
Chapter 1

Hundreds of years ago, there was a celestial war between the Celestial, the Folkland, and the Fallen.

The mighty hero, King Varog followed by his companions, Archer Ophlia, and mage Hezra fought a fierce battle with the Fallen. They succeeded in defeating the evil Fallen and they came to a compromise that should the world continue to be one, there would be a thousand more wars that would follow. So they decided to divide the world to 3.

The Celestial, the Folkland and the Fallen. They have always been immortal enemies ever since the battle of the 3 worlds. No other mortal, creature or celstial would have any access to the other world. It was strictly forbidden to have a cross-breed of the different species and all who conceive cross breeds were humiliated, banished and exiled

The Celestial lives a life of luxury and wealth with everything in their hands. The Folkland consisted mostly of farmers, warriors, adventurers, lords and peasants. They live a very simple life where everyone worked hard even if they did not like to do the things that had to do. The Fallen is the worst place ever to exist. In lived the forgotten, banshees, fury and killer monsters.

A sharp bell ring is sounded. Everyone looks up at the clock. "And that's it for today's lesson, be sure to continue to read more in-depth about what happened in the war." The teacher stood up and left the class.

"Dang, that was cool isn't it, Amber?" Jade, a brown haired girl who always ties her hair into side braids and has brown eyes, your classmate and your best friend looked at you while stretching.

"I'm just glad school is finally over. I probably wasn't listening to what teacher El was saying." You stand up and pack your bag. "Besides, what are we gonna do with this information? We won't be able to use it now. They're dead."

You shrug your bag over your shoulder and look at Jade, "Besides, I prefer to be free in the woods with no care in the world. Tell Willow I said 'Hi', and you guys know where to meet me, Ciao" You put 2 fingers near your head and do a salute and wink to Jade.

"AMBER!" Jade tried to grab you but she misses as you escape through the window.

As you run, you look at the trees and think to yourself. 'I've always loved to run. That intoxicating pain after running is great. You don't have to think when you run. You just do it. You run. And run. And run. Until you reach your final destination.'

You stop and look up at a tree. "It's grown so much," you stare at the tree and chuckle to yourself.

You sit down next the tree. You look down and see a leaf that says 'Here lies Nuts the squirrel'. You look solemnly at it and the next thing you know, you're sleeping.


"COME ON JADE, WILLOW, LETS SEE WHO CAN REACH THE TREE FIRST!" you shout as you run as fast as you can.

You reach your hand out to touch the tree and you suddenly fall on your face into a pile of leaves.

Jade and willow stop and look at you. You pop out of the leaves with branches and leaves on your hair. Jade looks at you panicked. Willow rolls his eyes and lifts you out of the leaves. All of you laugh but you suddenly feel a pain at the side of your mouth.

You feel around your mouth and spit something out. "What's this?" You ask jade and willow.

"Oh my gosh, Amber, that's a tooth. You should be more careful next time," Jade sighs.

You shrug and place the tooth into your pocket. You hear a rustle inside the pile of leaves. Willow steps infront of both you and jade.

"Get back. It may be a shape-shifting fury. Run if it is." Willow tells you and Jade as he approaches the pile of leaves.

He takes a nearby stick and pokes the pile of leaves. A squirrel jumps out. Willow screams and drops the stick and runs behind you and jade.

You and Jade look at him judgingly. "Bruh, if you were scared, don't act all brave." You roll your eyes.

Then you stare at the squirrel. It states at the three of you. "Is it hungry? Maybe it can eat the tooth!" You look at Jade and Willow with sparkles in your eyes as you take out the tooth in your pocket.

Jade quickly takes away the tooth and you look at her curiously. "You can't feed it the tooth. It'll die. Do you want that?" She asks you.

"NO! I want to keep it." You squat infront of the squirrel and smile at it.

It climbs on you and into your hair. You laugh and look at Jade and Willow. "Let's name it Nuts!"


"Amber. Amber. Wake up." Somebody calls you. You wake up and are face to face with a stranger. You push the stranger to a tree, get out your knife and place it at the strangers neck.

"Who are you? How do you know my name, creep?" You question the man with anger in your eyes.