

Kuru Tomo, a 15 year old half Japanese boy born in South Korea. He attended a prestigious School filled with rich students. But for the past 3 years since the death of his parents and little sister. His been severely bullied by the schools delinquents. It cased his death within the boys toilet. After waking up within (HALL OF THE END). Kuru finds himself kneeling in front of the Four Horseman that will bring judgment day too all man kind. Death, Famine, Pestilence and War. “What a pathetic State your in. To die with your dead dipping in piss water.” “wh..wh..why…, why would God’s as great as you want from someone like me?” “Because of the darkness within you. You have such a great heart for kindness and yet you have just as much in your heart as well.” “I’ve… I’ve always felt it but I’m weak. I could never fight back. Why you ask me to become your disciple. I’m weak! I’m a coward! I’m an outsider! I’m trash! And all… All….all I want to know is why does everyone hate me so much!” Kuru cried as he fell on his knees. Death stood up from his throne bones and knelt down on one knee. Even tho it didn’t make a difference in his giant titan size body. Yet kuru did not look up. “ If you become our disciple. You will become the strongest there is and ever will be. Even tho you died I can give you a second chance at life.” Kuru looked up at him tears in his eyes. “I will give you Monster strength and deadly skill.” War said as he stood up from his throne of weapons. “I will give you the power of Greed and and Envy.” Famine said as he stood up from his throne of bugs, money and food. “I will teach a 1000 of the most deadly different poisons in a 1000 different ways.” Pestilence said as he stood up from his throne of sick and dying sinners. Death stood back up over shadowing Kuru and he said. “and I, Death. Will teach you all the ways of death, the true fear of Death and the ways of the reaper. After you accept our terms you will be freed and given a second chance to continue your life where you died.” Kuru used his sleeve to wipe away his tears and determination in his yes. “what do I have to do to?” “10 000, devote to us 10 000 years and you will be freed. You go through harsh training. You die a million times and be brought back a million times. You suffer greatly, so far that you lose your sanity. Do you Tomo Kuru still accept?” Kuru’s mind flowed will all the punishment and harsh bullying he had gone through and then the memory of him being his at his parents funeral, crying all alone. “ I accept “

DevilsDead69 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


1 000 have passed. Learning 10 000 different poisons and 10 000 cures. Chemicals, combinations of eliminates and curses. Down to temperature and humidity which is used for the maximization of certain poisons. From poison gas, pills and poison dust. Learning different symptoms and nerve reactions. Nothing was left out and of during these lessons. Kuru had to test almost all the poisons on himself.

The time had finally come for Kuru to meet Famine.

Famine, the one who hold the scales that measures the weight of your sins. Famine is known for his greed. His power is used devour anything and all. The greater the sin the more satisfying the taste becomes. But he thirst for more never ends.

He takes away fortunes from kings, emperors and monarch from different plants in different universes.

Once and arrogant king laughed at the warning Famine had given him. Burning the message saying.

"Why should a king as myself bow down before a false God."

The first day all the kingdoms animals died. The next day fish in the sea died. The next day a waves of locates ate all the farm land's crops. Within a week the people starved and pleaded for their king to ask forgiveness. So that they would be given mercy.

But the king would not listen. His pride as a ruler would not let him. So he chose to wait it out. Thinking Famine would get board and move on.

A massager came to give the people a message from Famine. It read.

"I, almighty Famine have come for your king and yet he chooses not to pay for weight of his sins. So I will have no choice but to pay his debts from his kingdom. I have taken away your food and means of trade. But it seems that your king still does not care. So I will take all your children. Better them die peacefully then to watch them starve to death."

His words struck an uproar. Protesting in front of the doors of the kings palace. But the kings army fended them off. As the next day arrives. All the children died in their sleep. No blood, no wounds. Including the kings own children.

He sat by their bed mourning their deaths. Suddenly a women burst through the doors. It's the kings wife. She is angary and in tears. She begins with hitting the King but he does nothing. Maids come in to stop her.

"you bastered! My children died because of you! Get out of here!" she shouted and he left.

The people are in rage and his own army sided with them. Before he knew it. He was tied to a standing log. Under his feet was a piles of wood. The King was no longer a King. But is now being sacrificed to Famine by his own people.

He looks up to see a man darkly cloaked. It seems as the people can not see this man. He stands in front of the King and says.

"They weight of your sins shall be judged not by me nor God but by your own people. I took their food but they blame you. I took their lovely hood but they blamed you. I took there children but they blamed you even though your own children died. That is the weight of the crown."

"please, I'm sorry. Please bring back my children. You've already won. I lost my kingdom, my money and family. What more do you want?"

