

Fyren and I reached the predetermined rendezvous point several minutes early. He had chosen a remote grassy knoll, several miles removed from the bustling city and hidden from the view of any passersby on the roads or waterways. It was an ideal location, affording us the freedom to unleash nearly all of our abilities while concealing our true strength from prying eyes.

After a brief wait, Soltair and Trithe made their appearance, strolling hand in hand up the gentle slopes of the hills. Their contentment radiated, evident in their gentle smiles and the affectionate looks they gave each other. Trithe moved with a light and confident step, and the profound, intimate gazes she and Soltair shared could have made even the most seasoned romantic blush.

"Apologies for our tardiness," Soltair offered, giving Trithe's hand a tender squeeze.