
The Four Seasons run on three Legs

Warrior, Soldier, and Love TW/ blood Warning/ cussing

snowZaneLime · Lainnya
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8 Chs

Finding the Former Warrior

The sun raised up touching the tip of the tree. A Siberian cat with green eyes, white & black line fur, a scar on there left eye and came out of a den "Another day another night" As she yawned, she turned around and went back in the den "Bartwood get up" She nudged him "Five more minutes Leaf" Bartwood purred. A Norwegian Forest Cat with golden & white line fur as he opens his yellow eyes, "Come love I have to get ready for work and Sunblast needs to go to school" Leaf smiled.

"Alright my dear Sunblast time for school" Bartwood licks his face "Three more minutes Dad" A young Siberian cat with blue & white fur. "Just like your father Sunblast get up" Leaf sighed.

Sunblast yawned as he opened his yellow eyes and walked out the den "We will be home before dinner Bartwood" Leaf said. "Be safe you two I will be here cozy with the extra leg room I have" Bartwood curled up.

Leaf chuckled "Let go to the water hole no son of mine is looking like that."

"It's fine Mom, Dad lick my face" Sunblast smiled "He cleaned half your face the other side is cover in dirt and dust" Leaf smiled.

As they took the fall path next to the old oak tree. Sunblast cleans his face, Leaf looks around and sees the Morning Patrol Cats (Morning Patrol is a group of a few Soldiers that look around the territory of the "Seasons" Kingdom). There was the Morning Leader a Nebelung Cat with dark blue fur and red eyes with a scar on his cheek.

"Hello there Principle Leaf" He smiled.

"Hello Morning Patrol Mercury" Leaf sighed.

"How is Skyeye and my son?" Mercy asked. "Your relationship with Skyeye is none of my business but your son is one of my students He is smart and he could be a soldier one day" Leaf smiled.

"Excellent I need to get back to work tell Bartwood to be on time I don't do extra hours" Mercury joked. "Of course " Leaf agreed, Mercury walked away "That cat is a pain in my-."

"Leafy!" A Russian blue cat with silver fur and purple eyes she had scars on her right eye and the left back leg. "Skyeye I just saw Mercury" Leaf growled.

"Of course I'm sorry" Skyeye sighed

"It's fine Sky, Mercury needs to move on, both co-parenting that the best thing for Tracker"

"Thank you Aunt Leafy" A Russian shortail with grey fur and red eyes. "Hello Tracker" Sunblast mumbled, "Sunbutt I didn't see you there" Tracker cheered.

Sunblast hissed. "That not nice Tracker" Skyeye scolded him.

As the four walk continued the Fall path, they saw the training ground, they made it to an old building cover in vines and old branch tree "Fall Academy" Leaf look up. "Hello Principle and Vice Principle" A young Manx cat brown & black fur line with green eyes wave at them.

"Hello Trickster where is Gentle?" Skyeye smiled. "Right here Vice Principle" A young Manx cat brown & cream fur line and light green eyes. "What the herb Gentle?!" Skyeye shrieked.

"Sorry" Gentle walk over to Trickster "Get ready for class girls Sunblast I need to talk to you about something after your classes" Leaf nudges his face.

"See ya Mom" Sunblast said. "Come Sunblast today the teacher is training us to hunt for mice" Trickster smiled. As the four young cats made it to class. As the young cats are learning far away from an old Castle it feels like winter when you first step in.

A british short hair cat, blue fur with red eyes, they had scars on their front legs and one on their tail. "Clawalker" A voice called for them from behind. A ragdoll with red & cream fur and blue eyes had a scar on their right eye and the end of their tail.

"Spiritstalker come on. King Whisper is asking for me" Clawalker demanded.

"Is this about this year's banquet of the kingdoms?" He hinted.

"Yes Spiritstalker the King just needs to make sure we are ready" Clawalker replied.

A Siamese cat with white fur & black patch on her face and the tip of her tail with dark blue eyes to match her royal blood. "Princess Whistle" Spiritstalker bowed his head.

"Hello Warrior Apprentice" Whistle smiled then she looked at Clawalker "You should greet your Princess, Warrior Clawalker" She demanded.

Clawalker looked at her "Hello adolescent" He mumbled. Whistle blushed "Whatever I'll see you in the meeting chamber" Whistle walked away. She brushes aside another cat, a Cornish Rex with red & cream fur and brown eyes.

