
The Forged Vows

In a twist of fate at the café, as you prepare to introduce your new fiancé to your parents and meet the intriguing men, you're stunned to find an envelope containing a note from your soon-to-be spouse, breaking off the engagement. Confusion and disappointment fill your heart as you struggle to understand the sudden change. Caught in a predicament, your parents' joyous anticipation for the engagement ceremony leaves you hesitant to reveal the truth. Just as despair threatens to consume you, a voice cuts through the tension with an unexpected proclamation, "Sorry to keep you waiting..." It's one of the men you've just met, and he's claiming to be your fiancé. Intrigued and caught off-guard, you listen as he explains himself further. As circumstances unfold, you find yourself drawn into a complex web of emotions and decisions. With a mixture of curiosity, desperation, and perhaps a spark of daring, you agree to enter into a fake marriage with this enigmatic stranger. Your path becomes a delicate dance between loyalty to your parents' happiness and the mystery that surrounds this unexpected development. As days turn into weeks and the charade continues, you find yourself spending time with this man in the guise of a couple. As the two of you navigate this façade, you begin to uncover layers of his personality, his past, and the reasons behind his sudden proposition. A slow but undeniable connection forms, intertwining your lives in ways you never imagined. Throughout the journey, you're faced with moments of vulnerability, shared laughter, and unexpected intimacy. As your relationship deepens, the lines between fiction and reality blur, and you question the authenticity of your emotions. Is it just a charade, or is there something genuine blossoming amidst the pretense?As the story reaches its climax, you must confront your feelings and make a choice. Will you continue to uphold the pretense for the sake of your parents' happiness, or will you pursue your own heart's desires?

Conan_Edogawa_4865 · perkotaan
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Encounter

Hanako POV:

As I walked down the corner street, my heart was filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Excitement and nervousness mingled within me as I approached the café, the very place my parents had suggested we meet with my fiancé. Clutching the piece of paper tightly in my hand, I double-checked the address to ensure I was in the right place. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door, and the gentle chime of the bell greeted my arrival. Stepping inside, I was enveloped by the cozy ambiance of the café. The soft aroma of freshly brewed coffee permeated the air, instantly calming my racing thoughts. The café exuded a warm and welcoming atmosphere, with its soft lighting and comfortable seating arrangements. It felt like the perfect setting for such an important meeting. As I made my way around the room, my gaze fell upon a group of five attractive men, their presence commanding attention. Each possessed a unique charm and aura that set them apart from one another. They seemed engrossed in their conversations, and as I walked towards my seat, they turned their heads to look at me. Feeling a slight blush creep onto my cheeks, I quickly averted my gaze and proceeded to take my seat. Just as I settled down, a familiar face caught my attention. He had a striking resemblance to my mother, and I couldn't think of any other reason but that he might be her brother, someone she often spoke of. With a warm smile, he called me over and greeted me, his presence putting me at ease. He introduced himself as Makoto Toshiro, my mother's older brother. It was a relief that he seemed to know who I was before I even had a chance to ask. I introduced myself in return, standing up from my seat and bowing respectfully. "I'm Hanako Miyazaki," I said softly. He chuckled softly, leaving me slightly perplexed. I couldn't help but inquire about the reason behind his laughter. "No, it's nothing," he replied, his warm smile persisting. "Your mother called me last night regarding your engagement. She's obviously happy for you, but also a bit concerned that you didn't share the news with them until after the engagement. However, seeing you so happy now, I think there's no need for worry." His gentle words and kind smile eased my nerves, and I smiled back at him, a mixture of gratitude and nervousness in my expression. Just then, the group of five men approached our table, I noticed the curious glances they exchanged with Uncle Toshiro. They seemed to be wondering who I was, and their puzzled expressions matched my own uncertainty about the situation. Feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation, I held my breath, waiting for the introduction. Uncle Toshiro, with his usual warmth, gestured towards me and smiled. "Allow me to introduce you, gentlemen. This is Hanako Miyazaki, my niece, and the woman who's captured the heart of her fiancé." The men's eyes widened in surprise as they glanced from Uncle Toshiro to me. I felt a tinge of embarrassment, suddenly aware of their attention focused on me. One of them, Hiroshi, stepped forward and offered a polite bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hanako-san. I'm Hiroshi Takahashi." Kazuki, standing next to Hiroshi, flashed a charming grin and introduced himself next. "Hey there, I'm Kazuki Nakamura. Nice to meet you." Takuya followed suit, his composed demeanor making him seem like the leader of the group. "Good day, Hanako-san. I'm Takuya Yamamoto, pleased to make your acquaintance." Ryo, the fourth man, nodded politely and added, "Hello, I'm Ryo Tanaka. It's a pleasure to meet you." Lastly, Haruki approached with an enthusiastic smile, "Hi, I'm Haruki Suzuki, a marketing specialist. It's great to meet you!" Feeling both relieved and curious, I returned their greetings with a shy smile. "Nice to meet all of you too," I replied, trying to hide the swirl of emotions within me. Uncle Toshiro, seemingly delighted by the interaction, spoke up again. "Hanako-san, these fine gentlemen here are all frequent visitors to my café. They are good friends who often meet here to unwind and discuss their work and lives. I thought it might be nice for you to get acquainted with them." I nodded, appreciating the thoughtful gesture from Uncle Toshiro. As we engaged in polite conversation, I discovered that each man had a unique background and profession. Hiroshi's dedication to his police work, Kazuki's passion for art, Takuya's role as a CEO, Ryo's expertise in financial analysis, and Haruki's creative flair in marketing—each intrigued me in their own way. After the introductions, we engaged in a small conversation, and the atmosphere gradually lightened as we all started to relax. Kazuki, with his playful nature, initiated the conversation by asking, "So, Hanako-san, how did you and your fiancé meet? It must be quite the love story." I chuckled softly, feeling more at ease with the friendly group. "It's not as dramatic as you might think," I admitted. "We met at a mutual friend's party, and we just clicked from the start. Our friendship grew into something more over time." Haruki chimed in, his eyes bright with curiosity, "That's lovely! Do you two have any shared hobbies or interests?" "We both enjoy hiking and exploring nature," I replied, grateful for their genuine interest in getting to know me. "It's something we find incredibly refreshing and peaceful." Takuya, the composed CEO, raised an eyebrow with a smile. "Hiking, huh? It sounds like a great way to clear your mind and recharge." I nodded, appreciating his understanding. "Exactly, it's our way of escaping the hustle and bustle of daily life." Ryo, the financial analyst, leaned in and asked, "And do you have any favorite places you like to hike together?" I described some of our favorite hiking spots, the conversation flowed effortlessly from there. We talked about everything from travel to hobbies, discovering shared interests and stories that made us all laugh. As time passed, I found myself feeling more comfortable and genuinely enjoying the company of these five men, and it seemed they felt the same way. Hiroshi, with his morning coffee in hand, listened intently to our conversation, occasionally chiming in with a thoughtful comment or a question. His presence added a sense of calm to the group, and I couldn't help but notice the warmth in his eyes as he interacted with everyone. It was as if we had all known each other for much longer than just a few minutes. Just then, Uncle Toshiro approached me with a white envelope in his hand and handed it to me, his expression showing concern. "A man at the door said to give this to you and then left without sharing his name," he explained. I couldn't help but feel my heart race as I opened the envelope. As I unfolded the letter inside, the words hit me like a ton of bricks. "I'm sorry, but I'm breaking off the engagement," the letter read. "But why?!" I whispered, feeling a mix of confusion, shock, and sadness wash over me. The café suddenly felt suffocating, and my eyes welled up with tears. I tried my best to maintain composure, not wanting to burden Uncle Toshiro or the five men with my personal troubles. Uncle Toshiro gently placed a hand on my shoulder, offering silent comfort and support. The five men exchanged worried glances, their concern evident in their expressions. Hiroshi, always the caring one, spoke up softly, "Hanako-san, are you alright? If there's anything we can do..." I managed a weak smile, grateful for their kindness. "Thank you," I replied, my voice trembling slightly. "I'm just... I'm not sure what happened. Everything seemed fine, and now..." Haruki's compassionate nature led him to offer his thoughts, "Maybe he had his reasons, but that doesn't make it any less difficult for you. Take your time to process this, and remember we're here for you." Their genuine concern touched my heart, and I felt a glimmer of comfort amidst the turmoil. "Thank you," I repeated, grateful for their presence and support. The unexpected turn of events had taken me by surprise, but having these five men and Uncle Toshiro by my side made the situation a little less daunting.

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