
The New Student

Diana froze, wasn't he new at the school? How could he know about the condition of the ring? She then remembered how she was treated in front of the school and deduced that they told him about the ring.

"Why do you ask? I do not need anyone to take it for me."

"Oh! Sorry...! It wasn't my intention to upset you. Shall we start again?"

"What?" Diana asked confused "What do you mean?"

"My name is Chad Greenwood, it is my first time at this school, and I hope we can help each other."

"Diana Brown!" she answered while backing away from him.

"Now... Why do you think I look like you?" he questioned with a huge smile.

"I do not care!" she shouted before running away.

As she got farther from the room, Diana slowed down and put both of her hands on the cheek, it was burning up. Embarrassed, she clapped her cheeks to forget about that weird boy but it only got worse, so she thought that it was best to go to concentrate on the lesson instead of some random boy.

Diana furiously left the class without being able to listen to any of the lessons. Chad's question was wandering in her head, so she decided it was best to please her curiosity. Maybe he really knew something about the ring and was trying to tell her.

Diana wandered around the school looking for him, and when was about to give up, she found him speaking with teacher Helen. Unsure, for a moment, if it was okay to overhear and while thinking her body was already hiding behind a wall, looking on the way to where the boy was.

Because she could not hear very well, Diana decided to step closer but as she was about to walk, someone whispered into her ear.

"Don't you think it is bad education to overhear others talking?" Peter asked.

"For real, Peter?" Diana asked, startled. "I just want to speak with him."

"Ohh... Chad? Just be careful... If he hurts you, I..."

"Have you not had enough already? Do you want to be expelled from school?"

Peter laughed before walking away, passing right beside Chad, without taking his eyes off the new boy. Diana did not know what to do, Peter brought too much attention and now everyone came to see what happened, and because of that, Chad looked her way.

"I am not ready to talk to him yet." the girl thought, without taking her eyes off the boy who was walking her way "What do I do? Should I talk about the ring?"

Chad was curiously looking at her while she was debating whether it was a good idea to ask anything about their meeting.

"Why didn't you come to talk to me? I don't bite, you don't need to worry."

"As if I did not talk to you because of that, Chad." she answered, crossing her arms "I was just... thinking about the chat we had."

"Oh! Because of the ring? Or is it because of my looks?"

Diana did not answer and walked away, being followed by him until she stopped right outside the school, then she looked around and pulled him into a nearby coffee.

"So... How would you take my ring off?" she asked while sitting down.

"Like this!" he said grabbing her hand, closing his eyes, and taking the ring off smoothly, leaving Diana astonished. "It was easy."

"Why do I feel different?"

Chad sighed before calling the waitress so that they could drink something.

"If you want I can show you... but you have to trust me."

"I am grateful for what you have done to me. However, I need time to think."

"Understandable. Here, have my number!" he stated while taking a paper and pen from his backpack.

She grabbed the paper and looked at it for some time before storing it in her pants pocket, happy. Then the drinks arrived and both stopped talking until the glasses were empty, then they got up and went outside, where Diana started to explain how grateful she was to him and why it was so important to take it off, then they said goodbye and were about to walk off when Diana's mother appears.

"May I know what are you doing here, Diana?"

"Just chatting with my new friend."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Brown!"

"I don't think the same, Greenwood!"

Diana was confused about what was happening, the way that they looked at each other sent shivers down her back. So she decided to retreat a little and as she did that, a fireball sprouted from his hand, her mother grabbed Diana's arm and started to run towards the car, but was cut off by an orange ball that passed right by her head, melting her car door glass.

"Uoh!" Diana froze and looked back, seeing everyone run away from the coffee "Is that magic?"

He smiled and made two huge gold wings appear on his back, Diana then was pulled once again, while she was still astonished by the sudden attack, to the other side of the car without letting the girl think.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chad yelled. "She will know someday!"

"What is he talking about, mother?" Diana asked looking through the window of her mother, he didn't have the wings anymore and was saying bye with something in his hand "Wait... He has my ring."

"What?" Lexie shouted stopping the car, however, he was no longer at the coffee and the police sirens were getting near "I told you to not trust strangers? See where are we now. What are we going to do!"

"Why I can't be without the ring?" Diana questioned as her mother entered the main road. Moments later the girl started to feel dizzy "You treat me... as I am... precio..."

All of a sudden, Diana fainted, catching Lexie by surprise. Then the woman pulled over at the same time as she grabbed the phone from the glove compartment.

"We have a problem, Edwin."