
Nine, Elder Jiang Xiao was ambushed by the Mother Monkey Spirit.

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Sangmo gasped in shock, "How did you turn into a ghost, your spirit lingering on."

"All the world says that Miss Su Jinyi was born with a defective spiritual root and cannot cultivate, but having seen you today, your cultivation seems even deeper than mine."

Sangmo slightly curled her lips, "Is Elder Jiang Xiao not the same?"

"As the number one Elder of Changli Mountain, why are you watching me every day?" As Sangmo spoke, she suddenly lunged forward, grabbing Shen Yanqing's arm and snatching a Voice Recording Stone from the hand he held behind his back.

"Elder Jiang Xiao is so calculating, how did I offend the Elder, for you to scheme so deeply to put me in a deadly situation?"

Shen Yanqing turned to look at Sangmo's hand on his, "It's merely lifelong imprisonment in the Disciplinary Hall, not exactly death."

He spoke lightly and casually, which was infuriating.

"You son of a..."

Just as Sangmo was about to curse, the carriage suddenly took a sharp turn, and she lost her balance, falling straight into Shen Yanqing's arms, with her face in close contact with Shen's face, and her other hand resting on his chest.

As the carriage kept turning sharply due to inertia, Sangmo's hand remained on Shen Yanqing's chest.

Tsk, one has to say, his physique is really impressive, his chest muscles hard and large.

Sangmo couldn't help but squeeze them a bit.

She felt the person beneath her stiffen, and just as she lowered her head to look at Shen Yanqing's face, he suddenly vanished using an Escape Technique.

Sangmo lunged at nothing and crashed heavily against the carriage window.

Geez, Shen Yanqing is still lacking any semblance of grace, just like in his past life.

When the family of three was summoned to the main hall, Sangmo sensed something odd in the atmosphere.

Everyone's face was tight with tension, eyes fixed straight ahead, as if afraid to look around.

Sangmo felt nervous; she carefully scanned the surroundings but noticed nothing amiss.

Perplexed, she raised her head to look at Shen Yanqing, and almost had the soul scared out of her.

On Shen Yanqing's fair cheek was a vivid red lipstick mark.

It was the lip rouge her maid had applied to her that morning.

She swallowed hard, feeling fearful yet a touch of schadenfreude.

Elder Jiang Xiao's reputation is about to be ruined!

On the other side, Shen Yanqing too felt that something was off, but he usually didn't care about what others thought, until Sangmo entered.

When she looked at him, she first showed a terrified expression, then a schadenfreude smile.

This rich variation of expression made Shen Yanqing somewhat restless; he began to look down at his clothes and secretly touched his hair.

If there were no problems there, then what was going on with them?

Just as he was puzzled, the Sect Leader, who always butted heads with Shen Yanqing, suddenly spoke up.

"Elder Jiang Xiao's private life lately seems to be less than decorous."

With those words, everyone's faces tightened even more, each of them silently pinching their own thighs to keep from bursting into laughter.

Only Sangmo couldn't hold back and lowered her head to laugh quietly.

Shen Yanqing felt the Sect Leader's gaze on his face and uneasily conjured a mirror.

When he clearly saw the person in the mirror, Shen Yanqing sucked in a breath of cold air and froze on the spot.

He quickly wiped his face clean, then glared at Sangmo below, who was laughing so hard her stomach hurt.

"Is it that funny?"

Sangmo hurriedly straightened up, clenching her teeth and shaking her head with a straight face.

But seeing Shen Yanqing's flushed face, Sangmo couldn't help but laugh again.

"I'm sorry..."

Everyone was already struggling to hold in their laughter; disrupted by Sangmo's antics, they all failed to keep it in.

Laughter echoed intermittently throughout the entire Disciplinary Hall.

The veins on Shen Yanqing's neck were bulging, but since the law does not punish the majority, he knew his appearance today was indeed having a bad influence.

Just at this moment, the Sect Leader took the opportunity to make a sarcastic remark, "Alright, no one is allowed to laugh anymore, Elder Jiang Xiao is only human after all."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Shen Yanqing, "However, you are, after all, the head of a peak, you should pay attention to your influence in the future."

