


I catch up with Euan at the perimeter of the forest, he has already started to organise our fighters. Listing those warriors that have been killed or injured, forming the survivors into groups. I notice that he has tallied up the number of rogues who have been killed. There are only a few rogue survivors. We will keep them prisoner and question them to try and find out why the launched this attack. This was not a normal rogue attack; they have never been so organised before. We need to find out who planned this and what they were trying to achieve.

I will torture them myself if I have to. I am barely holding my rage in check, they killed my pack members, and almost murdered my mate. They will pay.

Euan comes over to me and asks quietly “did Katy survive?”

“Yes, my mate survived” I tell him.

“She is still your mate then?” he asks me.

“Yes, I didn’t reject her, I won’t reject her. She is mine.”