
the forgotten people

This story is about a man born on a world that has long been forgotten where their only live beast that can kill with one strike and acid rain where anything that touches it either dies or changes from it. what will happen when he leaves this planet will he become something magnificent or just another grain of dust in the passing of time.

nightwalker321 · Fantasi
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4 Chs


Waking up all that could be seen was a bright light. Looking around Damian could see he was in an all white room with only a bed and a chair inside. Getting up Damian had to lean on the wall after getting upright it felt as if his legs were fighting him with every move he made. 

Going to the chair and sitting down Damian wondered what exactly happened and how he didn;t die from the stalks stinger looking down he could see his chest covered in bandages. Which brought him even more questions like how they could heal him and what they wanted with him to go through the trouble of saving him.

While lost in thought Damian heard the door handle rattle and what awaited him was something he couldn't believe. What was in front of him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen with long dark purple hair and eyes. And most surprising of all was the long pointed ears that stretched back 15cm. 

"Hello, I'm Nataline, could you tell me what happened to you to get such serious injuries? It took our best healers to neutralize the poison and our surgeons were barely able to close the wound on you." Hearing her speak was one of the most beautiful sounds he has ever heard.

Knowing that these people must have saved his life, he decided that it wouldn't be too bad to tell them what led to him getting in such a state. 

"I was out wandering the ruins when I was spotted by a few of these stalks and they stabbed me in my chest while I was running away into this building and then I can't remember anything else." Damian said while feeling the bandages around his chest.

"From the sound of it. It seems that the place you passed out in was an old teleportation circle that sent you here to the kingdom of Martus on planet Lucious." Nataline said.

Hearing this Damian had one thought on his mind. 'WHERE THE HELL AM I'. what did the women mean kingdom and planet all he ever know was the capital the last safe place on planet Gertasia

Deciding to not ask anything about this due to not knowing what their motive is for keeping him here he decided to listen and not speak anything that may give him away.

"Alright so the final thing that I need to discuss is payment where you can either pay us now which doesn't seem to be possible or you can payus in 2 months time where we will take a 5% interest rate" Nataline said with a smile that said or else which sent shivers up Damians spine. 

"I'll pay later." Damian said seeing no other option since he had nothing worth anything on him.

"Alright in 2 months you must pay off 50,023 tapistals. Otherwise, we'll find you and make you pay another way..." Nataline said with a smile that made Damian's body run cold.

"To leave head out the front doors down the hall to the left." Nataline said while leaving

like that Damian was once again left alone in the all-white room. Utterly confused about the event that just transpired.

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