
The Frozen Fae

A Fae had been found, ethereal, enchanting, yet frozen in ice, centuries before the apocalypse. For millenniums, the ice never melted, making many researchers scratch their heads in confusion. But then, the apocalypse happened, and the frozen Fae opened his eyes once more. In his eyes, a world once filled with budding life had turned into a wasteland filled with the undead. That once beautiful world in its' early stages of life, had turned into such a dangerous place to live in... The oldest being on Earth moves once again.

I_Am_Shy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


The buzzing sound of a machine drones on in the background, as a figure in a standard white lab coat types on into a computer. His eyes reflected the monitor screen as words continue being written, his mind and fingers racing against each other, to the same goal of archiving hypothesis and results.

With the press of a button, the data was saved, and finally, finally, he could rest. The words, 'Saved Successfully' appeared on the monitor screen, along with the notification that his job for the day was done. Exhaling, he leaned back onto the rather comfortable chair.

Had it been before, he would've been very impressed at the Research Guild's thoughtful luxury, to prepare many of such comfy chairs for each and every lab room in all of their research institutions, regardless of who founded it. But now, as he'd sat there for nearly 18 hours of non-stop research, he thanked the Research Guild for the small mercies, as they're merciless when it comes to research results.

Although, ever since the apocalypse started, there had been no such thing as 'no research progress' every day, unless one intentionally don't work at all for that day, it's both a blessing and a curse. You don't get paid without results, after all.

But he couldn't deny how tiring it is, to work for such extensive hours every day for a cure to the zombie's virus. So far, many revelations has come to light, and along with that, even more questions.

But zombie research just isn't his thing.

What he's truly interested in was, the one frozen in ice, found nearly half a decade ago. It had caused a huge sensation, and there had been theories, such as the one frozen in ice was actually Adam, or that it's a creature older than the Earth itself, or even--

A Fae.

A Fae, frozen in ice in order to become the world's savior in the apocalypse.

The Research Guild, once they got their hands on this chunk of ice, had immediately determined that the one frozen in ice had actually been a Fae, though it wasn't the same group of Fae that had come to Earth on the second world war.

His long, shining silver hair, that served as a beacon for the ones who discovered him amidst ice and other sea critters, deep underwater in the North Pole, had been proof that while he's a Fae, he's not one that the current Fae knew of.

He might possibly be the oldest being on Earth to still live, even if it's in some sort of comatose state.

Another curious thing about the chunk of ice, was that no amount of thawing could melt or crack it. And thus, the whole chunk of ice had been stored in the research institute's main building, which later became the main stronghold for those with a researcher profession in the apocalypse.

Which was where he decided to go to instead of his shared dorms.

Before the apocalypse happened, this chunk of ice had been his ambition. He'd resolved himself to finding out more about this frozen being, and he had a dream, to finally free this Fae from its' cold prison.

With shining eyes, he looked at the frozen Fae. His pale skin, the delicate jaws, the soft arc of his eyebrows, the closed eyes, with eyelashes which was practically glittering, slightly pointed ears, that looked no different than a normal humans' otherwise.

He was tall, almost 1.7 meters in height, with slightly defined muscles on both arms and legs, with each joints visibly delicate, it made him look all the more ethereal, and he had a slightly visible six-pack abdomen.

And while everyone referred to him as a 'he', everyone could see that he's genderless, which was another one of the defining features that separates him and the Fae that everyone knew of.

He sighed in admiration.

In his 27 years of life, he'd never before set his eyes on such a beautiful specimen. Even his girlfriend couldn't hold a candle next to him…

He sighed once again, but in sadness this time.

There was no point in dwelling in the past, as his brother had always said, it was inevitable. Thinking of his brother had lifted his spirits slightly, and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Alright, tomorrow's another busy day," he said to himself, stretching his limbs to relieve the soreness in his muscles. Thinking of his bed in his shared dorm room, he chuckled to himself. "Maybe this time I'll actually get some decent sleep?"

As he turned to leave, he cast another glance back at the comatose Fae.

To find gold-silver eyes staring back at him.

Hahah cliché.

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