
The Fox's Shadow

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Into the Void

Naruto smiled as he ate alongside his friends at the local Akimichi Bar & Grill. It had only been two days since the battle against Orochimaru's men and the two Akatsuki members and now they were celebrating a fairly successful mission.

No one had been seriously hurt on the mission as the Sound Four were slowly overwhelmed by the tenacity and teamwork that Chouji, Shikamaru, Kiba, and Neji displayed against their more powerful opponents.

It was for that reason that every single one of the Rookie 12 had decided to go out and celebrate. They were celebrating many things at this meal…mainly a successful mission, but they were also celebrating change in general. Every single one of them had changed over the past few months in many ways. Naruto was a prime example of this as was Hinata, Sakura, Gaara, and Sasuke.

Now Naruto was just sitting there with his arm around Hinata listening to the many stories being told by his group of friends. It was fun listening to them ramble on about their first c-rank missions.

Although he wasn't sure how long this would last…Akatsuki was out there just waiting for the day when he would be vulnerable. When that day came he was sure that all the people around him wouldn't hesitate to fight on his behalf and that scared him.

It scared him more than anything else in the world. How he had finally gotten acceptance from these people and yet that might one day lead to their end. That's why he was going to continue to get stronger! Soon he would be leaving for a three year trip with Jiraiya where they would train to master the Kyubi and master the powers of the Void and perhaps Khalai as Zeratul said it was possible to master both like his old friend Tassadar.

However, none of his friends knew that yet. Naruto was reluctant to tell them…most importantly the angel sitting right beside him. She was the most beautiful thing in the world to him and he never wanted to let her go.

But in order for her to stay safe he would have to leave and get stronger for her and for the people who accepted him! It was his job to protect them all from harm…his job as the future Hokage of the Leaf to protect everyone.

That was why he had accepted Jiraiya's offer to take him on the training trip. It was to protect the village and that was all that he truly cared about. They would be leaving that morning in order to get as far away from the village as possible.

Yet Naruto found himself unable to accept the fact that he was leaving her. Perhaps the only person that could literally get him to give up on being the Hokage.

No! She at least deserved to know why he was leaving! So with a sense of purpose Naruto stood up to the surprise of his friends and grabbed Hinata's hand.

"Sorry guys, but I need to talk to Hinata here alone. Guess I will just have to catch all of you later." Said Naruto as he began to drag a confused Hinata away.

"Did anyone else notice Naruto's attitude?" asked Ino as soon as the door was closed.

"It did seem strange. There seemed to be a whole lot on his mind." Added Shino as everyone looked at Shikamaru as if expecting him to add onto the conversation.

"Why are all of you staring at me?" he asked curiously.

"Do we have to ask?" asked Kiba.

Shikamaru sighed as he looked out the window at the slowly darkening sky. "It's quite obvious…Naruto is perhaps one of the most selfless people we know. Now from what I know there is a group of S-Rank ninja out looking for Naruto." Shikamaru started.

"Are you implying that Naruto is about to leave the village?" asked Shino as everyone stood up at once to go confront Naruto.

"Not in that sense." Shikamaru quickly added. "If anything he is probably going to go on a training trip with Jiraiya so that he can get strong enough to fight off this organization."

"Why didn't he tell us?" asked Sakura.

"Probably wanted to let Hinata know before he told anyone else. I mean it has to be hard on the guy with so many skilled ninja after him." Stated Shikamaru with a sigh as all his friends nodded.

"Then we should start training harder ourselves so that we can be there to help him too!" shouted Chouji as they all stared at him in shock. "What? I may be lazy, but Naruto was one of my first friends! I will do anything to protect him!"

"Chouji's right! Naruto deserves our help!" agreed Ino as Kiba scoffed a bit at that.

"Aren't you one of the people who used to always make fun of him?" retorted Kiba mockingly.

"That was in the past! He has done so much more for all of us and it means having to train harder than so be it!" she declared as Kiba offered her a small smile.

"Glad to hear that Ino…maybe now you won't diet." Came a gravely voice from behind the three members of Team 10.

"Asuma-sensei…I offered no words of training harder." Sighed out Shikamaru as he turned to face his smirking sensei.

