
Blade Demon

Aqua's words sent a shock through me, my tail giving a startled flick. I stared at her, heart racing, eyes wide. She was an inquisitor, yet offered to fight a demon alongside me? Forget me trusting her, how could she possibly rely on me? I was a demon in their eyes, no different than this evolved demon before us. 

The shriek of steel shattered my thoughts, the demon suddenly looming over me. It brought a bladed arm down, smashing heavily into the blad ward. A small ripple surged across the ward's barrier, a noticeable chunk of my mana dispersing.

Fable let out a cry and leaped at the demon, snapping his jaws shut on a large blade and dragging it away. Blood leaked through his canine lips as the infernal steel cut into his flesh, but he showed no indication he felt pain, tightening his grip and slamming the demon into the ground. The demon let out a shrill groan and flailed about, slicing through the wolf's hardened fur, leaving long, jagged furrows in his flesh.