Famine smiled with Greed.

"More? Is it not you that is greedy? Is it not you that when you were a child you stole from your neighbours crops? Is it not you as a soldier who killed men, rape women and slaughtered children? Is it not you that organized an up rise and stabbed your old king in the back? Is it not you who burned my letter?"

"You know everything? Then please forgive me please!"

"I am but one of four wraths of the creator. It is you who shall be judged." Just before he walks away he says.

"please, try to hold back your screams. It sounds so much sweeter when you break…hahahahahaha.."

They set the wood on fire and he screams. He screamed so loud even though it was over. The grounds where he died. You could still hear his screams.

Famine, the God of Greed. The judge of sin.

Kuru closed the book he was reading. On the cover stood. *Famine God of Justice, Sin and Greed*.

Kuru looks up and see Famine sitting in a wooden chair in Kuru's room. While he sat on his bed side.

"What do you think?"

"Lord Famine, do you want my honest opinion?"

"Speak your mind child."

"Well I think, you could have easily take everything away from the King but you involved innocent people. Let alone the Children. You disposed upon great divine punishment but it's still Murder."

"So you think of me as a monster and not a God."

"Yes, not because of your actions but knowing how powerful you truly are. Is it truly necessary to kill the children."

"your right. There could have been a better way. But at the time. I was just a God given orders by My creator."


"That's not something for a mere mortal such as yourself to know." Famine said as he got up from the chair and waved his hand. With that he opened a portal and stepped in with Kuru following behind.

As they come through the portal. They find themselves in a vast desert. Endless seas of sand. Hills Like waves of an ocean. The heat seemed like it's hateful towards this land.

'wow it's really hot out here.'

"This place is a land I took owner ship of. I named it. The desert of hunger."

'I see Famine doesn't have good naming skills.'

"by now you would have noticed that during your time in the Void of Judgment. You did not to drink or eat."

'Now that I think about it. It's almost been over 2 000 years and I've not yet felt hunger or thirst.'

"Is it because of your power of law?" Kuru asked.

" Correct, I placed my law of Famine upon you. But in this place. You won't have the pleasure of that anymore." Famine snaps his fingers and a system panel appears.






" You will learn what true hunger and greed is." Famine said but just before he walked through the portal he said.

"If it makes you feel better. The children's lives that I took. Were put through reincarnation and lived happy lives."

Kuru smiled while Famine walked through the portal.

"Why are all my test related to suffering."

Kuru, with nothing but his school uniform on his back. Sets off into the sea of sand.

6 hours later Kuru continues walking. He put his school jacket over his head for shade. The blazing hot sun felt as if truly hated this land.

"Damn I'm thirsty. It's got to at least be 100°c out here."

Every step release heat stored in the sand. Sweat coming down his face and the feeling of hunger slowly came.

"I really didn't miss the feeling of hunger."

7 more hours later Kuru began straggling. The feeling of heat began to burn away his stamina.

"oh man. I'd love some ramen. Has it been like, what? Almost 2 500 year since I've had any?"

Night had come. But as hot as it is during the day. At night it's as cold. Kuru could not find shelter nor anything to make fire. He slept on the sand with his school jacket over his body. Hungary and thirsty. Kuru would imagine his past life with his family. He had trained his mind to never forget how they looked. Preying in his mind for vengeance to whoever is listening.

Death watched from his thrown. He looks up as if he feels a presence near by. He waves his hand and the system screen disappears.

"who long has it been? 100 000 years? 200 000 years?"

A man in a grey kimono emerged out of the shadows. He looked Young, had long black hair that covered his shoulders and ran down to his back. He has a Samurai sword on his side and necklace filled with different rings. He seem not shaken by Death's Titan size.

" You four have taken in a Disciple with out my notifying me."

"We, the Four Horseman have no need to inform you."

"I may have no authority over this void but If I want to see this mortal….. " He then uses his thumb to slightly unsheathe his sword. He looked at Death with Deadly eyes.

"….. just what how can you stop me?"

"hahahahahahaha…" Death laughed

"I see, you've been watching him too." Death said as the man seethed his sword.

"You must see the boys potential haven't you?"

"His spent 2 500 years and still hold onto his memories and most of all, His humanity."

"Even if your amazed by his little achievements. I don't think his worthy for the Four horseman to be teach a human child to be a killer."

"What do you mean by killer. We have fulfilled our duties to the creator. Now we can do what we want till our creator orders us once again."