"Sorry Shikamaru, but you are all a team and that means you will all train harder. I am going to make you three a force to be reckoned with by the time Naruto comes back." He said as Shikamaru muttered Troublesome under his breath.

"Same thing for you two!" said Kakashi happily as he appeared beside Asuma pointing at Sasuke and Sakura.

"Good." Agreed Sasuke with a smirk.

"Oh! Also Sakura you will apprenticing with Tsunade for the next three years. During that time I will be training Sasuke myself." He added as Sakura let out a huge grin in anticipation.

"You too Ino…" added Asuma as Ino looked a little sad, but perked up at that.

"What about us?" asked Kiba as Shino nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry Mutt!" came a whisper as Kiba felt a kunai against his neck. "I will be assisting Kurenai in training your team." Said Anko Mitrashi.

"Strange…Kurenai must trust you a lot to allow you to help us train." Stated Shino as Anko glanced at him.

"Oh you have no idea." She stated seductively as Shino arched his eyebrow in interest.

"Well we begin tomorrow team! Be there at 6:00!" said Asuma cheerfully as he left.

"Damn you guys…" stated Shikamaru as they all laughed.





"Okay Naruto…what's wrong? You haven't been normal all day!" Hinata asked as she and Naruto finally reached a secluded area far from prying eyes.

Naruto just looked down to the ground unable to look into her pleading eyes. "There is something I need to tell you…" he trailed off.

"What's wrong Naruto…you can tell me anything that 's on your mind." Hinata whispered as she gently grabbed his hand.

"You don't understand…you know I would never do anything to hurt you right? Well you know about the Akatsuki? They are coming for me and I need to get stronger before they arrive." He said as Hinata squeezed his hand in support.

"Naruto…" she breathed out as she began to understand why Naruto was acting the way he was.

"Jiraiya-sensei…he is going to be taking me away from Konoha so that I master my Templar energies and learn to harness the Kyubi alongside the Rinnegan. I don't know how long any of it will take…it could be a year or maybe even five. I don't want to leave you Hinata…these last few months have been the best of my life…you're the reason I fight and I don't want to leave you." Whispered Naruto as he struggled to hold a few tears from falling.

With that in mind he was surprised to feel Hinata hug him as tightly as she could and a few sobs coming from her, but its what she said that truly shocked him. "I love you Naruto…I know you would never do anything to hurt me and that this is extremely important. I don't want to lose you too, but it's your destiny to save this world…I've always known it from the time you saved me from those bullies. That's why I'll wait for you…my feelings will never change Naruto…just promise me that you will come back…for me." She stated as Naruto looked into her shining lavender eyes.

"I promise Hinata…I promise to always be there for you and that I will do everything in my power to keep you and this village safe." Said Naruto as he pulled Hinata close to him and held her tightly afraid to let go.

"Naruto…" she whispered as she snuggled up to the man of her dreams.





"Well this is it Gaki…you sure you don't need to stay any longer?" asked Jiraiya as he glanced at the smiling blonde.

"No its okay Jiraiya Sensei. Everything that needed to be said was said last night." Replied Naruto as he glanced back to the gates of Konoha to see Hinata smiling and waving at him.

"Jeeze…seems like you had a lot of fun last night hehe." Stated Jiraiya with a perverted giggle before he yelled out in pain as Naruto stomped on his foot.

"Shut up Ero-Sennin! We are way to young for that sort of thing!" yelled Naruto with red face caused from a mixture of rage and embarrassment.

"Haha okay, but we might be gone for who knows how long kid. It's going to be quite a interesting situation when we get back." He said as they began to move at a faster pace away from Konoha.

"I'll worry about that then. So what's the first thing we need to do? Are we going to just start out with increasing my speed and strength?" asked Naruto as Jiraiya started laughing. "Hey! What's so funny?"

"Kid before we do any of that we are going to have to improve your chakra control cause it still quite frankly sucks. Then we are going to do that training that Zeratul wants you to do. I'm sure he will put you through the ringer, along with that I will be teaching some important techniques to know and begin your training on harnessing Natural Chakra. Then I have a plan to help you with controlling the Fox's Chakra and I'm not sure how you're going to feel about it." Explained Jiraiya as Naruto cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm sure it can't be too bad as long as I master Kurama's chakra." Replied Naruto as Jiraiya shook his head.

