
Unwanted Relationships


I spend a couple of hours in the park with Emma until she is too tired to play anymore. We walk home slowly. My mum and dad should be up by now, and it will be good for us all to hang out together.

When we get back to the house Emma runs into the kitchen where my mum and dad are cooking together and gives each of them a big hug.

“Did you have fun at the park Emmy?” My mum asks her.

“Yes, it was great fun. We met Rob and he asked Katy to be his girlfriend”

Great, I think. My little talk with my sister in the park had made no impact whatsoever. I need to close this one down before mum gets too excited. My mum loves Rob and I know that she secretly hopes that we will get together.

“That isn’t strictly true though is it Emmy” I say. “Rob and I are going to the cinema together as friends. We are not boyfriend and girlfriend, and never will be”.

“Never is a long time Katy” my mum protests. “You and Rob are such good friends, and feelings can grow. I think he likes you as more than just a friend.”

“No mum not going to happen” I protest. “Besides Rob is much too popular with the ladies, every Omega, and some of the other higher-ranking pack shewolves have a thing for him. I couldn’t compete even if I wanted to.”

“Katy sometimes I don’t think you realise how beautiful, intelligent and kind you are” my mum says quietly “but I think Rob does. Don’t sell yourself short and miss out on a great guy”.

I don’t know how to respond to this so quickly change the subject.


I am in my room in the pack house. Like all the family’s rooms it is large and spacious with a big king size bed and a massive flat screen TV on the wall. It has a large ensuite bathroom and a separate seating area with comfy sofas. That is where I am sitting now as I read through Katy’s file for the fourth time. I am trying to get a picture of who this girl is, but the file in the pack records is short on details.

Our pack doesn’t care enough about its Omega’s to record much about their lives. I know that the only way to really learn about this girl is to spend time with her, but I am not going to do that. This mate bond is bad enough when I am not in her presence, I don’t know what I will do if I see her again.

I keep dreaming about holding her in my arms. Her long athletic legs wrapped around my waist. I think of all the places that I can kiss her, that I can touch her. I want to listen to her scream my name as I take her. I am getting hard even thinking about it. This needs to stop. How can I let a weak little Omega who I have only met once affect me like this?

I hope that Euan’s brother can provide me with information I need to understand this girl better. If he can’t provide it now then I will have to think of a way to get him to find out.

I hear a knock on the door. “Who is it I shout in my most commanding voice”

“Euan” is the reply.

“Come in” I tell him.

Once Euan has entered the room and settled on a seat across from me, I ask him the question that has been bothering me all day. “So, what did you find out”

“About Katy” he asks innocently.

“Yes, who else” I answer abruptly. I am annoyed I have no time for his games.

“Not a lot” Euan answers “Daniel is in a few of her classes, but he doesn’t have much to do with her. Your brother isn’t keen on any of the crowd he hangs out with speaking to Omega’s unless it is to bully them.”

“Of course,” I respond that sounds like my little brother, he is just like our father. I am silent for a moment thinking about what I should say next.

“Daniel did say that the only person who really knows her is Lily, the daughter of the Beta.” Euan says.

“Really, how is that possible?” I ask. I am surprised by this Beta Carl is just like my father I would have thought it would be a blow to his pride for his only daughter to be friends with an Omega.

“With difficulty. Daniel thinks that Lily has been very stubborn and has refused to give up her friend. She is very loyal to your Omega.”

“She is not my Omega” I say quickly.

“Really? You seem to be spending a lot of time investigating her if she doesn’t hold some kind of significance for you.” Euan answers shrewdly.

“That is none of your concern. You are reading too much into this” I reply.

“Maybe that is because you are not giving me any credible reason as to whey you are so interested in her. I am making judgements based upon the facts in front of me, and the facts point to this girl meaning something to you. That you might even care for her. “

I can see that he is getting too close to the truth. I need to shut this down now. “I don’t need to tell you why I am interested in this Omega. I am your Alpha not your friend. You will stop trying to figure out my reasons for this. If I think you need to know I will tell you, but that will be my decision not yours. Are we clear?”

“Yes Alpha” Euan says.

“Good. I still need to know more about this girl. It is interesting that she is friends with Lily, but I don’t think it would be wise to ask her about her friend. You will tell Daniel to ignore my brother’s objections and befriend Katy. That should be easier to do if she is already hanging out with Lily. I do not want Daniel to know the reason why, but I will leave you to make up some plausible excuse. Tell him to start straight away. It is important that I know more about this girl.”

“Yes Alpha” Euan says.

“I will want regular updates from him. He should report to you what he finds out, and then you can update me “

He nods and gets up to leave.

I don’t stop him. I know I am pushing him with my obsession to find out more about Katy. I know that he is beginning to figure this out and it won’t be long before he realises that she is my mate, but now is not the time for me to confide in him.

I need to find out all I can about Katy and soon. My obsession just seems to get worse, and I can’t let it distract me from the work I still need to do.