
The Freeman Gambit

Falling_Wealth · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Well..... Fuck it


I knew something was wrong because things were different there was a crisp feeling in the air you don't get in a box at the bottom of a trench with no lights on a planet with no name guarded by people who were just numbers but something was different.

then I felt it a shuttering as a blue light washed over me atleast I think it's blue it has been awhile since I've experienced anything besides the metal gray a scrawl of words filled my vision the first words I've seen since before the box.

[ Scaning ... Scan Complete target suitable Commence Transfer? Y/N ]

I sat in a Stunned silence Transfer? what kind of dumbass would want me anywhere but here, still I Accepted.

[ Acknowledged .... Beginning Transfer and restructure of Host to better accommodate Domain .... error current number of applicants insufficient [ 5/?? ] enter stasis until departure? Y/N ]

" so your really gonna get me put of here?" There's no response " hahahaha that's fucking awesome I mean I've gotta pack my stuff but I'd love to have a fine being such as yourself sweep me of my feet ..."

[ Acknowledged.... Beginning stasis .... ]

"wait wha-"

[ Third person pov ]

In a desolate cell on a desolate planet a blue light flashes and when it recedes it reveals a now empty cell with only the images scratched into its walls.

Throughout the universe similar events were happening everywhere a blue light taking people away ripping them from there place in the world.