"Well I was able to use some of my political favors in Kumo to have Killer Bee train you. However, the Raikage demands that he and one of his advisors oversee the training." Stated Jiraiya as Naruto looked at him in shock and anger.

"What! I don't mind Bee and all, but the Raikage? That's the bastard who tried to take Hinata during the Chuunin exams and why would he even allow something like that?" asked Naruto in confusion.

"Apparently Kumo wants and alliance with Konoha once more…don't really know too much about it. If I had to guess it would have to be about Akatsuki and Iwa. Then there is the fact that the Raikage owes me for a few favors I did for him in the past." Explained Jiraiya as Naruto reluctantly nodded.

"As long as he doesn't mention anything about his nephew or Hinata then there shouldn't be a problem." Muttered Naruto as Jiraiya nodded.

"Didn't expect any less of you kid." Stated Jiraiya.





"So why are we here again Zeratul?" asked Naruto as he looked at the desolate mountain peak that Jiraiya and him had traveled to. Zeratul had told them to find a secluded mountain range as far away from civilization to master the Templar powers.

"You have already begun to master the Void young one, but the Khalai is much more different and requires an entirely new discipline to use. However, many of the powers of the Khalai are unpredictable and quite deadly so we are here to minimize collateral damage. Then there has only ever been one Protoss besides me that has ever used a combination of both the Khalai and the Void. When I am through with you I expect you to have surpassed me." Stated Zeratul as he walked before Naruto.

Now some of you might be wondering how Zeratul is before Naruto in the real world. Well thanks to his mastery of the Void, Zeratul was able to force his will upon Naruto's shadow and take form from it. "Well how would we do that?"

"Not now young one…now you shall show me just how far you are willing to go to learn." Stated Zeratul as he activated his warp blade and swung at Naruto, who narrowly dodged by flipping back.

"What the hell Zeratul! You nearly took my head off!" Shouted Naruto, as he continued to do his best to avoid the quick Protoss. "Fine! If that's how its going to be!"

Naruto activated his Warp Blade and engaged Zeratul himself with glowing sparks surrounding each other as their blades made contact with each other. "I don't care to see your mastery of the Warp Blade Naruto! Use the Void and fight me!"

With that Zeratul burst apart into shadows and Naruto jumped back to get clear of the shadows. Naruto glanced back and forth with narrowed eyes waiting for Zeratul to show himself. Suddenly Naruto burst into shadows as Zeratul reappeared with his warp blade at the location of where Naruto's kidney would be if he hadn't moved.

What followed next was perhaps one of Naruto's strangest battles to date as both Zeratul and Naruto used blink and a variety of other techniques to attack eachother. It all came to a resounding end as Naruto finally made a hit on Zeratul.

"Gotcha Zeratul!" exclaimed Naruto as Zeratul just stared at Naruto.

"Did you now?" Zeratul asked in amusement as he suddenly exploded in a bright blue light.

"What the hell?" asked Naruto as he suddenly felt the heat of a warp blade pressed closely to his neck.

"Never get cocky Naruto. You may be strong, but there will always be those that are stronger than you out there." Stated Zeratul as Naruto looked at him in confusion.

"But how did you do that? I haven't seen a clone technique like that and I didn't even see you make it?" asked Naruto in confusion as Zeratul removed the blade.

"Kid you are skilled in all, but you have to realize that others have experience far above you. Remember you have yet to see all the powers that these Khalai Protoss were able to use so you only focused on Zeratul using the Void. Thus you were unable to sense him using a the Khalai to fight you." Explained Jiraiya as he jumped down next to Zeratul.

"So everything I learned to wield the Void is useless in learning the Khalai?" asked Naruto as Zeratul nodded.

"Exactly…so for however long it takes you will be learning how to wield the Khalai. When you have free time Jiraiya will be teaching you how to harness Natural Chakra to be used with the Toads. Now prepare yourself Naruto." With that Zeratul disappeared again and began to attack Naruto.










"Don't worry Kid! If things get out of hand then I will just ensure the Seal holds. I'm not a seal master for nothing!" exclaimed Jiraiya as Naruto and Killer Bee looked at Jiraiya as if he were an idiot.