Grinding his teeth, Shen Yanqing glared at Sangmo, who was hanging his head and trying hard to hold back laughter, and said indifferently, "What human feelings? It was nothing but an unexpected encounter on the way up the mountain when I was ambushed by a Mother Monkey Spirit."

Su Jinyi's father hurried forward to smooth things over, "Oh, that Mother Monkey Spirit really is hateful, Grandmaster must thoroughly punish it."

With an emotionless face, Shen Yanqing replied, "It's alright, I'll take care of her myself."

Now Sangmo couldn't laugh any longer, Shen Yanqing had actually dared to call her a Mother Monkey Spirit!

Perhaps because she felt affronted, Shen Yanqing didn't cause any more trouble during the subsequent questioning.

No matter what the Sect Leader asked, Sangmo feigned complete bewilderment.

Of course, the interrogation yielded no conclusive results.

Witchcraft Poisonous Insect Technique does not use Spiritual Power; after killing, it hardly leaves any traces.

Now that the culprit had been destroyed by Sangmo, the Disciplinary Hall could only start their investigation from the corpse.

The coroner of the Disciplinary Hall was a formidable character and quickly cleaned up the second auntie's body, discovering a large palm print on it.

Luckily, because she wasn't wearing any clothes at the time of her death and the murderer had profound Spiritual Power, she died instantly, blood stopped circulating, and the murderer's palm print was thus imprinted on her body.

After tracing the palm print and comparing it with Sangmo's, the coroner confirmed that she was not the one who killed the second auntie.

Sangmo secretly rejoiced and also thought of a very explosive fact.

"Doesn't this mean the murderer touched the second auntie while killing her!"

No sooner had she spoken than the hall fell into a silence as deep as death.

Shen Yanqing's face turned exceedingly ugly.

Equally embarrassed was Su Jinyi's father, who angrily thumped the back of Sangmo's head, "You're just a child, what nonsense are you spouting?!"

Having been hit, Sangmo lowered her head and retorted stubbornly, "We should investigate everyone in the hall; who knows, maybe the murderer is among us!"

Hearing this, the coroner examined the handprints of Su Jinyi's father and Su Qianqian, confirming that neither of them was the murderer either.

Sangmo looked at Shen Yanqing with a deep gaze, meeting his nonchalant look, and cracked a mocking smile.

Su Jinyi's father turned and bowed towards the main seat, "Elders, please see clearly, my daughter truly isn't the murderer."

The Sect Leader had no choice but to let the father and his daughters leave Changli Mountain.

Before getting into the carriage, Sangmo glanced at Su Qianqian and thought to herself: This one's a tyrant at home, acting like the king of heaven in the Su Residence, yet on Changli Mountain, she doesn't dare say a word.

When they got home, Su Jinyi's father went straight to deal with urgent matters without stopping.

Starving, Sangmo walked in and called for her maids to bring the meal.

Looking at Su Qianqian, who was dispirited, she said, "I suppose no one else is in the mood to eat either, tell the kitchen to make less, and send the food to my room—remember to include a dish of braised fish!"

Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly felt a strong surge of Sword Qi behind her, and Sangmo turned to face it.

When Sword Qi collided with Spiritual Power, all the servants and maids were blown away by the powerful current.

Su Qianqian, with eyes red with rage, clenched her teeth and said, "Su Jinyi! Don't you play innocent! Return my mother's life to me."

Sangmo revealed a mocking smile, "Feeling the pain now? When you plotted to murder my heavily pregnant mother to secure a marriage with the Shen family, did you not know I would be heartbroken?"

"So you admit it! I'll go to Changli Mountain to report you!" Su Qianqian hysterically roared.

"Go!" Sangmo lifted her chin contemptuously, "Go now, let's see who will believe you."

"Don't think I won't dare!" Su Qianqian shouted.

"Didn't say you wouldn't dare, go on, do it now—whoever doesn't go is a coward!"

As she spoke, she increased the force in her hand and flipped Su Qianqian onto the ground.

Thrown to the floor, Su Qianqian sat there crying bitterly, "Return my mother, I want my mother."

Sangmo shook her head as she watched her. She turned and walked toward her own courtyard.