"Sorry Nightshade" Whistle said.

"It's alright Princess Whistle" Nightshade said undisturbed and walked over to the Warrior. "Good to see you again Medic" Clawalker smiled.

"Time for the meeting you two" Nightshade said.

"Cool thanks"

"My pleasure" Nightshade walked to the door the meeting was held. "Good everyone is here." A male cat sat down.

A Siamese cat with white fur, grey fur patch covers his face and his front legs. "Hello King Whisper" Spiritstalker bowed his head. As the King bowed his head a little, he looked at Clawalker and walked over to him.

"Have you not learned to speak to your King?" Whisper asked.

"Sorry I don't speak Royal" Clawalker expressed.

"I am so much more than Royal Warrior Clawalker." Whisper got up. "Now time for the meeting."

The Banquet of the Kingdoms started a few years ago when the Storm kingdom won the war, they held a Banquet to make sure we had peace but also to make fun of us, but now and days the Banquet is more fun and each Kingdom from the Royal family member have to do a speech.

"It's my year to do the speech Father?" Whistle sounds gloomy.

"Yes my darling but there is still time before the Banquet this meeting is to make sure everything is ready" Whistle added.

"So this meeting was boring and a waste of time my King" Clawalker said impolite.

"Clawalker, the King is just making sure we have a plan right" A Toyger cat with silver fur & yellow eyes, they had scars on their left ear and one on the front right leg.

"You're a Battle Trainer Vineglow stay out the way" Nightshade scolded. Vineglow turns their head away.

"That enough, Clawalker I put time in this meeting to make sure everyone was ready but right now your behavior is a branch in my back, your THE Warrior the only reason you have that title is because the former Warrior was forced to retire early after the war. " Whisper snapped. The room was silent no one opened their mouth or pulled their claws.

"Know your place Warrior"

"The meeting over everyone, back to your duty" As the King walks out of the room first and Whistle follows behind her father. Vineglow looked at Nightshade and walked out of the room.

"Good to see you out of the Medic hall" Vineglow whispered. Nightshade followed after them but went back to the Medic hall "Nightmare the meeting over" Nightshade shouted.

"Did you see Vineglow?" An American bobtail with cinnamon & black fur line and pink eyes. "I have no idea" Nightshade mumbled.

"Come on bro" Nightmare begged.

"Save it little sister me and Vineglow are on break, they say I put my work above them and I say you're doing the same" Nightshade argued.

"I understand, I have to go to the training ground" Nightmare packs a bag. She nudged he forehead and walked out the hall. Down the castle was the training ground. Clawalker was training soldiers.

"That enough training" Vineglow yelled. Clawalker climbed a high rock, "That dim-witted King" Clawalker grunted.

"Leave it be Warrior" Vineglow sighed.

"Why Vine the banquet is to make sure, we know we lost and I...." Clawalker trailed off.

The two cats look down at the soldiers in silence. "Hello" Nightmare made it up the rock they were on. "Greeting" Vineglow smiled.

"Hey" Clawalker laid down.

Back at the Fall Academy the three young cats were waiting for one more cat. "Where is Sunblast?" Trickster asked.

"He in the Principle's office" Gentle said.

Sunblast was sitting in the middle of the office as Leaf and Skyeye looked at him. "I do my homework and my chore until I become a soldier" Sunblast put his tail on his front paws.

"That's not my dear" A Siberian cat with cream & black fur line and green eyes. "Great Aunt Autumn" Sunblast cheered.

"Hello darling my sister is coming Leaf, she was stopped by some young cats" Autumn nudged his forehead.

"I'm not in trouble?" Sunblast asked "I made it!" A Siberian cat with black & blue fur line with black eyes ran inside knocking over books in Leaf's office. "Really mother?" Leaf complained.

"Honestly Tree your the Principle of Winter University. Start acting your age and your job" Autumn moaned at her sister. Tree sat up and fixed her fur.

"Now, everyone has gathered Sunblast we have all agreed and with the King order-" Skyeye interrupted by Tree out burst.

"When you finish your soldier training at Winter University you will be the next Principle of Fall Academy" Tree announced. Leaf sighed, Skyeye looked away, and Autumn fur was sticking up.

"Sorry" Tree smiled. Sunblast was shocked.