"Didn't you hear what Bee said! If I fail then this room is the only thing that will be able to hold back Kurama's chakra. We may get along better now a days, but he still doesn't want me to take his chakra!" retorted Naruto as Jiraiya looked away and sighed.

"Okay Naruto…I just don't want you doing this. Mastering the Kyubi's chakra isn't worth losing you to it's power." Stated Jiraiya sadly.

"Yo, there be nothing to worry about Gramps! Naruto here is going to show who the Kyubi whose the man!" exclaimed Bee as Naruto smiled slightly.

"His name is Kurama…I don't like calling him anything but his name. It is disrespectful to call him anything less. The Bijuu are beings themselves and were never meant to be used the way they are. If it were in my power to release Kurama I would…but it would kill me in the process. Okay…what do I need to do Bee-Sensei?" asked Naruto.

"All you've got to do is meditate on the floor young Grasshopper! The room will do the rest and send you into your mindscape to confront Kurama." Shouted Bee as Naruto grimaced at the name Bee had called him.

"Stop calling me that!" Yelled Naruto as Jiraiya chuckled.

"Come on brat…stop messing around and get this over with. I may not agree with this decision, but I know if anyone can do this than it would be you. Are you sure there is nothing I can do to help?" asked Jiraiya hopefully.

"No…however, any Bijuu or Jinchurriki can use the room so I will be able to help you Grasshopper. It's just that I'm not sure how well we and the Ox will be able to do against a full powered Kurama." Stated Bee as Naruto nodded with a determined look on his face.

"It's okay…I'm ready for this." With that Naruto sat down cross legged and began to clear his mind. "Trust me guys…"





"SO YOU HAVE FINALLY COME TO TAKE MY POWER! YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT FROM THE REST OF THE HUMANS! ALWAYS USING US FOR POWER AND AS TOOLS OF WAR! I WILL NOT LET YOU BETRAY ME LIKE SO MANY OTHERS BEFORE ME!" Yelled Kyubi as Naruto gazed at it sadly from behind the bars holding it in place. Behind him was the landscape of Auir dark and sad as it was during the battle to destroy the Overmind.

"I'm sorry Kyubi." Naruto looked away before finally looking it in the eyes with fierce determination. "I don't want to do this, but you are leaving me no choice! No matter what you refuse to work with me! What else am I supposed to do? We all know war is approaching and I need to be as strong as possible to save as many as I can!"


"I don't care! I don't care what it takes, but I will do all that I can to protect the village and those I care about! Even if I have to get rid of all the war and hate in the world! I won't stop no matter what you or anyone else says cause my name is NARUTO UZUMAKI NAMIKAZE…BELIEVE IT!" yelled Naruto as he began to walk towards the gate as Bee and Zeratul watched Naruto with pride in their eyes.

'Hinata…this is for you and all my friends! I will finally have the power to protect all of you from the horrors of this world!' thought Naruto as he began to ascend to where the Kyubi's seal lay.


"So be it Kurama." Naruto then began to unpeel the seal, but he was suddenly tackled by a yellow blur that sent him flying to the ground.

"Well I'm surprised to be here so soon! I thought it would take more time for the seal to weaken this badly." Stated a cool voice as Naruto looked up to see one of the biggest shocks of his life.

"Dad?" asked Naruto hopefully as the newly revealed Minato Namikaze smiled at his son.

"Naruto…you've grown to be quite the young man! Last time I saw you, you were but a few hours old." Laughed Minato as tears began to leak from his eyes.


"Kyubi! I'd like to say it is a pleasure, but we both know I was lying. Why don't we continue this conversation in a more private place Naruto?" asked Minato as Naruto shook his head.

"No…Kurama deserves to hear all of this too. So does Bee and Zeratul Senseis." Stated Naruto as he gestured to the two people standing about 30 meters away.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you the Jinchuriki of the 8-tails and what are you? I've never seen anything like you…are you a new bloodline or something?" asked Minato as the two approached Naruto and Minato.

"It's a pleasure to see you in such a place, Yo! I never expected Naruto bro to have been your son Minato!" shouted Bee as he raised his hands in the air.

"Yeah…" sweatdropped Minato as he looked at Naruto who just shook his head in response.

"He is helping me…we were going to confront Kurama until you showed up. Bee and Zeratul were going to help me." Explained Naruto as Minato stared at Zeratul.

