is the matter, Führer?" The voice was soft, unbecoming of a demon that through him in such a world.

The Führer simply gave the man a glare. No longer did he stand mountains on top of him, but appeared to be a normal-sized adult. Clothed in fancy attire, the only oddity was the ram-like horns that spiraled down his head.

"I can see the very aspects of your mind and your emotions. But I wonder, such a thing would never get you down in the past, why does it hamper you now?"

"You… Do you really not understand?" The Führer spoke in a shaky voice. "This world, these people. I have no obligation to save them. I… It was a mistake to get close to them. Hannes, the drunk fool, I hated him and yet…"

"Despite the man failing to save your mother, you realized you cared for him?"

"I realize that I have caused more suffering than joy within this world."

"Is that really true?" The demon cocked an eyebrow. "I find that perhaps without you, there would be no hope. People would be lost in the entity known as despair without a hero like you to save them."

"Hero? Ironic, compared to my past self, I am hardly a hero." The Führer spat out the word. "No, you don't need me. You could have simply had this body, this Eren as a stand-alone soul. One that is new and had no past experience. Why did you need a tyrant like me to save this world?"

"Because you are the only one who can truly save it."

"Am I now?"

"Yes." The demon gave a nod. "It's naive, but it is what my true love would have wanted."

"Love? Heh," The Führer seemed to collapse back into the seat he sat in. "It seems I am lacking in such a department."

Standing up, he cast his gaze upon the demon. A tired gaze, one that didn't hold any will to continue on.

"I think I know what's going to happen in the following sequence." He told the demon, who seemed to widen his eyes in shock, knowing what he was precisely talking about. "And I will allow it to happen. After all, perhaps she could save the world better than I ever could."

"You fool!" The demon spoke as The Führer turned away. "You have no clue just what it is about this power! Don't delude yourself! What of everything you've done so far! The weapons you've built, the men you've gathered, the trust you've built! Was it all for naught?!"

The demon yelled, but it fell on deaf ears. The Führer had already walked away, banishing the demon from his thoughts.

Perhaps it was childish for him to give up, but after realizing just the pain and suffering he himself caused, and the bloodshed he would later cause, he knew that he was not the hero this world needed.

There were far better people that could replace him.

And so, with a resigned sigh, he would allow the depression and guilt overtake him. The feeling of emotions he longed held back came flooding in, justifying the actions he knew he would take.

Rod Riess held his daughter tight in his arms. Tears seemed to trail down his eyes as Eren observed the act. It seemed deluded and hazy, most likely a drug Eren thought, but was too drowsy to ever discern just what type. Soon, he succumbed to the effects once again, leaving the only present people in the room awake.

Historia of all seemed shocked. Here was her father, the one who abandoned her, hugging her. It was odd and foreign. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear, she allowed herself to be tricked this one time.

So, with tears finally streaming down her eyes, she returned the hug her father gave.

Events happened, time moved. The plethora of situations that unfolded would forever be written down in the annals of history.

Time and time again, children would be told the story of how Erwin Smith was almost executed for a killing he did not commit. They would be told how he deployed a ruse in which Garrison members lied about how Wall Rose had been breached, leading the nobles and the king's officials to disregard the rest of humanity and wish to close all of Wall Shina, less they suffer from a food shortage.

It was there that the military overthrew the heartless government for its selfish reasons. No longer would there be such people in control. Although some seemed hesitant to accept a military-controlled government, the truth that was revealed through the papers, even how Erwin was innocent of the killing and the fact it was actually the government who did it, the people decided to accept the rule of the military.

All of it was done without any innocent bloodshed.

Something that The Führer could and never would have pulled off. When Rommel industry heard the news, they were quite disheartened they wouldn't be able to hold The Führer as the true king of the walls, but realized that if he allowed this to happen then perhaps the Operation wasn't completely a failure.

However, with the king overthrown and the corrupt nobles and officials in jail or executed, there was only one enemy that laid before them. This enemy was one that had eluded everyone within present times. The First Interior Squad and the true king of the walls.

With everything done and said, the only people who could quickly find and locate where Eren and Historia resided were Levi Squad. Moving towards the church where it was said that nearly all of the Reiss family were murdered by thieves, it was only a hunch that Hange had come up with as to why Rod had the place rebuilt from when it was thrown to the fire.

Eren awoke from his daze. The drugs, perhaps due to his Titan abilities, had long been flushed out of his system. Moving his body to stand from the knelt down position he was in, he realized he was bound by chains. Shirtless and a gag in his mouth, he realized the position he was in would allow for him to be easily eaten by a mindless Titan.

So, Eren thought, the time had come.

Gazing down, he looked towards Rod Riess and his daughter, Historia. It seemed she had already decided to side with him, as she was no longer bounded and walked around freely.

Noticing he was awake, they both walked up the stairs to the platform where he was elevated.

He couldn't exchange words, but his tired gaze still found Historia's. An unasked question was transmitted to her, but she turned away from his gaze. With nothing being said, he confined to his fate and looked towards the ground.

"Eren Yeager, son of Grisha Yeager." Rod spoke to Eren. "You are here to atone for the sins of your father and return a power that was stolen from the Riess family."

