
The Frozen Destiny

In the realm of Everglade, Princess Ava Sullivan, the 7th princess and the cherished child of King Leo Sullivan, faces a challenging existence. Despite lacking magical powers and not knowing her true mother, her father's love remains unwavering. However, her life takes a somber twist as an unprecedented Winter season descends upon the kingdom, freezing everything in its wake, causing death and devastation. Since the age of 14, Ava has wrestled with the burden of proving herself through aptitude tests, only to face disappointment each time, leading others to ridicule her abilities. Though the people of the capital refrain from openly bullying her due to King Leo's protection, Ava's life is suddenly upended when the Winter's wrath engulfs the kingdom, resulting in a surge of fatalities. Desperate to save his realm, King Leo is faced with a harrowing choice: to appease the God of winter, Glaciara, and end the merciless cold, he must sacrifice his beloved child, Ava, in accordance with ancient tradition. Therefore, the King personally sends Ava to the treacherous wilderness in the name of the ritual. Despite the seemingly impossible odds, the people of Everglade pray fervently for Glaciara to accept this sacrifice and spare them from the endless winter's grip. Remarkably, their prayers are answered, and within a few days, the relentless winter begins to relent. However, a surprising turn of events occurs, contradicting everyone's expectations. After one month, to everyone's astonishment, Ava returns with a cub of the Lioxx—a race that is a combination of lion and fox, just like the name suggests. This cub, like Ava, lacks any magical abilities. The kingdom marvels at how Ava managed to survive but wholeheartedly welcomes her back. Embark on a captivating adventure as you follow Ava and the Lioxx cub on their enigmatic journey. Delve into the depths of this compelling tale to unearth the secrets and untold wonders that shaped Ava's life forever. ------------ Author's Note: Dear Readers, I am thrilled to present to you my very first novel. Embarking on this literary journey has been a deeply rewarding experience, filled with both excitement and challenges. As a new author, I've poured my heart and creativity into crafting a story that I hope will captivate your imagination and offer you moments of enjoyment. Creating this novel has been a labor of love, and I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have chosen to join me on this adventure. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me, and I am eager to share this tale with you. I'm well aware that a first novel is a step into the vast realm of storytelling, and I'm grateful for your understanding and patience as I explore this new landscape. Your feedback and encouragement will be invaluable to me as I continue to grow as a writer. So, without further ado, I invite you to dive into the world I've created within these pages. May this novel transport you to new realms, evoke emotions, and leave you eagerly turning each page. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Warmest regards, [Shanta]

Shanta_Tiwari · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Luminara manor

As Ethan sensed the magical aura, Ava decided to divulge a half-truth. "Yes, you are right, Uncle Ethan. When I was on the verge of death, I heard an ethereal voice that spoke of happiness with my kind nature. It granted me a new life and awakened a healing ability within me to fulfill my wish of helping others. I must nurture it further."

Ethan's eyes widened, surprised by her revelation. "Princess, are you certain? Do you know who that person is?"

Ava smiled, blending truth and fiction in her response. "I do not know. The voice and the green light that enveloped me remain a mystery. After this miraculous encounter, I sensed a hint of green magic within me. As I am still weak, I returned with caution. I planned to inform my imperial father and attend the Aurelia Academy of Arcane Arts to study and develop my newfound powers further after taking some rest."

The reason for this deception was that when Princess Ava's two half souls merged in her body, her intelligence, talent, and magical affinity surged significantly. During this fusion, she discovered that her body contained additional elements that were hindering the awakening of her magical abilities. Unsure of the identities of her friends and foes, and uncertain about the motives behind suppressing her powers, she chose to conceal the changes within her for the time being.

The conversation between Shadow Master Ethan and Princess Ava was audible to everyone, and while a majority of the people in the realm expressed joy, the imperial family held contrasting opinions. Certain princes and princesses who were in attendance displayed considerable dissatisfaction with the resulting situation.

