

She was beautiful, and she was brave. The incomparable Angela Leonard. The princess of the Astral Kingdom was revered by many for her extraordinary beauty and kind personality. She single-handedly helped the kingdom fight evil beings. Men fell in love with her, but she was as cold as ice. But what will happen when a hot and handsome hellhound in human form finds his way to her? Will the princess's heart melt? The duty of protecting the kingdom weighed heavily on her shoulders. He was powerful but kind. He was afraid that she'd find out who he was. He tried to escape, but she always found him. Her ethereal face and beautiful personality were like a drug to him. The noblest of the hellhound clan and the princess of the heavenly realm began their love. How will the love story end? Will the day come when she'll be forced to raise her sword against him? The story contains romance, adventure, fantasy, the supernatural, and fear.

Sabarinath_Vk_2180 · perkotaan
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Celestial castle

Kingdom Of Celestia

Celestia is considered to be the most powerful kingdom on the planet Blue Star. People live in peaceful times, and the current king is said to be the strongest of the human race. The current king, Damon Leonard, governs the kingdom wisely and nobly. He is kind to his own people but ruthless toward other races. He has three children, including two princes and the youngest princess. The wisdom and strength of his rule are respected by all races, and many seek out his advice in times of need.

Many women in the kingdom consider Luke Leonard to be their dream lover. Also, having a very handsome face increases his favorability among women. Younger generations know him for being a fearsome warrior with powerful magic. He is considered ambitious, but kind and a stickler for the rules. His reputation as a brave and honorable knight has earned him the admiration of both men and women alike.

The second son, Ron Leonard, is just the opposite of his older brother. He is playful and runs around doing whatever he wants. As much as Damon tried to make this son of his responsible, everything failed, and he could only sigh and let him be. In spite of Damon's best efforts, Ron Leonard was destined to lead a carefree life.

The third is Princess Angela Leonard, considered the most striking woman in the world. At the time of her birth, two stars were aligned in the sky. This is considered an omen from the heavens. It indicates the prosperity of the kingdom in the upcoming years. The kingdom rose to be one of the most powerful in the world.

People look up to her and adore her. They believe that she was the reason for her peaceful days. Angela was exceptional from an early age. She fought in battles and brought political regimes into the kingdom, which resulted in the peaceful lives of the people.

Damon Leonard wanted her to marry, but she picked a husband for the hardest of his trials. This daughter of his was stubborn as a monkey and did not give a damn about her suitors in her eyes. Whenever someone wanted to court her, she would raise her sword against them, and all of them were beaten black and blue. Despite her father's wishes, she refused to be swayed and instead fought off her suitors, demonstrating her strength and will.

The planet Bluestar consists of five kingdoms. Humans constitute the majority in Celestia. The other four kingdoms are made up of many races, such as elves, werewolves, vampires, goblins, and dwarves. Each kingdom has its own unique culture and customs, and the population of Bluestar is equally diverse.

In the past, humans were slaves to other races. However, gradually, they find a way to beat them by wielding a power full of magic called celestial magic, which draws upon the power of stars. Only humans are able to wield this power and, with the help of this power, they defeat the other races and drove them away from the celestial empire. Humanity established an empire that spanned the continent and protected humanity from other races thanks to its newly acquired power.

Other races are banned from entering the empire except on official trips, which are also strictly monitored. Peace and progress were brought about by this empire.

The borders of the empire are always in turmoil due to constant battles against the other kingdoms and the vast human army defending them with their powerful magic. To ensure the borders remain secure, the empire must use its own powerful magic to overpower its enemies and protect its own people.

....................North of the Kingdom, a border camp

A man with blonde hair was relaxing in a hot spring with his eyes closed. His sharp jawline and flawless face resembled a masterpiece painting . The steam rose from the water and covered his well-developed muscles and body. His strong, yet graceful form radiated peaceful tranquility, captivating anyone who laid eyes on him. Two maids beside him rubbed along his beautifully shaped body, admiring the artwork in front of them. In his serene state, the man seemed to have merged with the hot spring and the peaceful atmosphere that surrounded him. This was an honor for them. Although they could be used as toys by the man in front of them, they had no complaints because he was the crown prince. The crown prince radiated authority and power, and everyone present felt a sense of awe.

Luke Leonard, the mighty elder prince.

Just the right pressure was applied to their hands and their hands slid along the stomach muscles perfectly. With gentle and precise strokes, Luke Leonard was given an extraordinary massage that left him feeling completely revitalized. He swung his head back and uttered a moan which indicated that they were doing a good job. The maid, who had a burst of confidence, wanted to lower her hands some more but was stopped by someone coming in. As she looked at the man in front of her, her hands stopped moving.

The Vice-general of the Eagle army, One of the strongest warriors of the human army.

Ryan Garp

As a teenager, he joined the army and became Luke's subordinate. Ryan was arrogant and proud but in front of the elder prince, he couldn't speak a word. One of the people he respected most in this world was his father, and the figure in front of him was the other. Ryan had grown up hearing stories of Luke's prowess as a leader, so he was in awe of him and couldn't bring himself to speak.

He kneeled down without looking up until the prince finished his bath.

Luke turned around and let out a sigh. He wanted to relax but the situation didn't allow him to do so. In ecstasy, the maids beside him devoured his perfectly shaped body as he stood up from his bath. He wanted to forget the troubles that had befallen him, and although unlikely, he found solace in the admiration of the maids. Before patting Ryan's shoulder, he grabbed the towel and dried his body.

"Tell me, Ryan, what is the situation now? The relationship between the two kingdoms has been tense these days. We do not have a war on our hands."

Ryan patted his chest and replied with a smile on his lips.

"They were energetic in attacking our borders before, but the arrival of the prince made them terrified and they have pulled back their forces." "Now, the tables have turned, and it's us who hold the upper hand."

Luke snorted and grabbed a goblet near him that was filled with wine. He knew that werewolf bastards were putting on a show. They wanted him here so that they could divert their forces and attack the south of the empire. Luke took a sip, steeling himself for the events to come, and preparing to face his adversaries. He was determined to keep his composure and make a stand against those who were seeking to take advantage of the kingdom's vulnerability.

He knew their plan all along but still went to the camp. Many people would think this was foolish. He didn't think so, however, since there was someone else guarding the south who was more dangerous than him. Despite the risks, he knew that he had to be there to help protect his people.

His little sister, the Astral Princess Angela Leonard

He sipped the wine and smiled slyly. These werewolves were so unlucky that if they had come against him he would have spared some of them but they had provoked someone like her. Stupidity at its finest. HAHAHA

Seeing the eldest prince laughing, Ryan was confused.

Why is the prince laughing like that? Ryan has seen that laugh numerous times and each and every time it does not bode well. Ryan felt a chill run down his spine, unsure of what to expect next as the implications of the prince's laughter sank in.

Ryan raised his head and asked cautiously.

"Your highness, shouldn't we send forces to the south now that we know their plans?" His question was met with a long silence as the prince considered his options.

Luke shook his head and stood up, looking toward the south

"No need, my sister wanted to go there for a trip. She should be there by now."

Ryan felt a chill run down his spine.

The astral princess ran out to the south of all the places. Having battled with the princess, he could only think of one sentence.

The werewolves are royally fucked this time..... He knew that the Astral princess was incredibly powerful and had been able to best him in battle. He was sure that the werewolves didn't stand a chance against her, and he was right. Even if the werewolves had managed to find a way to fight her, their chances of success would have been slim.