"He face, he happy" Tree smiled.

"So Sunblast what do you think my dear?" Leaf asked him.

"I... need some time mom" Sunblast answered as he walked out of her office and made it to his friends. "Greeting Sunblast" Trickster waved.

"Look like you've seen a spirit" Gentle claimed.

"Well...." Sunblast trailed.

"Whoa Principle Sunblast has a nice song to it" Tracker admitted.

"Yes all you have to do is soldier training then boom! Principle Sunblast" Trickster agreed with Tracker. "And you don't have to be an apprentice luckily you" Gentle taunted.

"You really don't sugarcoat anything Gentle?" Sunblast asked.

"No I don't but looking at your face, you don't want to be Principle" Gentle step in front of him. Sunblast looks away and turns around.

"Is there something else you want to be?" Trickster advised. Tracker sat beside him.

"Night Patrol Leader like your father?" Sunblast shook his head.

"How about a Medic apprentice like me?" Gentle asked "Sounds nice but no" Sunblast added.

"What about a battle trainer still needs soldier training but it's good" Trickster continued.

"No" Sunblast whispered. As the three young cats look at him.

"Sunblast you want to be a warrior?" Gentle blurted. Sunblast nodded his head.

"Not gotta happen Sunbutt I'm gotta be a warrior just like my Uncle Clawalker" Tracker declared. The girl rolled their eyes and sighed.

"Yes Tracker you never shut up about it" Gentle groaned.

In the distance was Spiritstalker. "Hey little ones the Sunset is almost touching the river path" He shouted.

"Sorry Spiritstalker" Sunblast said.

"It's fine the Night Patrol group is about to start, Tracker I have to take you home again" He said. "Again but my dad-" Tracker sighed.

"Something came up Tracker sorry" Spiritstalker said. "See you guys later, may the sunset not touch you until you get home" Tracker followed Spiritstalker home.

"May the sunset not reach you until you get home" Sunblast prance home. "I'm home" He announced.

"Wonderful, son here dinner and your mother should be home soon" Bartwood pulled out a bird. "Thanks dad can I tell you something" Sunblast murmured.

"Of course" Bartwood smiled.

"Would you be proud of me if I was a Principle of the Fall Academy?"

"Of course son, you would just like your mother to take care of future cats"

"Okay, what if I want to become a warrior?" The den was silent.

"No Sunblast eat your dinner" Bartwood stepped out of the den. "But dad"

"No Sunblast, we gotta leave it at that" Bartwood growled.

"Why dad please!" Sunblast followed him.

"No Sunblast!" Bartwood shouted

"Why?!" Sunblast begged.

"Cause that's how I almost lost your mother!" Bartwood hissed. They stared at each other.

"Boys" Leaf had a bird in her mouth and placed it on the ground. Bartwood and Sunblast went back inside the den. Leaf paced around the den. "Sweetie?" Bartwood pleaded.

"My son you have a lot of talent. If you didn't want to be a Principal I understand, a Medic cat that would be amazing, maybe Night Patrol Leader like your father. But of all the duty Warrior?!" Leaf hissed. Sunblast looks away from her, Leaf licks his face.

"Sweetpaw, I'm only looking out for you and being a warrior is a foolish thing to dream of" Leaf uttered. "No Mom please" Sunblast begged.

"Sunblast that enough, let get sleep" Bartwood demanded. "No we are talking about this right now I get that you want to protect me, this is my choice I want to be a Warrior!" He roared.

"No Sunblast you gotta be Principal I know what is best for you" Leaf barked.

"Best for me or best for your ego?" He growled.

"How can you say that to your mother?!" Bartwood cried.

"No I gotta be a Warrior just because you mess up doesn't mean you get too bitter on my future!" Sunblast growled. The den was silent Leaf and Bartwood looked at him. They can't believe their son was against them they get it. It was his choice and future but Warrior meant death a few years ago.

"Bartwood I told you to be time I don't do extra hours I told Leaf-" Mercury back away he can feel the vibe was off. "I'm going to my duty." Bartwood walks out the den. Next Sunrise Sunblast walks out the den and cleans himself. "Hey Sunblast" Trickster smiled.

Trickster and Sunblast walk by the old oak tree "Your walking slow Sunblast something on your mind?" She asked. "I had a fight with my parents" Sunblast answered.