With that statement, Eren worked up the energy to give a questioning look at Rod.

"I see…" Rod stated with a hateful gaze. "So not even you knew of your father's actions. Historia, place your hand on his back. Both of you will be enlighten to the events that took place on that dreadful day ago."

With that said, Rod didn't hesitate to place his hand on Eren's back. Following shortly, Historia did the same. A power unknown to Eren flowed through him. Images that were not his own flowed through his brain.

The church from above. His father, tears in his eyes. Words exchanged and a verdict being reached. Grisha, ripping whoever held the Titan power he stole from the nape of the neck, killing the women in one bite. After that, smashing the young woman's family with his feet and hands.

Grisha… He had murdered an entire family for this power? Eren didn't know that. He recalled how his father had come to him on the night that Maria had fallen. Giving him this power. But why had he stolen the same power from that women, the true king of the wall?

Did it have to do with how he was able to control the Titans?

These thoughts flowed through his mind, but he eventually gave up on them. He realized just what his father had done. He had taken a power that was not his and given it to his son to carry the burden.

What a horrible man.

Eren gave no response even as he heard the choking sob from Historia.

"You… You're father killed her." She seethed. "I didn't remember, I had forgotten. But she was the only one who cared, and she's dead because of your father!"

It seemed there was something bother Historia, but Eren didn't care.

His mind was already made up.

With a power that was not his, he tried to save a world that was not his.

What a joke.

He hadn't noticed when they left, but it seemed they were preparing to have Historia eat him.

So, he closed his eyes and awaited his fate. And that's why he missed the current exchange of events.

"You understand now, Historia? In order to reclaim our power, you have to devour Eren." Rod had explained everything to Historia. How Grisha had come and mercilessly killed every one of the Riess' baring Rod.

It was her duty as the sole heir to inhabitant the Titan powers and ensure peace within the walls.

At least, that's what her father had told her.

Rod, rummaging through his bag, brought out a case. Opening it, he held out a syringe. Feeling it with one of the bottles, he was just about to help Historia inject it within her when they were suddenly interrupted.

"You're… Joking, right?" It was Kenny. Blood coated his shirt and if the hand that tenderly touched his chest was of any indication, the blood was his. "You mean to tell me only you true royals can inheriting that cool power?"

"Yes," Rod claimed, causing Kenny to swear. "What of it."

"Heh, so that just means I can't take it for myself!" At the sudden revelation of Kenny plotting to betray him, Rod became infuriated. However, a slap from Kenny was all it took to shut him up.

"I only serve one man, and he's gone." Kenny spat out. "Ahhh, I was really looking forward to that power. Eh, whatever, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy the show."

Using his gear, he maneuvered up to where Eren was. Removing his gag, he brought out his blade as he slid it across Eren's forehead.

"Why don't you both turn into Titans and battle it out! Strongest one wins!" With his piece said and done, he launched himself out of the way, not wanting to get caught up in the resulting explosion.

Historia, with the syringe still clutched in her hands, was about to inject the green substance within her when she suddenly realized something.

"Eren…" She looked up to the boy who had not moved from his spot. "Why… Haven't you transformed."

Eren gave a half-hearted smirk.

"If you can do better than myself, then go ahead." His words elected confusion within her. "I've tried, haven't I? What have I brought about with this power? Who have I saved?"

A frown became evident upon his face.

"Everyone has been calling me the hope of humanity and I have done nothing to show that I deserve that title."

Looking down upon Historia, he gave a bittersweet smile.

"At the very least, I'm glad it's you and everything worked out in the end. After all, it turns out you really weren't abandon."

It was just those words. Those very words which changed the course of her thinking. Yes, she was angered at the fact that the only women that cared for her was killed by Eren's father, but she was really about to take it out on him?

Furthermore, it was the words that sparked an unknown feeling, 'you really weren't abandon'. It was at that moment she recalled Eren's tale. Of the prince who had everything and lost in a day, simply because he questioned his father.

Was it all really for his protection? The prince had the right to ask why. If the father truly cared, wouldn't he have found a better way? If he cared, why had he had abandon her? Why had she have been forced to accept a new name and join the cadet corps? If her father, Rod, had truely cared, then why now did he show up?

Sudden realization hit her.

"You don't care about me, do you?" She spoke in a soft voice that only Rod could care. "When everyone was dead, you only came to me because I held royal blood, didn't you?!"

"Historia, dear, what do you mean?"

"If you had truly cared, you would have never killed mother! If you cared, you would have never abandon me! If you want to use me because I am the only one left to use!"

"That's not true!" Rod was quick to get on his feet and hold Historia's hand. "I care about you deeply! Please, just accept your fate and become the ruler of the walls!"

"No!" Historia screamed as she flipped her father, smashing the syringe with its contents in it on the floor. "You only want me to accept a role that I never wanted. Not again!"

With that, she left her father on the floor and made her way up towards Eren.

Was it foolish to compare their stories together? Abandon by their fathers, when asked if they cared they promptly responded yes. Yet, their actions spoke otherwise. However, Eren would never delude himself to believe that anyone could be compared to the man known as his father.