As Princess Ava's return was celebrated throughout the kingdom, not everyone shared in the jubilation. Among the members of the imperial family, whispers of concern and jealousy circulated like a dark cloud. Gathered in one of the opulent halls of the palace, the princes and princesses exchanged uneasy glances as they voiced their fears.

"She was already the beloved child of the imperial father, even when she was considered good-for-nothing. Now, after awakening her powers, her glory in the kingdom is at its peak because of that sacrificial incident. What will happen to us?" murmured one prince, his eyes filled with apprehension. His sentiments were echoed by others who were already dissatisfied with their father's biasness, but now they felt even more unease and apprehension about their future.

The queen, a woman of grace and poise, listened to the hushed conversations around her, her thoughts veiled behind a mask of composure. Though her thoughts were different from these people because her son's position as the crown prince was already settled, and her daughter, the second princess, was the most talented among all of them. Their positions were unshaken.

However, a lingering fear enveloped her after learning that Princess Ava's magical power had been awakened. She was now afraid that Ava could uncover her inheritance and realize the truth. The queen was among the few people, along with King Leo and Shadow Master Ethan, who were aware of Ava's true identity.

The queen was the one who had performed all the shady deeds under the king's instruction. If someday Princess Ava were to remember or retaliate, the queen would be the first target.

Meanwhile, King Leo himself stood at a distance, seemingly looking joyful at this news, yet deep down, he shivered with unease. He feared that the mysterious person could make things difficult for him because of Princess Ava's return, especially now that she possessed magical abilities.

As he observed the uneasy glances exchanged among his children and heard the soft murmurs of the queen and others, the king's smile wavered for a moment. On the surface, he tried to appear happy and welcoming, but a sense of danger gnawed at his heart.

Despite Ethan's outward appearance of tranquility, he too experienced inner turmoil. No matter how hard he attempted to mask his feelings, Ava had an uncanny ability to perceive the fluctuations in his emotions.

Ava's heightened senses allowed her to perceive even the slightest shifts in the emotions of those around her, but she chose to remain silent. After exchanging more polite words and bidding farewell to everyone, she sought King Leo's permission to retire to her residence, Luminara Manor. This magnificent estate had been gifted to her by her imperial father, King Leo.

Following the age-old tradition of the Everglade kingdom, every prince and princess was expected to depart from the palace after reaching their 15th birthday and establish their own residences. However, Princess Ava, being the king's beloved child, received a rare exception to this customary practice – the majestic Luminara Manor was bestowed upon her as a special gift. This exceptional privilege set her apart from her royal siblings, as she was the only one to have a grand property of her own right from the beginning. Even the crown prince couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy due to this distinction.

Princess Ava had been residing in Luminara Manor from her very childhood, cherishing every moment spent within its opulent walls. Unlike her royal siblings, she possessed no powerful maternal family backing; her strength came solely from the love and favor of her imperial father, King Leo. Yet, she was blessed with the remarkable privilege of owning the exquisite property right from the start, a testament to the king's affection and admiration for her. This unique distinction set her apart from her brothers and sisters, fueling the jealousy of the crown prince, who couldn't help but feel envious of her exceptional status.

"So, this is my residence?" Princess Ava marveled as she stood before the grand gates of Luminara Manor. Even with the memories of both her lives, the sight still evoked a different feeling within her.

As Princess Ava approached the grand gates of Luminara Manor, she was met with an awe-inspiring sight. The gates, adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering in the sunlight, welcomed her with open arms. At the gate stood a group of loyal servants and guards, their faces beaming with excitement and happiness. These were not just ordinary servants and guards bound by their duty; they were individuals who held a deep and genuine affection for Princess Ava. Their care and concern for her went beyond mere obligations, and Ava was well aware of the depth of their love. Acknowledging their sincere attachment, she always reciprocated their feelings and ensured they received the best treatment and facilities she could offer. Their bond was not simply one of master and subordinates; it was a true camaraderie built on mutual respect and fondness.

"Princess Ava, welcome back!" one of the senior servants called out, the joy evident in his voice. "We've been eagerly awaiting your return."