"That crazy I have to tell Gentle" Trickster joked. "No please I feel bad enough" Sunblast covers his face. At the Fall Academy Leaf had her head to the desk "Come on Leaf" Skyeye begged.

"That was our first real fight, we fight over small things sometimes but this was serious" Leaf complained. "I had fights with Tracker all the time. It means Sunblast is growing up" Skyeye smiled.

Leaf lifted her head up "Thanks Skyeye."

Trickster and Sunblast was sprinting down the fall path. "We are so late for school" Trickster panted. "Wait Trickster" Sunblast stopped. Trickster look at him.

"I'm going to the Summer Mountain as a shortcut." Sunblast whispered. "Don't be foolish that mountains are dangerous" Trickster objected. "I'm gotta be a Warrior, Trickster sorry" Sunblast ran off. "Son of a Spirit!" Trickster darted to Fall Academy.

Sunblast races up the Mountain going through trees and large rocks. "This was a bad idea" He uttered. Then there was a hissing noise behind him, as he slowly turned his head to see a Pit viper standing over him. "You wouldn't hurt a little kitten would you?" Sunblast asked. Viper hiss loudly.

Sunblast ran up the Mountain more viewed around to see cover anything. Viper was on his tail "Help!" Sunblast yelled. "Duck runt!" A female voice shouted. Sunblast covers his head and curls up in a ball. She stomped on the viper and clawed at it "Great runt I got lunch" She cheered. Sunblast looks at her and his head lights up.

She is a Maincoon and Siberian cat mixes white & black fur line and yellow eyes but the scars she had look painful they heal over the years. Scars was starting for her throat down to the left front leg that she couldn't use. "Runt you good?" She got close to him.

"Excuse me but I might be wrong, are you the Former Warrior Sunburst?" Sunblast stares at her. She nodded "Amazing that means you can train me and make me warrior this is so awesome let's get started" Sunburst put her imjured paw to his mouth.

"Whoa there runt Former Warrior, I'm just Sunburst go ask the now Warrior" Sunburst put his injured paw to her side. "Yes but you can still train me" Sunblast cheered. Back at the Fall Academy, Trickster ran to the Principle office.

"Trickster why are you not in class?" Skyeye asked. Trickster caught her breath. "It's Sunblast!" Trickster said Leaf and Skyeye ran out of the Academy.

"So your injured paw you can move it but you can't walk with it?"

"Can you still climb trees?"

"You're bigger than the female soldier"

"How much training do you have to do?"

"Is it two times more training than a normal soldier?" Sunblast kept talking and talking the only thing on Sunburst mind was how far she can throw this kid off the Mountain.

"I gotta take you to the river path" Sunburst blurted.

"Where is my training gotta start?" He asked. Sunburst didn't answer him, she picked him up from the back on his neck, with her teeth and carried him down the Mountain. She was limping and going over rocks. As she looked at the river path she spotted two female cats. "Mom?" Sunblast looked.

Sunburst put him down "Never come to the Mountain again" She turned around. "May the Sunrise carry you home" Sunblast smiled.

"I don't know how to say this nicely so I won't" Sunburst jump in the trees all you can hear is the sound of the leaves shaking. "Sunblast what do you have to say for yourself?" Leaf asked. He smiled

"I'm gotta be a warrior" Far from the River path and the training ground was the Winter Castle a female cat was in her chamber reading a book "Queen Soundwave" Whisper smiled. She was a birman cat with seal fur & white fur patches that cover her face and front legs.

"Go to hell Whisper" She hissed.

"Oh honey, where do you think I came from" He added. He slowly walked over to her "You were not at the meeting the other day that was an order from me your King and your husband"

"I'm sorry I don't take orders. I barely take suggestions" Soundwave smirked. Whisper got in her face "You may be the daughter of the Storm kingdom but you belong to the Season now." He stares her down. Soundwave turned her head away.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone" Whisper walks out of her chamber. Whistle listen at the door "My dear daughter" Soundwave smiles at her. "Mother" Whistle walked up to her.

"Never be like your father" Soundwave sighed. Whistle nodded in fear. "Good get out of my sight" Soundwave closed her door. Whistle walked away and spotted Clawalker, "Oh Warrior sorry I was taking a walk" She used her fake smile but he wasn't buying it.

Clawalker pulled her into a hug. "It's okay to cry"