"And you are?" asked Minato as he stared at Zeratul.

"My name is Zeratul of the Dark Templar. Naruto absorbed my soul and I have been teaching him the ways of my people for the past few months. He is quite the gifted Ninja and has proven himself in many battles since I joined him on his journey." Stated Zeratul as Minato looked at his son with pride shining in his eyes.

"Have you now? I wish I could hear all those stories, but my chakra is quickly running out Naruto. I don't have much time and I have to tell you something before I disappear." Stated Minato as Naruto looked down sadly.

"Do you have to go so soon? I've…I've always wanted to talk to you…" whispered Naruto as he felt a hand on his head. He looked up and saw Minato stared at him directly into his eyes with a small smile.

"Naruto…no matter what even if I do disappear I will always be looking over you. The day you were born was the happiest day of both your mother's and my life. When I held you I knew that you would be a great ninja and I would always be proud to be your father. However, that was when he struck against your mother and I." stated Minato somberly, as Bee, Naruto, and Zeratul looked at him in confusion.

"What? Who did what?" asked Naruto as Minato looked at him sadly.

"You see Naruto, you are not the first to have ever held Kyubi. Your mother was also the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi, Kushina Uzumaki…the women I love. Now during a Jinchuriki's pregnancy, the seal holding the beast in the person is weakened considerably and the beast can escape. So we hid Kushina in a secret location so I could ensure the seal held." Stated Minato as Naruto nodded.

"So how did this man find you then? I'm sure that not many people knew that Mom was Kurama's Jinchuriki. So how did this man find Mom and you then?" asked Naruto.

"I still do not know how he found our location or how he breached the barrier that prevented people from detecting the Kyubi's chakra. However, this man was able to find us and he killed the people guarding us and stole you from your mother and I. He wore black robes and a spiral orange mask with a single Sharingan eye showing. He was able to separate me from your mother and release the Kyubi before I could stop him. During the battle I realized that only one Uchiha could have the power to do what he did and that was Madara Uchiha…the same one who betrayed the village and battled the Hashirama Senju." Stated Minato to the shock of everyone in the room besides the Kyubi.

"But how is he still alive? That was so many years ago!" shouted Bee in surprise. He was so surprised that he even forgot to act in his normal fashion.

"I never found out. I defeated him after a short battle that left him defeated, your mother and I were able to seal the Kyubi into you at the cost of our lives." Explained Minato as Naruto looked down in sadness. "Now don't be sad son…your mother and I gladly gave our lives to save you. You carry the will of two of the strongest shinobi of our time. Jiraiya used to tell me that I would be the Child of Prophecy that would bring peace to the world, but I believe that that child is truly you my Son."

"Me? But how do you know that I'll be able to do it?" asked Naruto in surprise.

"Come on Naruto…I know that this is what you want yourself. Nothing has changed except you now having a prophecy hanging over your shoulder." Laughed Minato as Naruto blushed.

"How though? I used to be so alone in the village. I was ignored by everyone and only recently have I gained acceptance and love from my precious people. That's why I'm training now…as long as there is war they will never be safe so I'm going to end all war and suffering!" proclaimed Naruto with conviction.

"I can't help but believe you will Naruto….it's time. My time limit is running out…" stated Minato sadly as Naruto looked at him sharply as tears fell from his eyes.

"But you just got here! You can't leave me like this!" Cried out Naruto as he hugged his father.

"It's okay Naruto…I know you will make me proud. I want you to remember though…I will always love you as will your mother." Stated Minato sadly as he hugged Naruto back. It was then that he felt a hand land on his shoulder.

"It is not your time to leave Minato Namikaze. Take some of my essence…this will allow you to last for a whole day instead of a few minutes. We could use some help in this upcoming battle." Stated Zeratul as Minato was filled with a powerful energy.

"But how?" asked Minato and Naruto at once.

"The Void can do many things. You have, despite being extremely skilled, only began to skim the surface of all that you can do." Explained Zeratul as Naruto nodded in thanks.

"Thank you Zeratul-Sensei!" cried out Naruto.

"Yes…thank you…now I believe we have a job to do. I always hoped that I would be able to fight alongside my son one day." Stated Minato with a smirk as Naruto nodded.