"You're still a fool. Not only have we let these lesser Gods do as they wish to humanity. They play games, holding competition. Out there, constellations are bringing apocalypse upon God less planets. Watching humans kill each other still the last one survives. Just for mere entertainment."

"We Have no authority over Any God. No matter how they earned their title of God. They are still Gods. As long as they abide by the rules. They can't not be stopped."

"I'm going to see this boy. I want to see what you see and if I don't like what I see. I'll kill him. No matter your Law. I cant cut straight through it." The man said and turned around.

"You may do as you please but first see if he'll pass Famines test."

The man stops and thinks quietly.

"fine, but he has 10 years."

"Thank you and it's good to see you again my eldest brother." Deaths said.






Kuru straggles along his way. His face is thin and he seemed week. His walking across a tall dune. He stubbles and falls. He rolls all the way to the ground. The energy in his body left him. Barely able to move and all he could do is stairs at the clear blue sky.

"eeerrh… Crap…"

Kuru closed his eyes and fell in a deep sleep. He woke up back in his classroom. His confused by this. His classroom is filled with his classed mate.

"Is this a dream?" he asked himself. His face hurts and as he touched it. His face cover in burses and a bloody nose. His school uniform is dirty has blood of his nose bleed. He remembers this moment.

"This no dream…"

Kuru looked next to him and sees Min-jun talking to his other bully companions. Min-jun looks back at Kuru and laughed at him.

"…This is a memory."

The Teacher walks in and the class goes quite. Mr. Gon is Kuru's home room teacher. His strict with his lessons and not many students like him. But his work in the education field allowed him to work in Soul High.

Mr. Gon calls out names to see the attendants. As he calls out their names each student answers.

'I've always hated this part.'

"Tomo Kuru?" he calls but Kuru doesn't answer. Mr. Gon is looking directly at Kuru and stills asks.

'You asshole. Look at me'

"Tomo Kuru?"

'I know you can see me. I know you can see how I look.'

"Tomo Kuru?"

'Everyone is ignoring the fact that I'm here. I can't blame them. Their scared, so in order to get by they will ignore the fact that I exists.'

"Tomo Kuru?"

'Most of the bullies' parents are Ghost hunters with high ranks. Because of genetics their most likely become hunters themselves. So most teachers, including the principle won't do anything.'

"Tomo Kuru"

'But you, you're my teacher. You're supposed to protect your students. You were there when I stood in the principle' s office as I told them what I've been going through. Yet you just told me it's not so bad.'


"I promise you all… I WILL MAKE YOU ALL SUFFER!!"

Kuru woke up and It's night. Kuru hears growling. As he sits up he see a brown furred wolf monster. The wolf seems to be injured and hunger.

"I see, you were kicked out if your pack right. For being weak. I too know the feeling of being abundant." Kuru's says as he wraps his Jacket around his arm.

The wolf sprints towards Kuru. It jumps for a bite. Kuru uses his warped arm for him to bite on. The wolf shacks it's head ferociously. Kuru the wraps his legs around it's waste.

'I'm not going to die anymore'

" I'm sorry buddy but I'm not that kid in the classroom anymore."

Kuru takes out a pen he had in his pocket and stabs it in the wolfs eye. It try's to escape but Kuru won't let it go free. He then stabs it's other eye making it blind. But Kuru doesn't stop stabbing it. After the wolf was gets lose. He doesn't give it a second and jumps on it's back. He wraps his arms around it's neck in a chock hold and squeeze as hard as he could. Until it was weak enough to break it's neck.

'I'm tired of all these test.'

Kuru uses his pen and to open up the wolf's belly' . He drinks it's blood and eats it's raw flesh.

'I'll pass theses tests as fast I can.'

He Uses it's bones to create a spear and teeth to create a knuckle buster.

'I promise you all. My revenge is coming soon.'

Kuru with weapon at hand followed the wolf's tracks back to it's former pack. They see him and ran towards him.

"hey you musts. I'm here to avenge my meal. But all of you shall become my meal."

'I'll become your worst nightmare."






















Famine seemed most surprised. Never has anyone survived without dying. He has taught Kuru the power of "The Devourer". A power that allows one to use his manna to create those you have eaten to eat your enemy.

Just after Kuru just mastered the lessons of Famine's power and knowledge.

The strange man came walking. Kuru Could see Famine's in anger at the sight of this.

"Hello little brother." The man said

"You bastered! I am not your brother."

'Brother? These another horseman?'

"I'm sorry Lord Famine but who is this man?"

"His the one who wish to be stricken off history it's self. The God that even War can not defeat. He is both Master of sword and archery. The first horseman, the conqueror of Conquerors..."

" Eden"