
The Forgotten Crimson

In the world of Avalon, where many monsters have started to pop out, Avalon was once a world with 4 continents, 4 continents that try to oppose each other, the continent Ignis of humans, the continent Sylvana of elves, the continent Ferrok of dwarves, and the continent Aquapolis of Mermaids, each nations has their own specialty, but then they were forced to have an alliance because monsters one day unknowingly appeared. As the monsters appears... dungeons and a new unknown continent appeared as well... They are also known as, continent of monsters, where orc, goblins, ogre, lizards, and many other monsters lives. As monsters appeared, gods as well, and Legends whisper of a hidden civilization, where crimson skies cloak a forgotten magic; whispers speak of a forgotten power, a crimson legacy shrouded in shadow. The Forgotten Crimson plunges you into a heart-stopping adventure alongside Rowan. When the secrets of the past resurface, he is thrust into a thrilling battle against hidden forces. Prepare for a story where danger lurks around every corner and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. As Rowan unravel the hidden mysteries of the world, he discovered one day, that he can travel through different worlds and realms because of his ??? skill. It's as if he's dreams are always coming true, because of this, all of his schemes has always been successful and none of them disappointed him. Not only that, he has the most ridiculous and insane growth.

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19 Chs

The Deception and the Blade

The air crackled with chaotic energy as Mephisto's spells slammed into the ground. Each detonation left a crater, but Rigurd remained untouched, a mocking grin plastered on his face. The S-Rank and A-Rank attacks, spells that could level cities, were child's play against Rigurd's nimble movements.

"Furious? You should be!" 

Rigurd taunted, his voice laced with amusement. 

"Foolishly believing a tale spun by a lowly trickster. Did you think I would truly harm a child?"

Mephisto's rage burned hotter than the flames erupting from his fingertips. He had been manipulated, used as a pawn in Rigurd's game. The betrayal by his supposed ally, Admir, paled in comparison to the sickening realization that he had jeopardized his own principles for a lie.

Fury turned to despair. Mephisto slumped, his magical aura flickering. He had acted impulsively, blinded by fear. Now, he was left with nothing but regret.

"You betrayed Admir, Mephisto!" 

Mephisto rasped, his voice raw with emotion. 

"You used me like a puppet!"

Rigurd's laughter echoed through the devastation. A cruel amusement danced in his eyes.

"A puppet? Hardly. You were a fly caught in my web, dancing to my tune."

From the folds of his cloak, Rigurd produced a massive greatsword. Its obsidian blade pulsed with an ominous dark energy. Mephisto's breath caught – the legendary Slaughterer Greatsword, a weapon wielded only by the Armathean bloodline. Those who dared to use it without the proper lineage faced a swift and gruesome demise.

But Rigurd held the weapon with no sign of strain. A cruel smile twisted his lips.

"Surprised?" he sneered. "Let me introduce you to Ronterra's Holy Sword!"

The name sent shivers down Mephisto's spine. It was a blatant mockery, a desecration of a sacred weapon. Rigurd had twisted the very essence of the blade to suit his own dark purposes.

With a flourish, Rigurd slammed the blade into the ground, a shockwave radiating outwards. Smoke and debris erupted, obscuring Rigurd from sight.

"This little performance is over," 

Rigurd's voice echoed from the smoke. 

"But fear not, Mephisto. Our little game has only just begun."

A dark chuckle filled the air, followed by the fading sounds of retreating footsteps. Mephisto was left alone amidst the ruins, the weight of his mistakes pressing down on him. He had fallen for a trick, betrayed his friend, and unleashed a possibly unstoppable evil.

Despair threatened to consume him, but a flicker of defiance sparked within Mephisto's heart. He had been a fool, but he wouldn't let Rigurd win. He would find a way to rectify his mistakes, even if it cost him his life.

Mephisto stumbled through the smoke, his vision blurry with tears. He found Admir, his once-proud friend, broken and lifeless. A strangled cry escaped his lips, a sound so raw and primal that it echoed through the desolate battlefield.

Ignoring the throbbing pain in his own body, Mephisto sank beside Admir. The weight of his mistakes pressed down on him, suffocating. He had let fear and rage cloud his judgment, and in doing so, he had condemned his friend.