"HAI!" cried out Naruto as he ran towards the seal.

"THIS CHANGES NOTHING NARUTO…I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY MORTALS LIKE YOU!" yelled Kyubi as Naruto grabbed ahold of the seal.

"Bring it on Kurama! Nothing is going to stop me now!" yelled Naruto with conviction as he ripped off the seal and a powerful burst of energy shot him away from the roaring Kyubi.

"Quick! We have to attack his weak points and subdue him so that Naruto can wrestle away the Kyubi's chakra!" yelled Bee as Minato and Zeratul nodded.

Minato acted quickly and threw many of the his special kunai at the surrounding area and disappeared as one of Kurama's tails smashed into the area he had been standing.

Naruto and Zeratul blinked away as the many more of Kurama's tails tried to crush the smaller people. Bee was able to gain an advantage as he turned into Gyuki and used his tentacles to wrestle with the Kyubi.

"Odama Rasengan!" yelled Minato as he appeared above a Kurama and landed the attack directly into it's back, sending it crashing into the ground.

"Shinra Tensei!" yelled Naruto as his Rinnegan sprang to life and the Kurama was launched back to the cage with a large amount of force! "Zeratul! Blind him!"

Zeratul blinked right in front of the stunned Kurama and used his Warp Blade to blind the right eye of the Kyubi before it could react. Kurama roared with anger as it suddenly began to gather a very large amount of chakra in it's mouth.

"The Tailed Beast Ball! Quickly everyone take cover!" yelled Bee as it rushed to match the power of Kurama's attack. They both launched at once and the two attacks struggled for dominance, but Bee felt his attack shudder before giving way to the more powerful Bijuu. In one instant Bee was literally thrown from the fight and out of Naruto's mind.

"BEE!" yelled Naruto as he was forced to dodge a claw coming from a recovered Kurama.

"I AM YOUR OPPONENT BRAT! FOCUS ON ME!" yelled Kurama in rage as it began effectively battle all three remaining fighters with Naruto only able to control a small amount of it's chakra.

"Zeratul! I have a plan! Dad I need you get Kurama away from us so I can use my most powerful attack on it!" yelled Naruto as Minato nodded.

"Right!" yelled Minato as he disappeared once more and landed on Kurama's back before he activated a seal and the two were suddenly a kilometer away from Zeratul and Naruto.

"I need energy for this attack Zeratul!" stated Naruto as Zeratul nodded and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Good luck Naruto…" stated Zeratul as Naruto began to glow with blue energy.

"This is it! PSIONIC STORM!" Yelled Naruto as he unleashed a powerful storm of psionic energy upon Kurama, who roared in pain as the bolts of energy ravaged his body. No matter what the great fox did, he was unable to defend himself from the powerful attack.

"Naruto! Now while it is weakened! Take all of its chakra!" yelled Minato as Naruto nodded and began to take over Kurama's chakra. Naruto slowly pulled the chakra from Kyubi's body, but suddenly Kurama looked up and glared at Naruto while his body still healed.

"YOU WANT MY CHAKRA? THEN TAKE ALL OF IT! THEN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE RAGE THAT I FEEL AT THOSE WHO USE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!" Yelled Kurama as Naruto was suddenly overcome by a great rage originating from Kurama's chakra.

"AHHHHHH!" yelled Naruto as his body was slowly overcome by Kurama's evil crimson chakra cloak.

"Naruto! You have to fight it! You can do it my so! Think of all those that are depending on you, those that love you!" yelled Minato as the crimson cloak halted as half the cloak covered Naruto's body.





Inside Naruto's conscious


"Stay away from him! He is dangerous!"

"Yes Father!"

"Why can't you just be more like Sasuke?"


"Why would they let that thing live in the first place!"

"Thank god that thing didn't pass! Could you imagine if it had become a ninja?"

These are just a few of the sentences running through Naruto's mind as Kurama's chakra ran through his system. 'Why? Will these ever change…? Is it all just a lie." Thought Naruto as he was suddenly engulfed in a warm light.

Suddenly the faces of all his friends shone through the light showing their smiling faces. Memories from times they had trained together and just hung out. The last one to show was Hinata from when they went on their first mission together, how they fought together, the forest of Death, and their first kiss.