Yet, he couldn't help but draw up unparallel symmetries between his and Historia's stories.

"Why…" Historia had finally reached him, undoing his bindings. "Why didn't you eat me?"

"I don't care about that!"

"How foolish do you have to be!" Eren spat back in frustration. "I can't save this world, but you can if you just take the Titan power for yourself! Stop being a selfish brat and do as you're told."

"Shut! Up!" She brought up a fist and banged it against Eren's head, causing him to flinch. "I'm tired of people telling me what to do! I'm making my own choices from here on out!"

Eren could do nothing but grit his teeth.

"Hey," she spoke in a soft voice. "That prince you mentioned when we were in that room together. When his father told him that he cared, did the price believe him?"


"Then stop acting like a baby and accept your fate. To save this world."

"Is that so…"

Eren shut his eyes. Was his fate to save this world?

"You all have been telling me to accept my role as the Queen. Well now, you accept your role as the Titan savior!"


"Calling me a selfish brat! What about you?! You just can't up and do what you want!"


"So just shut up and let me undo these chains! I need-"

"Historia!" Eren finally got her attention.

"Thank you." Eren smiled as a single tear dripped down his cheek.

"...Stop crying like a baby."

Eren gave a chuckle and couldn't stop. Even causing Historia to smile at his contagious laughter. However, right as she undid the chains, a large burst of steam pushed them back. Looking up, they saw the forming of a Titan.

"Wha…" Eren gasped in shock.

"The solution." Historia seemed to realize it first. "My father must have drunk it!"

The cave started to crumble. It seemed that it would all collapse on them as rocks fell all around them.

They didn't hear it over the noise of the transformation and the falling of rocks, but at one point the rest of Levi Squad must have made it to them, as they found that everyone was on that little outcropping that had held Eren.

"W-What do we do?" Connie said as they all pressed themselves against the wall.

"Can we make it out?" Jean spoke up.

"Not all of us have the hope to make it out." Levi spoke. "Mikasa, grab Eren. I'll take Historia and we all make a break for it."

"No." Eren spoke as he rose to his full height, despite the wisp of steam blowing everyone back. "I'll save everyone here."

With that, he burst out running, causing some to call back for him. He had noticed it earlier, but Rod had taken things out of his bag. That same back appeared up by them. Historia must have taken it with her due to the key for his chains being in there.

It was when everyone was panicking or thinking of a way out that Eren saw a bottle.

It was simply labeled 'harden'.

It didn't take much of a genius to realize what it would pertain.

The same bottle in his hand was soon brought to his mouth as he jumped off the edge. Biting down, he drank the elixir, transforming in the process.

With it, he was able to harden and stop the collapse of the cave.

Eren awoke from unconsciousness as Mikasa was pulling him out. Long gone was the sound of rocks falling, only to be replaced by Mikasa's somewhat exerted groans for trying to pull Eren out of his harden Titan's body.

Helping a little, Eren and Mikasa were able to release him from his own built cage. Looking around, it appeared it had work. He was able to harden and save everyone from being crushed by rocks.

Soon, a shout indicated someone had found a way out and they were all on the surface in no time.

The only problem was that they were met with a Titan perhaps twice the size of the Colossal Titan. And the direction he was heading towards the nearest district.

It was mentioned before that everything would be written down in the annals of history.

It was no exaggeration when it was said that Queen Historia Reiss took to the field to battle a monster twice the size of the walls. It was her debut to the world. It was told that she was in hiding from members of the royal family, for she was the daughter of a mistress.

But long gone was the royal family and she could take her place on the throne.

To prove that she was for the people, she had no hesitation to put her life on the line to slay the Titan. With it, she gained respect and fame from everyone around.

Soon, her inauguration came. She was accepted as the Queen of the Walls.



"... Ya know, chibi, this syringe and the thing inside of it could turn me into a Titan."


"... Immortality… Sounds great, right?"



"...Then why didn't you use it…"

"...Ah… Why indeed."

A thrust and the box containing the material was in patted firming in Levi's chest. Taking it with no words, he simply gazed at the man.

"You're my uncle, right?"


"So, that means my last name is Ackerman?"


"Why… did you leave me all alone?"


No words came, for the man known as Kenny the Ripper was no more.

"That wasn't exactly as planned."

"You should be inside enjoying the banquet. It's for you nobles and officials that weren't completely corrupt, you know."

"Well, more of the reason I shouldn't be in there. After all, our coup would have been more… bloody."

"I suppose it is fine that events turned out like this."




"...Rommel, I think I will suggest the forming of the Caverly."

"Really? I mean, the plan was for you to instituted it as The Führer, but will Queen Historia accept it?"

"I don't really know. But Erwin is already aware of our presence and abilities."

"Because you told him."

"It will give us the backing as well as a sword."

"A sword?"

"The Military Police keep the peace within the walls. The Garrison defends the people within the walls from outward forces. The Scouts survey enemy territory and up until now had to bring the fight to the enemies by themselves.

"With the formation of the Cavalry, they will be the sword the Scouts desperately need to fight off the enemy."

"I concur. Will you bring it up or I?"

"I'll do it."

"Then best of luck to you, my Führer."