(The One-Man Army), Mephisto whispered, his voice thick with grief. It was a simple title, but it spoke volumes about Admir's strength and unwavering loyalty. A loyalty Mephisto had so tragically betrayed.

A flicker of determination sparked amidst the despair. He wouldn't let Admir's sacrifice be in vain. (Rowan), Admir's adopted son, would need someone to watch over him now. Someone who wouldn't make the same mistakes Mephisto had.

With newfound resolve, Mephisto shouldered the burden of grief and responsibility. The scene fades as he begins the arduous task of burying Admir on a windswept mountaintop. The setting sun paints the sky in hues of orange and purple, casting a long shadow from the greatsword he plants firmly beside the grave. It's the very same Slaughterer Greatsword that now rests in Rigurd's evil grasp.

As he carves the inscription onto the makeshift headstone, a choked sob escapes his lips. "Sorry," he rasps, the word laden with regret. 

"I never meant to betray you. I thought..." 

Shame choked the rest of his words. He had been a pawn, manipulated by Rigurd's lies.

Mephisto collapses to his knees, burying his face in his hands. Tears streamed down his cheeks, a torrent of grief and remorse. He had betrayed his friend for nothing. Rigurd had played him like a fiddle, and now Admir was gone. The weight of his actions threatened to crush him.

But even in the depths of despair, a faint ember of hope flickered. He would honor Admir's memory. He would protect Rowan. And he would find a way to stop Rigurd, no matter the cost.

As Mephisto finished burying Admir's body, he stood up with a heavy heart, his mind filled with a mix of grief and determination. He knew that he had to honor Admir's memory by protecting Rowan, Admir's adopted son, and ensuring that he would not make the same mistakes that Mephisto had.

Just as Mephisto was about to leave the windswept mountaintop, a voice called out from behind him. 


It was Kenta, a young teenager who had been training under Admir's guidance. He had sensed the disappearance of Admir's aura and rushed to the scene, worried that something had happened.

Kenta's eyes were filled with concern as he approached Mephisto. 

"What happened? Where is Admir?" 

He asked, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and sadness.

Mephisto turned to face Kenta, his expression somber. 

"Admir... he's gone," 

He replied, his voice heavy with grief. 

"He sacrificed himself to protect us all."

'I shouldn't tell Kenta that I betrayed Admir...'

'I can't do it, knowing Admir died, it's already a heavy information, if I top it off saying that I betrayed his father, it might be too hard for him to take.'

Kenta's eyes widened in shock, and tears welled up in his eyes. 

"No... Admir... he was like a father to me," 

He whispered, his voice choked with emotion.


Mephisto told what happened to Admir.

Kenta was stunned to hear that the King of Ronterra, Rigurd. Is such a man.

His features then shifted from shocked to despair, hearing his father has been killed fiercely.

Mephisto placed a comforting hand on Kenta's shoulder. 

"I know, Kenta. It might be hard for you to take, but Admir was a great man, and his legacy will live on through us. We must carry on his teachings and protect the Sunhaven."

Kenta nodded, wiping away his tears. 

"You're right, Mephisto. We can't let Admir's sacrifice be in vain. We have to stop Rigurd and bring justice to his wicked deeds."

A renewed determination filled Mephisto's heart as he looked at Kenta. 

"Together, we will find a way to stop Rigurd. We will protect Sunhaven and ensure that his future is not tainted by the darkness that has befallen us."

With their resolve strengthened, Mephisto and Kenta set off from the mountaintop, their path intertwined with the fate of Sunhaven and the battle against Rigurd. They knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, filled with challenges and sacrifices, but they were ready to face whatever came their way.

As they walked side by side, the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the land. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it a sense of hope and resilience. Mephisto and Kenta knew that they carried the weight of Admir's legacy on their shoulders, and they would do everything in their power to honor his memory and protect the ones he loved.

And so, their journey continued, fueled by the memory of a fallen friend and the determination to bring an end to Rigurd's reign of darkness. Little did they know that their paths would intertwine with Rowan's in ways they could never have imagined, leading them towards a destiny that would shape the fate of the world.