
Kals Living Nightmare Pt. 1

What is the true meaning of life… that's something I have asked myself many… many times in the past year.

Is living really worth it when everything you know has been changed? When you have been changed into something you never wanted to be?

This change that I am speaking of is no other then my past and it is one of many horrors and nightmares…

When I was merely fifteen my father Arnold Truman (Multi- Trillionaire Technological genius) had chosen to select me to go with him on private business affairs.

Those affairs were top secret… so much so that even the president doesn't even know about it let alone the US government.

The show he runs is a secret counter terrorist force of the most elite men and women in the world.

Trained since they were merely ten years old they were made for one purpose to serve and protect the country I call home from outside threats that would be too risky for any other task force group to do.

They are the Black Ops Special forces, they are always under the radar, always on secret covert missions under false names and branches in the military.

You might be wondering why me, a fifteen year old would be going along and well it's simple as this when you have as much money as we do there are always people who will try and take it and since my Dad a former Navy Seal was out of country 80% of the time it was up to me to be the one to protect my family.

I have two siblings Maria my twin sister, and my younger brother Matt.

They were both unaware of the true purposes of this trip and it would be a long one.

We would travel to a secret base in Frace in a couple hours… our private jet armed with the highest level of protection, 12th gen stealth technology, nano tech shielding, reinforced titanium frame and a invisibility cloak that made the RCS as small as a mosquito.

All together there were twenty-three of us entering on the plane ten armed with MPX-50 Submachine guns chambered in 50 caliber rounds.

It was just a precaution as it should be impossible for any radar to even see us let alone any human eye.

Well that Precaution would be useless for what was about to happen.

3 Hours later…

We were already half way to our destination, I sat looking around dumbfounded at the tech that was on board…

Huge plasma screens, quantum super computers in everybodies lap as they worked vigoriously.

Mean while my father sat drinking a glass of bourbon looking out the window down at the sea below.

I followed his glance as I asked, "Dad why don't we tell Matt or Maria about this? Shouldn't they know about what you really do?".

He chuckles softly as he says, "Kiddo you must understand that the only reason you even know is because you are technically the oldest… and Maria is too busy flirting and texting day and night that she could care less".

"As for Matt you already know the reason he is only 12 years old he's too naive and innocent to comprehend anything I would try and teach him, and I want them to live a happy and joyful life".

I nod solemnly as I look down at the glass in his hand.

I was about to say something when suddenly an alarm started beeping uncontrollably and when I looked outside the window I could see the flares shooting out the side.

Just barely out of sight I could see a vapor trail coming right at us.

I watched as it ignored the flares cascading right past them when the left wing was hit and a colloidal explosion ripped through the hull of the plane.

The violent current of cold air hit me like sand paper and I watched as a couple of men were sucked out into the air.

Their screams deafeningly silent as I saw their bodies slowly but surely grow farther away until I couldn't see them no more.

My father held onto me tight as he said, "Hold on!!! We are going down!!".

One of the soldiers yelled, "Dammit the signals down we have no form of communication".

My father the one man who I thought was fearless now had nothing but fear edged in his old features.

He held onto me like a pair of jaws snapping shut his fingers dug into my skin and when I looked outside I could see that we were now missing the whole left wing.

Flames fought as if they were holding on for dear life and that's when another missile hit the rear of the plane.

A protective seal closed shut as the rear fell off cascading into millions of different pieces. The air that was violating my skin and making it hard to breath finally died down, but it was no time to celebrate we were going to crash land thousands of miles from any civilization… no forms of communication… no way to call for help.

It seemed like forever when one of the men screamed, "Brace for impact!!!".

And like that we hit the ground, the force of it making the harness carve into my body as the plane disassembled like a Lego panels of metal flew off, dirt found its way inside and most of all I was thrashed like a ragdoll the only thing keeping me in place were my fathers vice like hands and the harness.

When we finally came to a stop blood was pouring from my brow, I was missing a tooth, my nose was broken and my right arm completely shattered.

The worst thing was the massive jagged piece of metal that had pierced into my upper thigh and was holding my down as it had imbedded itself into the flooring.

When I first saw it all I could do was scream but there was no air for my body to use."

Dust, blood, and dirt covered my tattered clothing and visible skin entirely.

I looked around as best as I could but even moving caused the pain in my leg to ignite like a branding iron deep inside my leg.

My vision blurred completely and blackness soon crept over.