"It seems like my little Naru has himself a girlfriend." Stated a sweet voice as Naruto was knocked from his thoughts. He turned around and was greeted by the sight of a beautiful red head lady.

"What?" asked Naruto in surprise as the women giggled.

"It's no surprise you wouldn't recognize me Naru! Afterall you haven't seen me since the day you were born so many years ago!" she stated with a smile as Naruto's eyes widened considerably.

"Mom?" he asked hesitantly as she nodded with a smile. "MOM!" yelled Naruto as he grabbed the older women in a tight hug as she returned it just as fiercly.

"This has been one of the best days of my life! I first go to meet dad and now I'm able to hug my mom!" he yelled as Kushina smiled.

"So I see your trying to master the Kyubi's chakra Naru. I never had the drive to do so…that fox was nothing but trouble and I didn't want anything to do with him." She stated after a few minutes.

"Kurama isn't so bad! He's just been used so many times by humans that he has nothing but hate for us! I don't want to control him…I want to work with him, but he doesn't believe me! So I'll show him that I will not just only use him for my own selfish purposes!" proclaimed Naruto.

"His name is Kurama? I just always assumed his name was Kyubi…I guess that's one of the reasons he never liked me." Stated Kushina sadly, but then she perked up. "So you said you met your father earlier?"

"Yeah! He left some chakra in the seal to prevent Kurama from escaping! My sensei was able to do a jutsu that allows him to continue fighting alongside me against Kurama! I just don't know how you're here though?" asked Naruto curiously.

"I guess your father had the same idea I did. I knew you would one day harness the Ky…Kurama's chakra and that its hate might overcome you so I put some chakra in your seal to ensure that never happens." Stated Kushina as Naruto smiled.

"Man! Both my parents are so smart and awesome!" exclaimed Naruto as Kushina blushed from Naruto's praise. "I guess we have to go! Zeratul-sensei should be able to do the same thing he did to dad!"

"Sounds like a good idea…I'm just glad that I'm going to be able to see Minato once again." Stated Kushina as the two began to fade from view.





"Kurama's evil chakra is beginning to recede! He must be fighting it off with his positive memories." Stated Zeratul as Naruto's eyes slowly blinked awake.

"IT MATTERS LITTLE! YOU WON'T BE GETTING A HIT LIKE THAT IN AGAIN!" Yelled Kurama as it finally finished healing and roared at Naruto before it was suddenly wrapped in glowing chains.

"No…Kushina?" whispered Minato as he stared at the origin of the glowing chains.

"It's nice to see you Minato…my love." Stated Kushina with a smile. "Let's help our son and we can talk afterwards!"

"I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY YOU AND ENSLAVED!" Yelled Kurama as it ripped through a couple of chains in rage. Suddenly shadows wrapped around Kurama as Naruto and Zeratul contributed their powers to restrain him.

"I got this!" yelled Naruto as his eyes switched to his Rinnegan and he began to extract the chakra from Kurama in a massive tug of war that would decide who would win.

"NOOOO!" yelled Kurama as it began to gather it's power for a Tailed Beast Ball and fired it directly at Naruto.

"I WON'T FAIL KURAMA!" yelled Naruto extended his arms and gathered as much chakra as he could afford into his next jutsu. "SHINRA TENSEI!"

Kurama's Tailed Beast Ball connected with Naruto's Force of Gravity and the two forces collided with a massive shockwave. Naruto found himself being pushed back by Kurama's last attack and looked at the concerned faces of his mother and father.

However, it was the face of Hinata, that popped up into his mind that struck him the hardest. It was her smiling as the two sat on the Heads of Hokage before he left the village for his training trip. 'I won't give up! This is for everyone that cares for me and those that I care about!'

Naruto dug deep into his chakra as his Rinnegan eyes grew darker as he summoned more and more chakra to his hands. "I WON'T FAIL NOW!"

With that the Tailed Beast Ball shot into the air far above any of the combatants and exploded in such a bright light that they were all blinded temporarily. "NOW!" yelled Naruto as he pulled the last vestiges of Kurama's chakra and cut the connection with the now sickly looking Bijuu.

"I'm sorry Kurama." Muttered Naruto as he passed out in his mind. The last vision he saw were the concerned looks his parents sported as they rushed over to him.