The guards, in their gleaming armor, stood tall and proud, forming a respectful line to welcome their beloved princess. As Ava passed through the gates, they saluted her with great reverence.

"We are honored to have you back, Your Highness," another guard said with a smile. "The manor is ready to serve you in every way possible."

Ava's heart swelled with warmth as she listened to their heartfelt words. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the genuine affection they showered upon her. Despite her doubts and struggles, the homecoming was turning out to be an overwhelmingly positive experience.

The servants inside the manor had also gathered to welcome her. They lined the elegant hallways, each holding a bouquet of freshly picked flowers. As Ava walked past them, the air filled with the sweet fragrance of roses, lilies, and daisies, symbolizing a gesture of love and appreciation.

"Princess Ava, we're so glad to see you safe and sound!" one of the maids said, tears of joy glistening in her eyes.

"Indeed! You've come back to us, and we couldn't be happier," added another servant, her voice filled with genuine affection.

The atmosphere was filled with jubilation as the servants cheered and clapped for their princess.

"Thank you, everyone," Ava replied, her voice tinged with a rare side of emotion. "I am grateful for all of you, and I promise to do my best as your princess."

The manor was a true testament to the wonders of magical architecture, where elements from all seasons coexisted in separate sections, creating a harmonious blend of nature's best offerings. Flowers bloomed in vibrant colors, while the air was tinged with a gentle fragrance that changed with each passing section. The magical elements flowed gracefully throughout the estate, bringing an ethereal atmosphere that made it feel like a realm from a fairytale.

"Incredible, Father's generosity knows no bounds," Princess Ava sighed in admiration. In her previous life, she had been nothing more than a poor child, cherished by an organization solely for her unparalleled talents and then sold back to them for training. Though she had gained fame and become the queen of mercenaries by the age of 13, her path was strewn with bloodshed and thorns, and she had never experienced a luxurious life like that of Princess Ava's.

In that life, there had been no emotional attachment with her parents. They saw her merely as a money-making machine and enjoyed the glory of her achievements. She sighed, pushing aside the chaotic thoughts from her past life, and refocused her attention on exploring the manor once again.

The decoration was nothing short of magnificent, surpassing even the opulence of the royal palace. King Leo had spared no expense in adorning the manor with elegant furnishings and exquisite artwork. He had carefully designed the interiors to imbue a sense of peace and serenity, understanding that Ava's lack of magical power might make her feel inadequate amidst a world of magic.

"What is this?" Ava exclaimed, her steps halting as she sensed a subtle problem with the magical elements. Her heightened senses allowed her to immediately detect a peculiar combination of these elements, which resulted in the production of a faint, poisonous gas. Though not harmful, it would likely hinder the awakening of any magical powers.

"Good, very good, imperial father," she purposely dragged out the last word.

Ava could guess the scheme behind this. She remembered that whenever her imperial father visited the manor, he or Shadow Master Ethan would meticulously check everything. The objects and flowers emanating the poisonous gas were either gifts from them or managed by them. Since no one in her manor possessed any magical ability, neither she nor the servants could have guessed it. The guards were not allowed to enter the manor, further adding to the secrecy of the situation.

"So, there has been a conspiracy from the beginning, but why?" Ava murmured in a heavy tone. Even though she was certain about the theory of a conspiracy, she couldn't help but feel disheartened upon realizing that her father might be behind it.

Dear Readers,

As I present my inaugural novel to you, I want to express my sincere gratitude for joining me on this journey. Writing this book has been a remarkable experience, and I am both excited and humbled to share it with you.

Your support is invaluable to me, especially as I navigate this new path of storytelling. I kindly ask for your encouragement and guidance as I strive to grow as an author. If you enjoy the story, please consider showing your appreciation by liking, commenting, and sharing. Your engagement will not only motivate me but also help spread the tale to others who might find joy within its pages.

Thank you for being a part of this significant moment in my writing career.

Warmest regards,

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