
37. HP Chapter 8

Mike's POV

I groaned as I blinked my eyes opened.

My stomach was still aching from pain yet it was void of any wounds or blood. I was lying comfortably on the bed with pillows supporting parts of my limbs. A cosy blanket was draped over and tucked in nicely, no doubt the handiwork of Madam Pomfrey.

I drowsily remembered the uncomfortable wet feeling of the rain on my skin and clothes. Countess and her bats. My anger at her blatant mention of Kagura. Me getting injured by her.

And Sirius…

I shot up from bed, no longer sleepy and very aware of what Sirius had done. Unfortunately, my sudden action had earned squeals of alarm from the bed beside me.


It was Harry on the bed with his team and friends surrounding him. Nearly everyone was soaking wet from the downpour during the Quidditch match and their mood was a mixture of being sour from the defeat and after-fear from dementors entering the match suddenly. Every single one of them was munching slowly on a chocolate bar, a remedy highly encouraged by Lupin after encountering dementors.

"Where's the..." I stopped myself. I lipped my dry lips before I asked. "Who brought me here?"

"You mean Sirius Black?"

"Wh... What?"

"He... He turned himself in. He's at Dumbledore's office." Hermione quietly replied.

"Oh no. No. No. NO!" Ignoring the condition I was in, I kicked off the bedsheets and shot out of the infirmary. They tried to stop me but I wriggled out of their way. "That idiot!"

I took a glimpse at the window and figured I had only taken a short period of time being knock out. Maybe if I rushed, I could still make it in time to stop it.


I slammed the door open to see Sirius Black sitting on the chair, engaged in some quiet conversations with someone. I stomped my way across and grabbed the front of his shirt with both of my hands.

"YOU IDIOT!" I roared, my veins nearly popping from my neck. "HOW COULD YOU JUST TURN YOURSELF IN?"

"WELL, DO YOU EXPECT ME TO LEAVE YOU THERE DYING?" He roared back with equal intensity, grabbing onto his shirt to prevent it from ripping.



We breathed heavily from all the roaring. He sighed, head looking down before speaking softly.

"Do you expect one of my friends to die right in front of me without doing anything? Again?"

"Are you expecting me to see you get a Dementor's kiss? See you die before you can make yourself clear before Harry?" I retorted back.

We glared at each other for a long while. It would have continued if someone had not clapped their hands twice to bring us out from the intense atmosphere. We turned our attention to the source.

Albus Dumbledore.

My eyes glanced to the side. To my utter surprise, Professor Mcgonagall and Hagrid were sitting there at the side with shocked expressions on their faces. It must have been a fright to see this other side of me.

"If you are both done with your argument, I would like to have the both of you take a seat."

Dumbledore said normally, as though our argument had not taken place at all. He gestured to the empty seats.


We dumbly took the seats like children who had just thrown their tantrum and had no idea what to do with the aftermath. Dumbledore nodded to himself after ensuring that everyone was seated.

"Now, before Micheal came and interrupt us, I would like to ask. Why are you willing to turn yourself in, Sirius?"

He locked his fingers together and gazed at him deeply.

"Peter Pettigrew is in Hogwarts." Sirius bluntly said.

I deeply sighed as I leaned forward and rubbed the temples of my forehead. Professor Mcgonagall gasped while Hagrid stood up, his face turning red and his big fists ready to take a swing.

"You would use a dead... "

"Peter is not dead." I interrupted Professor Mcgonagall. My hand raised up to stop her from speaking further. "I can prove it."

She fell silent. Everyone glanced at me, each with their own form of questions and how I would come to play. I sighed deeply again. The story was going in a totally different direction. I might as well change it to how I like it to be.

"Just get Ron to bring his rat and I reveal it. If it's a rat, it's a rat. If it's not..."

"Then it's Peter." Sirius spat. "That traitor!"

I grabbed his arm and glared at him. He kept his mouth shut but still gave an equally deadly glare at me. Dumbledore peered at me through his half-moon spectacles for a while before nodding.

"Knowing you, you would prefer actions rather than words. Very well, we will test it."

It didn't take long for Ron to bring Scabbers into the Principal's Office. Of course, he wasn't alone when he came. Lupin, Hermione and Harry all entered the office.

Upon seeing Sirius, Lupin made a sudden movement of sticking his hand into his robe to pull out his wand. Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore witnessed this and gestured for him to stand down.

"Ron, if you would please pass me your rat." I spoke politely while extending out my hand.

"What are you going to do with Scabbers?"

"A little magic trick." I winked, an action uncharacteristically of myself. "Like what Muggles will do."

I placed the rat down on the floor. As though sensing something wrong, the rat started to squeal, scratch and bite my hand. I winced at the pain so I switched to holding his tail while I placed a locking charm on the ground to prevent Scabbers, or Peter, from escaping.

Taking a step back, I glimpsed at the people around the room before I cast the spell.


And the rest was partly like the story itself.

I'm hearing all the fans coming at me about the "what if's" now. I don't know what will happen next, but i like this way... although it could have been better.

DarkWinter3creators' thoughts